How come blacks and Latinos don't suffer from depression?
is it because they don't ponder about things as much, and they're "living in the moment"?
How come blacks and Latinos don't suffer from depression?
is it because they don't ponder about things as much, and they're "living in the moment"?
It takes self awareness and a sense of shame to feel depressed, both of which are human qualities
Ignorance is bliss
No it's cuz you don't have a girlfriend and got raped by your gym teacher.
Jews lack self awareness or shame but still suffer from depression.
no we just don't whine about it
cause no one give a fuck
man up you little bitch
>How come blacks and Latinos don't suffer from depression?
5 years with fucking depression, i want to die.
Off course, there are scum that no matter how fucked up life they have, it seems like existence does not affect their emotions.
Colombia is one of the most "happiest" countries in the world, yeah, it´s a fucking lie but, people here lie about emotions, people are fucking afraid of saying their lifes are shitty.
because they have no souls
They do. They just grow up in cultures where having depression isn't acceptable, so they hide it.
Shoo shoo nigger, go get yourself killed in a crack deal, you mindless beast of mischief
Then how come they always say dumb shit like
Niggers lie. Get over it.
They have weak minds. They are easily taken in by the Jewish tricks. Look at niggers. Depressed? Just get a pair of brightly colored basketball shoes
"White males accounted for 7 of 10 suicides in 2014"
1 third of the population, 7/10 of the suicides
>you need a brain to suffer depression.
Probably this Also they are dumber than whites on average and seldom have such horrible introspective thoughts like what if I'm a useless piece of shit. But since most of them are, I understand how they don't have such thoughts, because they exist, don't they? Otherwise they would all have killed themselves by now. God I hate these dumb subhumans so much.
Its becouse their lifes have been shity since they were born, so, if they have a little more of shit, they give a fuck. And white people have good and fancy life, so if they have a little problem in their Disnaeyland Worls, they cry like faggot bitches
They do, you just ignore their suffering.
Listen to this and tell me you don't hear the essence of depression.
The same reason they think that emotion is the same as animal impulses and that music is about banging a steady beat on a drum.
You sad white boi? Come suck this BBC that'll cheer you up.
This. Plus there are far fewer loners and introverts within the Black community.
I just have hope, it's what keeps me going. I could listen to anyone from Sup Forums tell me I'm worth shit or a subhuman, but I still try to get somewhere.
Wouldn't you like a piece of that Arcadian life you sad piece of subhuman shit
Inequality! Misogyny! More women and POC in suicide!
dont steal mah petrol yah white dog
Strong familial bonds, at least for amigos
So it's hard-wired in white males to end the white race.
What the hell are you talking about?
Depressed in my teens with constant suicidal thoughts. My sister snuffed out something weird and made me attend to the psychiatrist, I had to play it cool with the doctor because looney bins here are shit and not nice and comfy places like in the U.S, I was scared shitless.
Now at 25 I only have "mild" depression, still a little push could flip my shit I guess.
I'm pretty curious about your taste in music now
What the fuck is this tuba nonsense? I hear restaurant background music with a sad picture that kind of has the "essence of depression". This shit isn't fit to be played at Olive Garden. What trash.
Well, I think they're generally less abstracted. As in, not prone to abstract musings. Preoccupied with food, dance, and family bonds.
You're a plebeian, enough said.
lol machismo is huge in mexican communities. gender roles are taken serious. i remember they were beating the shit out of emo kids in mexico when the emo trend started. it was an epidemic for a while.
Jews have huge amounts of self-awareness to the point where they realized existentially that life had no meaning and decided to game the system to make themselves the dominant race on Earth.
t. I don't know any black people
You honestly think we don't get depressed?
>a plebian
>for not liking Southern Nigger Tuba Music
consider suicide, tyrone
We just don't mope around like you bitch ass crackahs. And we neither go to the psychological jew to get numbed by pills.
Lol, it's always a fucking leaf. Rake yourself, maplenigger.
Most nigs don't have the IQ for depression. Blacks have an average IQ in America of literally 85. Half are too dumb to feel anything except horny, angry, and hungry.
We're working hard to keep up with whitey. No time to be sad.
Or just too dumb to think. Didn't pay attention in school, don't read, drink too much, do too many drugs. Then they just coast on through.
What a stupid fucking thread OP, no race us immune to depression, what the fuck kind of question is that? Dumb faggot
>doesn't know the difference between a tenor sax and a tuba
kill yourself my man
They do.
