why do little kids need high-powered mass-murdering weapons of assault?
Americans will defend this
No need to defend it, looks like the kid can defend himself.
because America is full of high-powered mass-murdering niggers of assault
Let them have the guns then in 10 years when daddy pisses him off and he kills dad with the same gun we can all just sit back and smile
>why do little kids need high-powered mass-murdering weapons of assault?
So when they grow up they are efficient soldiers in the race war
haha funny thing is that since Trump became Pres elect blacks are buying a lot more guns now haha
ask ISIS too
These things are selling like hot cakes
finally a weapon a real nigga can utilize to its fullest
This is so fake - we only let American kids use crewed-served weapons.
>high powered
haha... Wait, people actually believe this. hahahahahaahhahaaaaaa
Nigga that's a Klobb
They'd need a lot to make up for the 8 Obama years that whites were buying guns hand over fist
The kids don't need them. That's why they can't purchase rifles until the age of 18.
Another low IQ beaner.. What a surprise
>noguns will never experience this
Sure feel bad for them.
Literally nothing wrong with teaching kids to handle weapons, in fact it's better than to keep them ignorant.
A child that has been taught about weapons will be much safer with them than a child that has not.
Not sure if you're joking or not... Just in case, the Klobb in Goldeneye was based on a Czech machine pistol called the Skorpion. 9x18mm, 50mm barrel, generally not very impressive. Though it does have a bit of a following from folks who are in to Warsaw pact gear. CZ also resurrected the name a few years ago for a new line of submachine guns and carbines.
>kid playing with guns like a retard
how the fuck is this ok?
your head would spin if i told you how much ammo and how many guns I purchased in the past 2 years
t. white guy
We had rifle shooting in middle school (age 13 and up), so it's not something that's particularly unique to America. A lot of countries have long traditions of gun use and gun ownership. It's just in the last 3 or 4 decades it's become an issue, primarily as a result of all the violent minorities.
Yep make those republicans rich
>cleaning out a storage room in a school district building
>get to the far end of it all, bunch of rolling cabinets
>pop them open, they are full of rifles
>go full wat da fuq
>ancient as fuck supervisor says they are from when they used to do marksmanship workshops on the weekends at the middle and highschools
The feels man, the feels.
Look please slow down with your cherry picked videos, I need time to dismantle your emotional fear based reactions. Simply put Americans are not afraid of guns like you. Clearly you have never handled one. We train intelligently with them when we are young (if you choose to), and when we are older we purchase some and use them for self defense. These kids who hold guns when they are young are not the ones crying about gun ownership. They know how they work and they know it isn't the gun killing people. So get over your fear and inferiority complex and accept that we know what we are doing.
It's only normal. In fact, kids should be mandated to learn how to shoot a firearm.
enjoying every second of it. finally i can relax for a few years
here's a cherry on top
before it's 9x18 chambering it was in the resoundingly anemic 32acp
was no reason to be streased it was all bullshit in the first place now they will have to come up with some other lie to get people wasting money on guns and ammo
Why not?
Paulo you should buy a gun and train your kid to be badass.
Ignoring the implications of your image, I agree. Marksmanship teaches responsibility, self-control and attention to detail. The problem is, discipline in schools is such shit today that I wouldn't trust most kids to be in the same room as a rifle.
the government wants you to buy guns they do not want you trained to use them then you are a danger to them
the end of that video is so cute. i hope i have a relationship with my kids like that one day
High and mighty language form the likes of Brazil. Maybe you shits should follow our lead.
>tfw when I'll inherit a Sten my grandpa smuggled out of the base during the Korean war
My mother can never know.
pure joy
Is there any reason they don't?
canadians can have this? won't trudeau take it away?
I don't like Hitler, but the idea of a mandated military youth like Sea Cadets or Civil Air Patrol teaching kids military tactics and gun handling and indoctrinating them is pretty great.
our firearms are licensed unlike the states and a lot of the good stuff is banned on name alone (AK variants, FALS, galil etc.) but bolt rifles up to .50 cal, most semi-autos (read non military/not scary looking), most shotguns (spas is out unfortunately) and pistols (restricted/ range only). besides all that canada still has a pretty active gun culture and not enough shootings to warrent a total ban
your sten is full-auto and it's legal? didn't know they accepted this
To kill shitskins like you
suck it
full auto? nah that good stuff is prohibited unfortunately. we still get the semi-auto though which i guess i can settle for
Because unironic niggers are out of control.
Our family sten is full-auto and fully illegal.
you can have a problem with hunting if you eat meat. i think that was awesome
They don't, but it's their god-given right to defend themselves from tyranny. I will defend this to the day I die so my children can too.
Because THAT happens
little kids in favellas with MP5s don 't seem to bother you
Not for you to decide, fascist cocksucker
Guessing it's 5.56 (though possibly a 7.62). That's a tiny-ass round. You should be more scared of being hit with a traditional rifle round like a 30-06. Tl;dr you obviously are completely ignorant to this topic.
>Mass murdering
Rifles are actually rarely used in crimes. More people are killed with blunt objects like hammers than with rifles every year. Most mass-shooters use pistols because you can, ya know, hide them and shit
Took the bait tho, so nice work
I don't get you.
An American kid with a gun shoots a deer, and everyone laughs and likes it.
A muslim kid with a gun grabs a decapitated head, everyone panics.
Racism, much?
Nigger a 556 will fuck you right up.
They tumble when they hit tissue.
I mean it has, but thats a mental health problem not a gun rights problem.
2nd amendment is the tits.
If Hitler had won the war, then there wouldn't have been guns anymore. But in this society that is drifting apart from eachother more and more, you deny me the right to defend my house with force? In a perfect world maybe
theres kids in mongolia hunting wild boars everyday and african or muslim kids dropping american welfare queens.
you should see the kids dropping pows in syria.
His parents aren't that intelligent and want that to shape him into an adult that would represent what they stand for...Still a million times better than having kids with someone and leaving those kids to be raised by a single mother. if a dad is involved there's always hope for the kids
7 year old girl. Rifle is an AR 15 in .300 blackout. She dropped her first deer. Her father is teaching her self sufficiency. And how to kill tasty, tasty venison.
>Who cares about the goat?!
Adrenaline is a Hell of a drug.
Thank you for correcting the rifle
.300 Blackout. More than adequate for white tail deer.
Oh ho!
Americans will defend this picture.
So will every other nation where it's legal to hunt.
What the fuck do you think he's practicing to shoot with that thing, anyway, Paco? You don't carry around a rifle to murder someone. The US has as many long rifle murders per capita as anyone else, i.e. practically none.
Also, why do bluepeople get excited about how "high powered" a weapon is? Like that's going to make you any deader. High-powered weapons are for shooting game, not people.
What about the Aquilegia?
>some people have never felt the power of a .30-06 against their shoulder.
Why even live?
Firearms safety and marksmanship programs were phased out in the 70's under intense pressure by leftists. Columbine happened after two decades of firearms demonization by the left.
Looks like an AK47 High powered 20 magazine Assault Weapon to me
What's wrong with hunting? It's more humane than farms.
because our kids aren't fags huehue
Nice Reddit find, shitskin
Because they can't fire a Stinger,?
More spics and niggers. Also a society that discourages people to think long term/mature emotionally and exercise self control.
They could if they banded together, but kids are selfish as f