Owner of Oakland death trap that killed 40 people is more sad about losing his dumbass business than the 40 people that died
kek so much for leftist "compassion"
Owner of Oakland death trap that killed 40 people is more sad about losing his dumbass business than the 40 people that died
kek so much for leftist "compassion"
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm sadder about some of that cool shit burning than I am about a few liberal bohemian self-hating-white faggots living up to their potential as flaming homos
still though
You'd think they could at least pretend to care about killing other leftists.
I checked the facebooks of a couple of the missing people, anti-Trump and Trump protest posts on every single one. Fuck em. Enjoy hell, libshits.
If you're looking at people from Oakland you're gonna see 90% of them have that shit from the past few weeks...
And the people at this party were even more of the far-left marxist facial tattoo gauge type.
well Sup Forums called it
these were obviously leftist hipsters
pretty sure he's Jewish... so goyim are nothing to him
The victims looked pretty old to be ravers. I thought raves were for teens and the early 20's.
And yes, this fucker needs to be prosecuted. Probably thought he was so fucking cool having a hangout that was illegal. Well, it was illegal FOR A FUCKING REASON. IT WAS A DEATH TRAP.
>people disagree with you
>cheer their deaths
kys faggot. You're no better than them.
>more sad
Maybe just "also sad?"
hey some of the hippies never grew up either
Well not even the owner of the building cares so...
He didn't even mention them
>oh no my possessions are gone but at least my family is ok
he didn't even throw in a
>oh yeah sucks for all those dead people who burned alive because of the giant death trap I built lol
xD xD
pretty sure he's a jew. It was probably a sacrifice to moloch or something
>a bunch of disgusting california faggots died
This is amazing
>Second floor
>Single staircase made of wooden pallets
Have these degenerate retards not seen nightclub fire videos? Or the wooden stadium stand fire video?
Jew York Times vultures already swooping in
oh fugg the jews are getting called out now
I doubt it
They just thought it "looked cool" so safety wasn't a concern
reminds me of that leftist political aide in DC that was whining about muh racism and how we are all one race then got stabbed to death on the DC Metro by a dindu and then bled to death while no one helped him
Oh god, I remember that. His name was Kevin something.
Keep bringing caps lads, good stuff
Vid of the Bradfield Stadium Fire to see how quickly wooden structures burn:
kek the state was going to take his kids away for living in unfit conditions
Jesus christ
>tenderized existence
God what a massive failure of a man.
"HURR I don't want to move away from my shitlib utopia so I guess I'll let my kids grow up in a dangerous building surrounded by strangers that are all high on drugs what could go wrong OH NO DONT TAKE MUH CHILDREN AWAY YOU FASCIST PIGS HURR DURR"
This fuckhead deserves the chair, what a loser.
what did he mean by this?
So apparently his kids were almost taken from him by CPS because at one of his parties they came in contact with a used condom
What a great father
was this a sacrifice to moloch?
why do black people love emojies so much?
this fucking comment
So the rabbit hole keeps going deeper
Apparently he would not only illegally rent out the place but would have wild orgies there too
And one of his kids ate a used condom or something
video of him from 2011
one last bamp
>bunch of faggot atheist liberals
>I'm sending prayers!
>Implying Trump would care about those people if he were in this position
If that was all it was, I'd agree with you.
Liberals are domestic enemies, hell bent on not only destroying America, but the entire western world. They're all traitorous scum, and they're going to die sooner or later if they keep pushing.
Keep bringing caps based user
Like going to a zoo to study the animals
>posting the outdated one
the girl was found, had another guy reported missing who was by where the fire started. he may have been one of the first to go
Doing Gods work.
How do you take caps much larger than your screen?
>World Peace Season 2 cancelled
>dies in rave fire
Damn tough week sammy boy
god I fucking loathe burning man faggots
they should stay the fuck away from the occult since they are the most misguided basic bitch shit libs
There's a screencap of a review there on jewbook that warns about that him being insane and aggressive and stealing shit. I'm trying to find the source.
>1 post by this id
makes you think.
wtf drug is he on O_o?
Emphasising any other way is too difficult for them.
>massively anti-white and racist
>almost felt bad for the victims
So this guy died right?
theres a command on firefox
Be careful what you wish for.
Seems glorious screenshotting OP went to sleep. Sad!
Is there? What is it?
Dude. Try googling the file name on every image he posted. Chrome and FF have lots of full page screenshot extension options. Surprised you got answered at all.
He said that there's a command, not an extension.
>Our worth as community builders.
Owned a shitty building with no fire safety measures and knowingly held an illegal gathering that lead to multiple deaths. This irresponsible cunt didn't build shit. If it weren't for the fact that he's obviously a penniless hippy fagogot I'd say he should pay out millions to the victims families.
>spiritual harm
What a novelty concept.
Reminder that Jews only care about shekels. It's no surprise that he despises the people he murdered because they damaged his property and ability to make money.
I didn't go to sleep
the facebook comments are keep crashing my browser though cause there are too many
I just use the fireshot extension/add on
Deal with it faggot, all liberals deserve a violent death.
Death to all leftists.
Degenerate fucking roaches will all be exterminated, if not by the hand of the righteous, then by their own.
I can't stand how facebook handles browser ram. Come on Facebook, the comments aren't 1080p 3D are they?
Its going crazy now. LOOOTS of people piling into the thread. Insane.
>you literally built a place that fire loves
>retarded hippies flock to it and live in it
No, I'm pretty sure we're better than them.
Even though I hate liberals this is some sad shit. I don't want them to die because of some retard faggot who didn't follow zoning laws.
>wanting to rip my white flesh off and burn it
Well, you got one of those things faggot
Literally grabbing his daughter's boob. Disgusting.
Because they suck at English and spelling. Communicating through pictures is easier. Other niggers like it because they don't have to read.
yeah it's annoying
twitter is the same
they let it happen
apparently just about everyone there knew he had his kids hanging around used condoms and did nothing
I take the left is eating itself (again).
>twitter is the same
I wonder if its all the surveillance code running in the background
liberals are pathetic
>they brang their kids
Why do people fucking do this? Phones and computers come with spell check and autocomplete. There's no fucking excuse.
John Podesta?
It looks like everyone knew it was bad shit, but nobody had the gumption to actually do something about it.
It's either that or like Google all their programmers and designers are total dogshit now
I remember when Google Maps was actually useable
being burned alive is possibly the worst way to go.
if it ever comes down to it, I'm slitting my throat to escape the flames
Anyone got a fine length of rope? I can provide a sapling and a Water can.
This criminally negligent narcissist will have an extremely hard time coming down off meth in jail. How long will be likely get? Like 10-15 or something?
So very strangely he had another post on top of his wall earlier today where he SORT OF expressed remorse for the dead. But he deleted it for some reason and kept up the full blown narcissistic post
I don't trust you....
out of the cooking pan and into the fire
40 people dead? He's lucky if he ever gets out.
>wanting him to make a public apology
He doesn't want to incriminate himself you dumb cunts
That's why people jumped off the world trade center.
The only hope is most of them passed out from the fumes and smoke, before the fire got to them. It went up fast, though. No way firemen could have reached them, that place was a rat's maze.
I'm leaning towards there's something seriously wrong with him. Like, lock him up in the loony bin wrong.
He's broke as a fucking joke, no way he lawyered up.
nope, yup, fucker is off his rocker
After watching the Station club fire video I ALWAYS plan a escape route.
just typical hippie bullshit. i grew up around these kinds of people. They're usually nuts because of drug use and misapplication of eastern spirituality