>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW who believe in a magical all-powerful old man in the sky who created the universe out of boredom
There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who believe in a magical all-powerful old man in the sky who created the...
DEUS VULT, motherfucker.
Every bit as possible as a random bang millions of years ago.
>raised christian, not a super religious family but attended church
>as I grow up stop going to church and I'm very skeptical
>in the back of my mind I'm still afraid I'll go to hell for eternity
Is this what brainwashing is like?
>have another guess retard.
>there are people on Sup Forums that think god doesn't exist because of the existence of science
>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW who believe in a magical all-powerful old man in the sky who created the universe out of boredom
WORSE! There are some who think he is Yahweh...
"Hearing that Zach lost his son really struck a nerve with me, especially because I'm the one who killed him."
>Atheists believe this just randomly happened
>law of thermodynamics states that matter can not be created or destroyed
>atheists believe that all matter was created out of nothing millions of years ago
>atheists believe that all of those rocks and gasses evolved into living beings
>kill yourself my dude
What? No. I believe in a chaotic Egyptian frog god. At least I've seen this god get results first hand.
Whoa, what's happening here?
Lol. Go far enough down the Athiest rabbit hole and you'll find yourself at the door of Rokos Basilisk and back to square one.
Things have gone so down hill here in Sup Forums in recent times. Anons wandering the corridors of Sup Forums.... Oblivious to the very fundamentals we had rallied against.
Why not? We meme'd Trump into office out of boredom.
I dont think thats quite how the story goes but
enjoy your hell fire pagan.
Random chance according to atheists
We can literally run current through nutrient water and create self-replicating molecules. It's less amazing life was created and more amazing it's evolved to the point it is now.
>your hell fire pagan
Hell isn't for the vast majority of pagans dude...
>There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who believe their opinion on religion matters
>We can literally run current through nutrient water and create self-replicating molecules.
So you're saying these type of things do need a designer to happen and not by chance?
What's a more reasonable thing to believe? Science doesn't have an answer for the origins of the universe, only that it started with a big bang. Before that point it's anyone guess.
>there's atheist RIGHT NOW who think their little fad will outlast Christianity in the mighty test of time
>there's atheist RIGHT NOW who think their little fad will outlast Christianity in the mighty test of time
There are Yahweh worshipers who think they will outlast atheists in heaven...
Not a christian but thats a shit argument, Christ was created by Josephus and used as a tool to keep the jews in rome pacified so they wouldn;t revolt
> do need a designer to happen
Sounds like the work of Zeus to me.
No, not really.
>No, not really.
>>law of thermodynamics states that matter can not be created or destroyed
>god creates matter with magic words
>There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who still think that lacking faith is a good thing to do even when it can be seen that largely atheist countries are the ones that have the most degeneracy and host the most migrants
"It's fine to lose a strong cohesive cultural tradition cuz r/atheism tells me it's cool to be trendy lol"
The are people who honestly believe kek is a real thing, Christianity seems sane, thanks guys
>Implying it's not all stemming from God to begin with
Weak. Try again
posting the one true god
>The are people who honestly believe kek is a real thing, Christianity seems sane, thanks guys
At least Kek has made some headway in saving the west.
Jesus... not so much.
The saddest part of this sad excuse for a thread is that there is a much better thread that rationally discusses this. It does this without name calling or putting down people. This tread should die along with the person who made it.
>mfw you go to hell
>>Implying it's not all stemming from God to begin with
I didn't imply that. It's stronger when you don't make up my argument for me.
How do you think you got here?
ergo the magic sky man of the ancient christian bible did everything
Christianity is the reason the west is the greatest civilization in history, you fucking retard
Ever notice how the west has become more degenerate as atheism is on the rise?
No of course not, cause you're a fucking retard.
Looks like bacteria eating a dead nematode.
>"I have NO IdEA how to actually troll!"
the post
We're all just mathematical functions interacting with higher dimensional qualia space (I invented that term myself) in a way that produces a unique subjective reality.
Your sense of self is as much a dimensional quantity as length, area, volume, or time.
>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW who there was absolutely nothing one second and the next the whole universe appeared and this all happened completely by chance
Both sound far-fetched and incomprehensible, because they both are. No one will find out what really happens until we die anyways.
>he doesn't believe in a magical all-powerful old man in the sky who created the universe out of boredom.
Let me guess. You think your special? Maybe even worthy of life?
>implying I dont believe in a magical all powerful old frogman who created the universe solely to entertain me out of boredom
Hail Kek!
>hurr durr I know jack shit about science and I'm too mentally lazy to have a critical thought.
>Christianity is the reason the west is the greatest civilization in history, you fucking retard
Nice assertion. Here's another one: No it isn't, retard.
Ever notice how the west is entirely controlled by Christianity and is giving in to degeneracy, with the most powerful christian organization leading the charge?
The papacy is responsible for high nigger birthrates by opposing birth control. It promotes being charitable to refugees by letting them into your country. It promotes communism worldwide.
