
How do we stop nonwhites from stealing our beautiful women?

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You should encourage it friend.

Neither of those people are beautiful.

> That face

Believe me, we don't want that folks

how can white bois even compete?

Do you happen to wear a yarmulke?

You start by banging sluts
Women have vaginas and now have the right and privilege to use it on as many men as they want

An idle vagina will be filled by a black cock
Don't let white pussy sit unattended or a nigger will steal it

There is literally nothing wrong with diversity as long as it is not forced. Those two people seem happy and I wish them the best of luck in their relationship.

Look at that fucking nose, even a jew would be jealous

picture wildly most related in any thread ever.

pass the ugly ones off to spare the better ones.

>How can white bois even compete?
Penis size and not having kids that look like mongrel abominations.

>your women
but you're a virgin

>muh dik
nigger tier

that thing to the right is a kike, let him have it for all i care

> beautiful

agreed, anything below 8 inches is shit
8.8 inch asian master race reporting in

Oy vey dats askin for anuddah shoah

a nose a jew will be proud of

he killed her and stuffed her into a suitcase lol

What always catches my eyes with these race mixed couples is how empty of value the guy is. It's always some small faggot or ugly negro with zero masculinity. Despite women claiming they race mix out of desire for real men.

It's as if they only look at the different race and choose their partner based on that alone. While with whites they factor in 6154342 other qualities you must posses.

I dunno, I just find them laughable compared ti white girls with white boyfriends.

They will create a turbo ugly retarded race...just like the favelados.

Dude maybe you're just ugly have you considered that

There's a beautiful woman in that pic? Is she behind the bitch that looks like her face got ironed but they missed her nose?

oh man that's funny hahahahahaha

>projecting this hard

Why do people think its only whites who hate this?

I hate seeing desi or south asian peoples racemix too, especially when arranged marriages are so easy

How can white bois even compete?

>8.8 inch asian master race reporting in

prove it.

Never marry a man named Mohammud


That gutter shitter can have her. You see the beak on that jew? Clearly not white.

What an unfortunate young lady, to be born with a face like that.

Who cares? Just like this bitch they'll get what they deserve.

>a real think

Too much Hollywood movies, faggot.

Asians are just parasites like muslims and niggers, they are not capable to create successful countries, and that is the reason why they are migrating to our homelands.

>That nose
>Muh sides

who fucking cares?

yeh man, me being shit ugly would have anything to do with the reasoning behind a white girl race mixing


kill them

NiBBa that's a man i dont know why you would be upset about a indishit stealing her/xer

Implying asians are not yellow niggers.

You're projecting real hard man. Maybe, just maybe, there is something more to the guy than just his appearance that isn't race

Why do whites get so butt hurt over this topic?

They only get ugly ones.

every bird who goes to the browns is helping make the white race more superior. no looks, no brains, i.e. nothing to contribute genetically.

What made you drop Christianity?

we hate seeing women make horrible mistakes

“Examining the Birth Trends, Family Structure, Economic Standing, Paternal Relationships, and Emotional Stability of Biracial Children with African American Fathers,” Tiffany Calloway


1. At the time of your child's birth were you and the father married
Caucasian: 97% NO
Asian: 85% NO
Hispanic: 95% NO

2. Did you and the father of your child eventually marry?
Caucasian: 80% NO
Asian: 92% NO
Hispanic: 99% NO
>give the milk away for free, why buy the cow?

3. Number of children the participant has
Caucasian: 1 50%, 2-4 49%
Asian: 1 86%, 2-4 14%
Hispanic: 1 15%, 2-4 80%
>hispanics can't keep their legs shut

4. For women with multiple children, do the children have the same father?
Caucasian: 82% NO
Asian: 75% NO
Hispanic: 81% NO
>wow, look at these worthless fucking whores

5. Annual earnings
Caucasian: 15% unemployed 75% once you go black, you're a single mom

9. Does your child have a good relationship with their father?
Caucasian: 94% NO
Asian: 89% NO
Hispanic: 98% NO
>black "men" = horrible neglectful fathers, probably abusive too

because the vast majority of their own race have a fetish for non-whites fucking their wife

Teach your offspring to be alpha. Our generation is already programmed to be beta. Women want hard manly cock. Make sure your sons are manly. If one of them decides to be gay dont force him to be manly tho.

