So I accidentaly gave into my women getting a tattoo. Tell me why they aren't degenerate so I don't fucking hang myself.
So I accidentaly gave into my women getting a tattoo. Tell me why they aren't degenerate so I don't fucking hang myself
Did you get a tattoo or did your woman?
Suicide is selfish
My woman. I think tattoos are fucking degenerate and unless your are getting a tattoo to commemorate and honor your friend and fellow soldier who literally threw himself onto a grenade to save the entire crew from death, you're retarded to get one. There's zero practicality with getting one other then "It makes me feel gud :^)" And then it fucking wears away over time or becomes malformed because people are lazy pieces of shit who don't maintain body shape when they age.
Addendum; She did not get a tattoo yet, but we are discussing it. Her only arguement is "muh feeluns"
Get her a temporary one to stall the problem I guess.
tell her that if she keeps thinking that way then the only feelings she'll have will be regret shame and disgrace
How does one accidentally* give in? And spell accidentally correctly, faggot.
user, you should just dump her. This is her getting out of pocket and trying to subvert your relationship. Soon she'll just be fucking a nigger. It's a matter of time. Dump her ass with NO explanation. Keep it short and simple.
depends on tattoos. father is buff so it works, but he has things his late mother told him on his biceps.
by things she told him I mean things to remember if he's struggling. Of course, he did this when he was 45-50ish so just coming on the i dont give a fuck age.
my mother and sister have hope in spots that can be covered easily by socks too.
so both of these are cases where I think it is justified.
they can both be covered with normal clothes, and even though I think tattoos are degenerate and I would NEVER get one, I can't really stop those in my family.
this is the longest post I've written on Sup Forums
what kind of tattoo is she planning to get?
Just don't marry her and use condoms. She is not fit to pass on her genes.
You're right. Tattoos are degenerate because it's pure physical materialism, and special snowflake kikery... as bad as fashion. Its a shit test and you failed it. Forbid her from doing it immediately or she'll find a man who will tell her "no."
You've been warned.
Tattoos are fine.
Just get it over with.
>tattoos are fine
>queen of spades
That is coalburner branding.
Absolutely degenerate
Never doubt the seriousness of the tattoo on the psychology.
It isn't just ink for the skin.
It is tattooed directly on the logos.
Tattoos are degenerate
If you let her get the tattoo, she will never respect you and will be fucking Tyrone by the end of the week.
Tattoos aren't degenerate, that's like saying clothes are degenerate after seeing people misuse them or wear ugly clothes. It depends on the tattoo in question and where she wants to have it.
Welcome to the joke.
She is probably about to cheat on you if she isn't already
-13/100, each.
Put 6 white children in her white womb
she cannot introduce poison to her skin when she is pregnant.
Breed. Operation Brady Bunch. White Baby Boom.
I fucking hate tattoos. Even on men. It's narcissistic, weak "look at me!" "expressing myself" bullshit. I think they make anyone look cheap, and dumb.
Will not date a woman with a tattoo. Not sorry.
Tattoos are how ignorant, uneducated tribal people identify themselves, or it's part of some pagan ritual, because they're too ignorant and undeveloped to understand personality, nuance, and communication.
If you have to slap a rock band's logo on your arm, you're just an asshole. Nobody care's, dummy.
These days, full sleev tattoos are everywhere, and it's just chimps imitating chimps. "But it's my life story, it's who I am, maaaaaan". Yeah, nobody fucking cares, and it's irrelevent. It means nothing.
Tattoos are bullshit. If you have a tattoo - be ashamed of yourself, you conformist, fad following chimp.
"Memorial" tattoos are worthless, and more about the weakness of the person who gets it, than remembering that person.
My parents are both dead. I won't love or respect their lives more if I drive a needle with ink in it, into my flesh.
>by things she told him I mean things to remember if he's struggling.
Then he's a dumbass, if he needs to read shit off his arm to remember. If those things meant anything to him, he'd fucking remembering them.
Your father is a cunt.
>not putting your coat of arms on your chest so your ancestors will recognize you in eternal war-fields of the afterlife
You must be anglo scum.
He's sliding this post
There is a 95% chance that it's meaningless garbage, but still, what is the tattoo about?
Here u go dude.
"Researchers found red ink was the most dangerous, but they warned blue, green and black ink is also risky. According to The Sun, the ECHA’s report will likely lead in the ban of certain inks and chemicals in the European Union (EU).
“The most severe concerns are allergies caused by the substances in the inks and possible carcinogenic, mutagenic or reproductive toxic effects,” the ECHA said in the report.
Governments in the EU do not regulate tattoo ink as they do drugs and food, and many shops operate without government regulation, The Sun reported.
In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates chemicals in products including tattoo ink, cosmetics and color additives. But due to other public health priorities and a previous lack of safety evidence, the FDA has not traditionally regulated tattoo ink and pigments."
"In the U.S., the inks are regulated as cosmetic products. The FDA can screen them before they hit the market but has rarely done so, according to its website, because of “competing public-health priorities and a previous lack of evidence of safety problems specifically associated with these pigments.”