>t. white man with a black friend who went to a mental hospital for depression at age 15
But that's wrong you fucking retard
You people really seem to hate fact checking nefore getting your retarded opinions
depression is a meme. they experience it just the same as everybody else. whites however tend to come from more privileged backgrounds (overall) so when things inevitably start to suck they don't cope as well.
I also think IQ plays a role. the purpose of life is a life of purpose. fill your emptiness with a false purpose (i.e. money, women, drugs) and you will inevitbalye be unhappy. as stated above, whites come from more privileged backgrounds, with privileged backgrounds comes the desire and ability to imagine more elaborate 'purposes'. as a result said purposes are generally harder to sustain/achieve, leading to more feelings of emptiness. aka depression
also, being forced to live with a bunch of niggers and spics is grounds for suicide. that alone is probably a better answer to your question than the rest of my post
That's complete bullshit.
Why are white males so mentally weak that they give up rather than explore the abyss?
A lot of mental hospitals in the US are bad too, but I don't think they're quite as bad as in Colombia.
>reeee we get repression too
we see things like suicide and other extreme outcomes from whites and Asians disproportionately and it's not close.
Lower consciousness.
For the most part they are earlier in the stages of soul evolution.
Africans and Mexicans - stage 1
Muslims - stage 2
Whites - advanced stages
This is also why whites get weird, despondent and kill themselves a lot. Closer to knowledge of god thus more able to see the overwhelming imperfections in the physical world. And more empathy to be saddened by those imperfections.
>is it because they don't ponder about things as much, and they're "living in the moment"?
Just call spade a spade.
Because they are fucking down syndrome tier stupid.
>stages of evolution
Depression**. Auto correct
Most people here really do assume all blacks are niggers. Plenty of American blacks have significant European lineage and a lot might be fairly on par with whites if they didn't have such shitty nigger culture destroying their families and any chance they might have at happy lives.
Dude you don't know that, some people just hide it.
They don't have the intellectual capacity to be depressed.
>According to Richard Lynn and others, racial differences in IQ scores are observed around the world A commonly-cited review by Richard Lynn lists IQ scores for East Asians (105), Europeans (99), Inuit (91), Southeast Asians and Amerindians (87 each), Pacific Islanders (85), South Asians/North Africans (84), Non-Bushmen sub-Saharan Africans (67), Australian Aborigines (62) and Bushmen (54).
Read the Bell Curve.
because the abyss means being surrounded by endless shades of non-white. exploring the abyss is just a fancy way of saying "took a trip to Kenya"
>Bill Nye
>Not actor
Ok well if this shit were true then how do you address ?
I love how people here love to say they base their opinions on cold hard facts and not "muh fewings" but never actually check the facts to see if they are right
So we get tons of responses like Who have absolutely no idea what they're talking about, show no actual proof and still hold themselves as the paragon of truth
Mexican here I have suffer from depression for the most part of my life.
Because you assholes don't even love yourselves.
You live in a culture that idolizes the idea of separation from family and friends. You exist only as far as you're 18 year old, and come that time, your parents are expected to kick you out and leave you to fend off for yourself in a world that's gone to shit in the economy and individual well-being.
Come a few years later, and you're knee-deep in poverty depth, and covered in poverty-taxes and a culture where wives are not wives but friends, and children are hassles that you're expected to kick out when she's 18.
In comparison, down here we're allowed to stay under our family's financial protection up to our 30's. An American will call this "lazy", but it means I've made it out of college without depth, with a steady 2000 dollar job in a country where everything's cheap, I see my family and friends every day so daily human contact, and overall my mother is a mother who loves me and my father is a hard-working motherfucking REAL MAN who took care of 4 kids and they have two houses because TEAM WORK.
We are not depressed because we have a culture of family, which you American cucks destroyed.
And we're not even believers or whatever you cucks think we are. It's simple common sense.
But you guys now associate "family values" with fundamentalist shitheads instead of common sense.
You probably have more Spaniard blood than you do Mestizo.
Spic here
You're considered a big fag by your friends if show weakness
You should stop reading that new age garbage.
If you are going to bring white supremacist arguments, at least back it with scientific data.
>literally a huehuehue
Find me a shred of evidence of blacks scoring equal to whites on IQ tests. Ever. In any country.
I've presented data and studies. Present anything against them. Oh wait, you're some dumb, inbred nigger who can't do anything except pick cotton. Actually doing research is far above your pay-grade.
Because they already afront too many real-life difficulties to actually start making up shit up in their minds.
cause they all live with each other.
meanwhile, whites all live isolated.