People are simply giving up on Christianity now that it's proven to be a failure of an ideology.
I believe in a magical all-powerful man in the sky who banged empty nothing with his mighty fluctuating dick on planck scale and came inside that slut so hard it made her explode in eleven plus minus seven dimensions across billions of light years
quite possibly that geezer also had a beard
who fucking knows
No, I think he created it out of malice. I do have to concede that only a male jew could make a universe this vile though.
> how the west is entirely controlled by Christianity
except it isn't
its controlled by degeneracy perpetuated by atheism (see abortion gay rights and such)
if you want to talk about a country controlled by christianity look at poland
pro tip: you won't find degeneracy there
Obviously Christianity is based af cause of everything they've accomplished but it was created by the fucking romans youtube.com
Yeah dude all those hospitals and universities and empires like Britain and Spain built with Christianity at the helm never happened.
Im so glad we have plenty of examples why lawless heathens like you are fucking trash, namely Soviet Russia.
I didn't say Christianity was perfect, but the first thing the Jews want is for you to renounce Christ.
By and large, Christianity has been a net positive in this world, and if you don't like it, fuck off to an Islamic country you ingrate. Edgelords like you would have gotten their asses beat by their fathers for being such a pretentious little bitch. Your ancestors would be ashamed of you.
>its controlled by degeneracy perpetuated by atheism (see abortion gay rights and such)
Atheists are like 10% of any country. Women's rights, gay rights, abortion rights were all pushed by christians in america.
Atheists aren't a big enough voting block to enact that kind of change. It's christian compassion for muh feelings that gives into this insanity.
>if you want to talk about a country controlled by christianity look at poland
>pro tip: you won't find degeneracy there
Yea, the places where Christianity hasn't failed (YET) don't find themselves losing losing faith. What a surprise.
That is simply false. Gay rights and abortion rights have been fought tooth and nail by Christians and even to this day they fight. Are there Christians who fight for them? Yes. But that doesn't mean all of them do.
You sound like a 15 year old. Fuck off if you're just going to blatantly spout nonsense you fucking faggot
>there are people who unironically believe in a book of fairy tales and think spouting fedora memes is an argument
>By and large, Christianity has been a net positive in this world
I'm not saying christianity is the worst, it's just failing us in the modern age.
The degeneracy we see is a natural result of Christianity being in power in the west.
>Yes. But that doesn't mean all of them do.
Neither do all atheists fight for gay rights. The point is that christianity conquered the west. It had all the power.
The world we see today is a result of christianity having all the power in the west.
The rising atheism is a result of the weakness of christianity.
The gay rights is a result of weaknesses in christianity.
The abortion rights is the result of weaknesses in christianity.
>Weakness of man
The world we see today is the greatest we've ever seen
Social degeneracy is crippling us because of rebellious teenagers who grow up half baked atheists who can't form coherent arguments and resort to falsehood and disregard for the truth, much like yourself
Even the Bible says times are gunna be fucking rough. But man the fuck up and stop being a little bitch
Even if you don't believe, don't trample the good things we have. Trust me, Christians are not perfect, but they are wonderful people, and certainly not your enemies.
his mum bent over
same as yours
it's either believe or die
we wont kill you, you will kill yourself
your genetic line will rot and die if you dont have da faith in the unprovable, as observation shows clearly
Heres your
>Yea, the places where Christianity hasn't failed (YET) don't find themselves losing losing faith. What a surprise.
So what exactly are you trying to convey here, faggot?
That countries where people stick to biblical teaching and actually stay true to christianity are not degenerate?
That would mean america is becoming degenerate because people stop being christian, other than just ''''identifying'''' as one
Thats not the fault of christianity
Its a problem caused by americans rejecting core values of christianty and going full fedora
checkmate, athiests
white blood cells attacking a parasitic worm
>Its a problem caused by americans rejecting core values of christianty and going full fedora
America is one of the most religious first world nations there is.
>>Weakness of man
Oh so when christians destroy the west, it's the weakness of man. When atheists do it, it's the "evil of atheism".
I think the idea that what happens in our short lives has any eternal consequences is overly harsh. I'm not arguing against the truth of this, I'm just saying that it's fucked up if it is true.
>America is one of the most religious first world nations there is
your supreme court is run by jews and atheists
barack HUSSEIN obama is your president
religious maybe, but certanly not christian with regards for core biblical values
>REEEE jews athesists muslims REEEE
>core biblical values
"Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself"
This is in every religion, culture, and most people natrually. It means don't be an asshole and it's a pretty simple concept.
>and theres people who would say anything for some (You)s
I assume you are trying to allude to theism and for example Roman Catholics from your deluded atheist void. Once you understand that atheism is the religion for stupid people you will move on. Unfortunately your arrogance is combined with stupidity. You can't accept that you are stupid because you have a huge bloated ego and can't conceive of a powerful being greater than you, or even a wiser fellow human.