Because the people that post edgy memes here can't accept their monumental flaws and contribute it to persecution. Basically right-wing SJWs

How can white bois even compete?

a littlel thin desu

I love how everything thinks that.
5.9 inch girth measured around midshaft.

it's so long that it looks thin.


>no timestamp


You are right, the years of pop culture marketing that made him appealing to her.

Both mentally and psychically they almost always lack. But you'll call me a raycist for saying that of course.

Can't stop the race mixing propaganda train

Here is how I see it. As a 28 yo single white male.

Women are stupid. Some of them are going to make the stupid decision of racemixing and having a kid with a black guy. For some of these women, shit happens, they get redpilled, and are a prime target for (some) redpilled males.

It's hard as fuck to find single white women with no kids that are my age. A lot of you are probably younger but anyone older knows.

What Im gettin at here, the bitter redpill Im tryin to drop here is, basically single white men have to step up to the plate and be better men overall and in the long scheme of things, if a lot of us settled for being "cucks", we could go on to have families with 2.5 white kids and 0.5 black kid...

How bad do you want to ensure the white race user? I want it so bad that Im gonna open up my pool of possible women to include women with kids, even racemixed ones. Im 28, had a good trade job for 6 years now, own a house.. but holding out for redpilled qt3.14 with no kids that don't exist anymore isn't working.

So I guess thats my answer to stopping nonwhites from stealing our women, is Im going to possibly steal one back, and redpill her and everyone around her and me for the rest of lives whenever 0.5 blackie is around. Ill obviously stop coming to this site.. Out of sight, out of mind.

How can white bois even compete?


I think she "nose" what's best for her


you a jew? that woman could fit golf balls in her hideous kike conk

1. Let it happen.
2. Earn more money.
3. sage.

I.... is that a goblin?

How can white bois even compete?

If you aren't the textbook definition of a racist, then what would you call yourself?

I am a racist you dumb fuck. But that doesn't mean my argument is suddenly void.

Women get together with collored boys simply due to the color of their skin. It provokes a reaction and makes them look different. Some women need that attention.

Even shitskins know this, that's why they are so sensitive about the subject.

No, being a racist doesn't make your argument void. That's an argument made by people who have nothing substantial to contribute to the conversation.

What makes your argument void is that its completely lacking in fact. Your head is firmly in your ass if you think race is the only consideration in an interracial relationship.

Wherever you gotta tell yourself Pablo.

>vast majority

For anyone wondering who these two are, in OP's pic, these two are Toronto highly renowned doctors.

The man' s a neurosurgeon and his wife is a family doctor.

Typical story: She asked for a divorce. She ended up dead, folded in a suitcase in the middle of a forest.

Here's the story

dont burn the poo?

America is going to look like modern day Italy in the next few centuries, and we'll all wonder why we cared so much about retarded shit like race, "white privilege", and "white nationalism" as the wars of Islamic aggression continue to tear into us.

Incredibly rare and will never be a thing

>Burn the poo.
>Face the loo.

>vast majority in canada
just to clarify

That bitch is ugly, let the syrians have her.

How can white boays even compete?

try not being a lil bitch

how can white bois even compete?


she's jewish though.. not just the nose. those eyes. soulless.

How can anyone compete with Kayne?

>those eyes. soulless.

my guess tells me that she cucked him

Those little lines are the ruler aren't inches, they are 1/16"

>how can white bois even compete?
how can white bois even compete?

he looks like a creepy fuck

How can white bois even compete?

>tfw spic and a redhead with blue eyes and pale skin loves me