>Canadian flag
Are you a complete retard?
Well I didn't asked to born black, but rather I'm glad I was born in the United States
Go stixk your head in the sand and see how hard it is to tell whats going on
Thats the blessing of being a shitskin
Mental underdevelopment.
Because we welcomed God to our daily lives.
I'm inclined to agree with this.
Oh fug I quoted the wrong post. I meant this one.
Oh please
First, I'm referring to the fact that you correlate IQ with depression, which is blatantly wrong.
Secondly, IQ is no absolute proof of intelligence. It's certainly helpful to understand how educated people are, but not if they're genetically inferior
Simple fact, the US was over 80% white in 1950, and was technically "dumber" by IQ standards than today
Search the Flynn Effect
So you can clearly see that a richer and more developed country has a clear and distinguished gain in IQ
Or minorities actually are so much better than the average white American that they raised the US' IQ by over 30 points
Your pick
Also, lovely ad hominems, lass
Spaniards and italians, greeks or balkan people aren't depressive neither. It's more of a matter of culture, vacations (us faggs don't have any), sun (nordfaggs dont have any) and sex (japs dont have any). It's not a white thing to be depressive, romans weren't, it's more of a germanic curse running deep in your inbred for centuries blood, a mutation gone wrong, which also explains the higher psychopathy and sociopathy rates in cumskins. White oliveskinned master race is the true redpill. Autistic enough to stop contemplate life and come up with great ideas now and then, but manly and chad enough to go get some pussy, fine wine and enjoy life as well.
there's actually a shitload more per capita you just don't hear about them because the regular niggers are too loud
That's not a rare flag either.
Humans are social species. Latinos are overly social oriented. Family friends etc. Thats what keeps them from getting depressed.
>How come blacks and Latinos don't suffer from depression?
Are you serious?
Nah, you can't be.
>using this unironically
Shitskinned Moore detected.
Yeah they are shit, more like containment places rather than healing centers, after that I learned how to fake happiness, maybe if someday I move to the U.S I can knock myself out in a mental ward and enjoy sucking up the benefits :^)
God damn I remember this episode of watamote and how hard it made me cry, I used to sit alone in an empty classroom during lunchbreak too.
>literally a huehuehue
I'm PRican and have suffered depression.
Why do you think alcoholism is so rampant?
Yet we win all the wars and run everything. You non whites don't understand the pressure that we face to be superior. It's a hard job. Most of us aren't fancy though nor do we cry like fags or live in Disneyland. You are just a pussy.
Would you prefer I cherry pick some unverifiable statistics? 95% of statistics are fake and you can find enough conflicting studies on anything to prove anything, if you try hard enough.
It's not white supremacist besides. Advanced souls can be born into any race or economic class. Wherever that particular person can learn the most from during that cycle. They just tend to follow patterns. Being born into a poor country like Africa will tend to better suit an infant soul who needs to learn those types of lessons, being born into an Arabic theocracy will best suit a slightly older soul who needs to learn those types of lessons, being born into a highly individualistic society like an American metropolis will tend to suit an older still soul who needs to learn those types of lessons. And so on.
According to that, most bushmen would be approximately at the level of someone with Down Syndrome. That's total bullshit. Someone with Down Syndrome probably wouldn't be able to survive in the Kalahari or live like Bushmen do.
>Talks about people being dumb
Not even defending niggers or stuff but to me you're both on the same level of low iq. Your only pros is being white and mixing genes with your kind produces good looking white children, but your communities and diasporas are pure cancer. Slavs are basically your everyday african refugee if he looked white.
Just live your life man, you're gonna die anyway
IQ is but a crude yardstick for measuring a complex subject.
With ""redpilled"" retards everything is good to feel superior to niggers.
as a Texan hispanic of white American and native American decent, Latinos dont believe in depression or bipolar disorder or adhd or any of that faggot shit and only associate girls having those qualities.
white kids are coddled to weakness. even the most hard white boy buckles under minor depression. your rock music is saturated in it.
maybe its because whites lived longer in none sunny areas and its known that in areas without sunlight there is higher levels of depression
>ignoring the other post altogether
or do you mean that Africans are smarter than Americans?
>using unironically unironically
Come on,.. bring a better bantz next time. I've seen yanks in better shape.
Also Basque masterrace reporting here you mixed blood treenigger-actualnigger-white hybrid.
>he's never met a latino
My cousin is on anti depressants just like any other American. This is just a meme. She's rich and Dominican, theoretically she should be the happiest person on Earth.