Historic Fire in Oakland Causes Fear That 40 Are Dead
Oakland Fire Fears That 40 Are Dead
>fire in oakland
>kills 9
>a tragedy
no that's a miracle
oakland's existance is a tragedy
>1 building
>40 people
yeah nah
I almost went to this. So weird.
And to everyone celebrating it, these people there are good people. Mostly underground music and art scene people, many of them good friends. I know Sup Forums mostly can't understand, but most of these people are alright.
hipsters are not alright
>ravers died
and nothing of value was lost
not enough dead
t.rave faggot
Degenerates got what they deserved
I fear that only 40 are dead in Oakland. Let the fire purge the shithole, and let something better emerge from the ash like a phoenix.
>Mostly underground music and art scene people
>most of these people are alright
>the face of moonman
Fire is no joke.
What is it with these fucks and gauges...this is something I will literally never understand.
Almost every time I see one they have gauges (the earrings triggered me a bit)
yea nah fuk dat shit
bump this topic
Also, the funny thing is, a friend texted to see if I wanted to go and I didn't see the text because I was literally arguing on Sup Forums about nationalism and shit.
Hipsters are mostly alright. There is a spectrum of such people. You would never know it but a lot of them are apolitical and even annoyed with SJWs. Other ones are SJWs though.
This was more 'underground dance' than normal ravers, but I like both crowds. Ravers are good people, so are the art crowd.
Listen, I'm onboard with realizing that mass migration into Europe is a huge problem right now, but there are many things much more complex than inexperienced, shut-in fools here on Sup Forums sometimes realize.
Art people and underground music people are not nearly pervasively annoyingly leftist as you'd think. My friends and I couldn't be more of those types of people, and we literally sit around drunk and make fun of political correctness together.
When the cameraman comes back around and the door is blocked by a wall of crushed people is the most visceral part.
hope all your friends are ok m8
>underground music and art scene people
The world is a better place with their goneness.
Like, at 1:31 you hear a woman crying out for her husband, and then it sounds like the gates of hell bursting open. So fucked up.
Thank you. A handful were actually there, and came out alright.
The guy who texted me ended up not going either.
Honestly, these are sweet people that most people here on Sup Forums would like if they met.
Owner cunt's facebook.
Check his first post after the fire...
>The Progressive Voice
lol fuck off
I mean it is quite literally a wall of crushed people. You can almost see the guys anguished expression in the pic
You probably could have saved some if you had been there.
Get fucked, pretentious fag
good fucking riddance
a bunch of liberal leeches who have dubbed themselves "artists" to feel better about being parasites
Did they vote for Trump?
Honestly, a lot of these people rioted after Trump won and voted for Clinton. 40 less braindead leftists. Good.
are you that guy in that other thread who grew up in sf and knew artists who went to that thing?
Possibly. I'm the kind of person who would try.
The problem is apparently the whole place was covered in wood, and filled with old furniture. Probably went up in flames fast. Also, supposedly the people on the bottom floor got out fine, but there was an upper-level where people died with just stacked wooden pallets used as stairs going up to, so there might not have been a way down.
It's all really surreal to me because I go to parties like this in these art spaces converted from old Oakland warehouses all the time. Some of them are quite cavernous and cluttered. These parties are how a lot of them pay rent. Definitely going to be more aware of the exits now anytime I'm at one.
What a hipster way to identify a body.
6:20 or so you see someone run out fully on fire.
Hey man, glad your friends are alright. I was at a different warehouse party last night in Oakland, so this has all been hitting close to home. Friends of friends are gone.
The folks in the underground music scene really are nice, cool people. I find it funny that there's multiple people who are a part of the scene but browse this place.
at least they died doing what they loved.
>The Progressive Voice
A bunch of queers die in a fire, who fucking gives a fuck?
I think you're thinking of hippies. There is a slight difference. Hippies are bleeding heart leftists that happened to be counter-culture at the time, whereas for hipsterism the counter-culture aspect is the actual primary focus, and heavily leaning left is just incidental. So like other user said, hipsters are actually apolitical in that all their "views" are just whatever gives the most virtue signal points at that point in time. My point being, hippies grow up and move on to positions of power, taking their stupid ideas with them to those positions, while hipsters just grow up and move on. Doesn't change that the collage of 'victims' still looks like a gallery in degeneracy.
Hair bands are nearly as dumb as anarchist art co-op scum
I'll spare my tears for the truly innocent.
Fuck that Oakland group.
Their deaths probably spared lives, yet to be conceived.
Good riddance.
I'd take ten Whitesnake fans over one freeway blocking Oakland uber-leftist
Sad video though
>good people
Those people planned that. Everyone ther was a sacrifice and some of the people knew what would happen. Sure some of those fuckers were naive. But they were all dark souls.
Kek spared you faggot. You better get to repenting or you will not be so lucky next time.
I know famous artists who secretly hold reactionary views and are sympathetic to Trump.
You guys have no idea. I know of a few big celebrities - who you'd think are 'progressives' - with the same views.
The creative world is not how you'd think it is. It's just that leftist activists and academics plaster their shit all over that world so you'd assume it's totally leftist. But among the actual artists... not exactly, no.
I know a famous female celebrity who actually secretly wants all Muslims removed from Europe. Just despises them. Another one who thinks trannies are unnatural and will rant about this if you have a drink with her. I know famous artists who, once you get to know them, will confide that they secretly despise leftists and the way they've infiltrated the art academic world, and wish they'd fuck off.
blah blah too bad you weren't one of the bodies.
I definitely feel very blessed. This is definitely the type of event I'm usually at. And yet I'm also very very reactionary on certain points.
I'm kind of half art-world, half reactionary anti-globalist, and because I know those worlds, know that the two cross over more than you'd think.