“Many pigments used in tattoo inks are industrial-grade colors suitable for printers’ ink or automobile paint,” the agency says on its website. Chemists have discovered some yellows break down when exposed to sunlight or certain enzymes, though it hasn’t been determined whether this is toxic. The FDA hasn’t said when its ink study will be done."
Fuck coat of arms bullshit. It's ancient logos that don't mean anything in the modern world, except that your family probably is inbred, and one of your ancestors earned, and everyone after him didn't. Coats of arms should have expired when the person who earned them died - and forced the kids to re-earn them.
So no, I'm not putting that shit on my body. I haven't fielded a war horse in battle against the French, like one of my ancestors did. It's got nothing to do with me.
i have a tattoo of an eye. i designed it. all three of my brothers and my father have one as well. because of this it commemorates my family. if your girlfriend has a reason like this, yes. if not i understand your anger. my girlfriend wants to get BAND LYRICS tattooed on her. i understand how monumentally important the band is, how they helped her, but i think it is a bad idea. ultimately she will choose to get it regardless of my input as it should be, but i get your anger.
This is the most diabolically butthurt shit I have ever read on Sup Forums
I got 2 when i was 16 i sketched them myself they have no symbolism and girls dig them. Now pretentios fags who think some blot on there arm tells a 30sec story should off themselves
Tattoos,arent bad. They make them easier , to identify when they wear the hijab
tattoos are hawt.
>I have strong opinions about pictures people draw on themselves
Oh Sup Forums
They're not. You are just a degenerate.
>all three of my brothers and my father have one as well. because of this it commemorates my family.
Nigger it's a fucking eye. The guy who will bury your corpse is going to laugh at you.
>ultimately she will choose to get it regardless of my input as it should be
Guess we found out who's the man in this relationship.
Tattoos are one of the most degenerate "redneck-like" shit you could ever do
>Not recognizing the triumphs and sacrifices of your ancestors while admitting to being anglo
Nigga why you even on Sup Forums? My family earned our name the day the last true king of Ireland died in battle. How are you going to go through life completely detached from your history? For fucks sake, you don't even need to be a genetic fetishist like the white supremacists to give a shit about your history.
That's the biggest cuck move you coudl make. I told my girl that a tattoo or piercing would be the biggest turn off , so she hasn't gotten one to please me.
You're a bitch dude, your girl controls you.
>accidently gave in
>tell me why they aren't degenerate
You're a fucking idiot.
I don't see the problem, a Miss Burger contestant got one.
>accidentaly gave into
Sure you did, just like women "accidentally" consent to sex and regret it later, amirite?
He's actually a generate
Commeorates your faily to who? Nobody gives a fuck. To yourselves? That's narcissistic as fuck. Your family is only important to you, and if you need a tattoo to remind you, then you and yoru family are weak as fuck.
Tattoo meathead detected.
Go fuck your ink injected skin, asshole.
>muh feelings
You need to appeal to her emotions, not to her logic (because women don't have logic, PROTIP).
Tell her you will think less of her, and that she will be less beautiful with tattoos all over. Tell her that women with tattoos are seen as dirty and undeserving of respect. Tell her that tattoos make you look older, or make some shit up about how they can give you cancer or the ink can make you sterile.
Just tell her all kinds of wicked shit, that tattoos correlate to being poor or some shit, or tell her she'll get hepatitis or something.
You have to scare bitches into doing what you want, you can't reason with them, they only respond to emotion.
So, make her emotionally negative towards tattoos.
Simple tbqh fampai
> I think tattoos are fucking degenerate and unless your are getting a tattoo to commemorate and honor your friend and fellow soldier who literally threw himself onto a grenade to save the entire crew from death
I completely agree with this. Or maybe a tattoo with the banner of Muslimbreakers 7th division.
On topic now. This 'muh feelings' thing with women seems to be a general disease lately. We need to control our women. We need to learn how to say NO and they need to learn to accept it. Trust me when I say this, women NEED to hear you say no sometimes and they need you to be persistent.
Once you say no to something, it needs to stay no. If you give in, they will know they can manipulate you and they will continue to do so with other things as well, perhaps even think you weak. So it doesn't matter at this point whether or not tattoos are ok. You said no and you need to stick with the NO. If she takes a tattoo it will happen without your consent and you should make it clear.
[Absolutely Damaged]
28You shall not make any cuts in your body for the dead nor make any tattoo marks on yourselves: I am the LORD. 29'Do not profane your daughter by making her a harlot, so that the land will not fall to harlotry and the land become full of lewdness
No, your ancestor earned it. You haven't earned shit, and you're not a warrior just because they were.
My history is what I do, not what someone did 900 years ago. My familyis interesting in a casual, curiousity way, but it has nothing to do with now, and what I do.
Bragging about ancestors is about the weakest thing you can do, and just makes you an even bigger pussy.
Go earn your own coat of arms, then brag about it - someone might give a fuck.
Worrying about tattoos is a complete waste of time. Date someone for superficial reasons or don't, just use your fucking brain and make sure the tattoo isn't some hamburger ass bullshit
Listen to this guy if you want to break up and probably never get laid again
Tattoo fags gonna ignore this.