But I do feel there's a reason I'm still here. And I definitely am very committed to some of the causes pushed for here on Sup Forums.
This place. oaklandghostship.com
Reminder: These people are all hipsters and leftists.
See, the fact that you're closed off in this way from realizing that you have more support out there among people you wouldn't expect just makes you seem bitter or something.
Well, not everyone in California are literally the types of cartoon villains you'd think. But I guess I can't convince you.
I see reddit is here.
I happen to fit into one or more of your below categories.. relatively liberal until it mutated into violent cultural marxism
>Sugar in drinks
We need big government
>Hurtful words
We need big government
>Fire safety standards and building codes
We're free spirits
was this plank the fucking stairway to the 2nd floor? i can't believe this shit
hey bro how can I get that sweet islamic symbol in my (((blue))) too?
wrong pic dammit
Well, except that we have the actual voting data from Oakland. Trump got slightly under 5% of the vote there. There may be a handful of secret Trump voters in Oakland... but only a handful.
It was the stairway to heaven
So it's been 24 hours. They were searching the building all day.
Why now death count? Why no lead on the source of the fire?
I smell a cover up.
my sides user!
So when people go to raves they usually break into the place they're going to be partying at, right? Like, the trespassing is what makes a rave a rave and not just a dance party?
Anyone know that's what happened here?
I fucking hate reddit. Reddit are a bunch of dorks who'd never even hear about these parties.
>be me
>be Sup Forumstard
>haven't been invited to a party in more than 5 years
Am I reddit?
Yeah but they're the types of faggots that'd be angsty about not getting the invite.
Fuck off back to leftypol, scumbag.
Hell, man, I live in Berkeley. So you can imagine what I am surrounded by. Still though, it's more the activists and academics and journalists who are the big SJWs. Artists in my experience are kind of divided between hardcore leftist identity-politics, and more apolitical romantic. The latter tend to be ones who are actually inspired and gifted, so they didn't need to pander to trendy politics to get attention. And as such, many of them (these ones being my friends usually) actually kind of dislike the leftist academic crowd who always comes into the art world to tell them what their art should be 'about'.
I don't mean parties in general, I mean more that the taste at these particular art-space parties in Oakland aren't exactly 'reddit'. Reddit is extremely normie.
most of the deaths occurred on the 2nd floor, which had only one rather flimsy stairway leading up to it that was completely destroyed. getting up there presents a huge risk to firefighters because of all the damage, getting the bodies out is gonna be very difficult. the 9 they've currently counted were likely all on the first floor
Yeah but one of the dead DJs (Nackt) was a confirmed hardcore super leftist. Used to see his stupid shit all over my facebook
Here go some descriptions of some of them:
>mfw dead liberals in California
Now CA needs to just vanish into the ocean.
is that the moonman i see in the middle of the screen ?
It's sad these people hold on to hope, you know they didn't just decided to vanish after this fire.
"Yeah mom, sorry I took off for a few days after that fire ,I need some time to reflect on all that was lost"
The center of CA is Conservative counties that are ruled by the Large liberal cites on the coast. California is a great example of why there's a Electoral College.
Press F to pay respects
No, he's thinking of hipsters. They're awful and they don't grow up.
I saw a presser mid day on foxnews.
Have there been any more since then?
Any word from city officials?
Some of them are, for sure. I just mean don't assume they all are.
A recent illustration: I was seeing this famous artist talk recently. A Jewish woman, made very 'critical' art. Kind of interesting stuff aesthetically though. Anyways, she was up there fretting and whining about how scary the current times are and how artists need to be beacons of hope in this time and perhaps more politically. I was sitting there thinking "fucking typical" but I guess from her perspective, how would I expect her to feel any differently? I certainly disagree with her though.
Anyways, afterwards me and this younger artist chick were walking together and discussing the artist talk. This is the kind of extremely beautiful 'art girl' Sup Forums would probably dislike just because she's gorgeous and white and they'd presume she's a SJW, although she's more natural looking than the blue-haired type. I broached the subject a little subtly at first, alluding to the artist speaker's political views. To my surprise, this girl suddenly blurted out how she really disagreed with it, thinking leftist art is useless and never helps anything. She went on to just start dropping some seriously reactionary ideas, saying how she's not a feminist, not an activist, etc. We of course got along great.
This is a thing I experience a lot. A lot of smart people in the art world can see through this SJW shit, just like we can. A lot of the women, the more beautiful, natural ones, like being real women and privately don't identify as feminists. Another similar young artist I know recently was describing a show we were at and how it looked good "despite being political correct bullshit, which usually fucking sucks" and then said she gets herself in trouble saying that kind of thing a lot. These girls are real art world insiders too.
Collateral damage. California needs to vanish into the ocean and Californians hunted down and hung from light posts in the rest of the states. Maybe you aren't quite grasping what I'm getting at.
Fuck California.
Imagine how bad it must've smelled
Bro, the single staircase to the upperlevel of this hovel was made with wooden pallets, WOODEN PALLETS!
Only a mob of degenerate druggie minds could be OK with being in an obvious fire trap.
lol ok
More like "press F to make the fire rise"
>Oakland Fire Fears That 40 Are Dead
Who the fuck is Oakland Fire?
My mom still wont listen to Great White because of this.
Retard watch the Station Nightclub fire. A warehouse party = firetrap. One spark and you are all dead in 90 seconds.
40 fewer democrat voters.
they were all urban californian hipsters. living in the building illegally. that was also an "art studio", and had multiple raves there previously.
nothing of value was lost.
Wow, you sound just like a leftist SJW. I guess extremism does go full circle
hippie death trap
pretty tragic
>only 40
If pic related is one of the dead, what do I press to cheer because society has one less worthless SJW?
They didn't stand a god damn chance in that death trap