It's not actually an issue tho famalam
So, your advise is, act like a woman?
Virgon detected,
How about "I won't date a woman with a tattoo."? Works for me. You're allowed, as a man, to have deal breakers. If someone tells you that you can't, it's either a woman, or a man who's jealous of you because he can't get one himself.
My dealbreakers:
Any kind of anti-depressant
Fake tits
All three are signs of massive emotional and psychological damage.
And that girl would be 3x as hot without the tattoos.
Oh, my bad, forgot I was talking to the product of spontaneous abiogenesis here.
Maybe if your mommy and daddy had actually given a fuck about you you'd care about your history.
Do you really not understand the necessity of generational knowledge? For instance, the multiple generations of mathematical achievement, and electrical engineering that was passed down to me through familial involvement in my developmental process.
Families aren't just blood, blood. They're the vehicle through which values, morality, and knowledge gets passed down. They're the building block of civilization.
The fact that I need to explain this to you is why the west has gotten so cucked. Go call your grandparents, faggot. Ask them to tell you a story about their life. Realize you aren't the only person in the world that matters.
It's a bit of ink, get a grip.
It's not going to kill anyone or cause any harm.
You do realise she ruined her skin to a point of no return, right?
I agree with this burger. I just want to add a quaternary dealbreaker:
Single (if one deceased, it's ok) or two same sex parents
Jesus dude, how many cocks have you sucked?
So? it's her body.
But it looks retarded and people will treat you as such. Like a piercing but harder to remove.
That looks really bad
Keep trying to rationalize why someone's actions 900 years ago has any effect on your life, stupid. The only weakness around here is in you.
My parents taught me better - they taught me to earn my accomplishments, then I don't need to brag about what my ancestors did.
"Muh ancestors" is shit people with worthless lives care about.
It's not just the actual act of doing a tattoo that is degenerate, the psychological and social implications behind it make you a degenerate, not the other way around
Con: has to take babby to jail to visit mommy
Pro: bitch will shank a nigger
Con: surrenders trousers to waifu
Pro: no longer has to pay when they eat out
Tattoos, anti-depressants, overweight, being a huge slut that fucks new men ever couple of months...
This sort of stuff rules out 85% of western female population.
That what she told you when she flushed your baby down the toilet?
I hope she enjoys her future of dating criminals and stripping.
>Tell her that women with tattoos are seen as dirty and undeserving of respect.
this will do the trick. maybe sugar coat it a bit by saying, "it's a sad truth, but society in general will perceive you as dirty..."
>my woman
>can't tell her to not do something
I'll take a little pudge ( alittle, not a land whale), if she's honest, and doesn't have those 3 things. Depends on the woman. But those 3? Not happening.
I don't care how big her boobs are, or her butt - that's shit for infantile young dudes to chase after. I just want to be with someone who makes me better, and I make her better. And she's not afraid to be a woman, and lets me be a man.
In other words, not crazy. They're getting harder to find, too.
There's no 'so?'. She ruined her skin. Period
> She chops her hands off
> Welp, she can't knit sweaters anymore
> So? It's her body.
It's a really bad argument.
>brags about how his parents raised him
>mocks people for appreciating the actions of their ancestry
Man you got some hypocrisy to sort out. You're also not even remotely understand the point.
Be a fucking man, and say "NO."
If you can't control her from being a retard now, just wait until you're fucking married to her.
Women are illogical feelboxes. You must be her rock. DO IT FOR HER.
15% is actually huge. My standards were
She would be hotter without the tattoos
checked and kekd
Sure, it's her body. And I can choose not to date her, because she ruined her body.
It says a lot about you, too. That you feel powerless to express an opinion about women and their dumb ideas, because you put up with being attacked by liberal hens over it.
The bottom line is - sure, it's her body. And she gets to live with the results of her poor choices in life.
Have fun at the beach in your 30's with your owman, with tattoos that are fuzzy and turning an overall black/blue, because that's what they do, over time. If a girl gets a tattoo at 18, by 40, it's gonna look like shit. This is not a woman who has thought things out.
Plus, the Suicide Girls are a whole nother basket of crazy, and you should never put your dick in one.
REMINDER: Women are extremely afraid of being judged. If you say, "Tattoos are slutty, and I would be ashamed of you getting one," this will end now.
I'm not bragging, he is. I don't brag, because I have enough self esteem to know who I am, and what I've done. I was raised that way - stating that is not "bragging", and you're an ignorant fuck to even attempt to try to accuse me of that.
What someone did 900 years ago is meaningless. Period. It has ZERO effect on you, and it's compensation for the lack of anything to brag about in their own lives. My ancestors 900 years ago were people who's lives and customs and beliefs were completely foreign to me. How anyone could assign any impact on modern life is beyond me, unless you're so lacking in personal achievement you have to make shit up about people that long ago.
You're just another weak ass faggot who doesn't get it, at all.
I accept your defeat.
Now go do something worth bragging about, and stop wasting time smellling your own farts about "muh ancestors".
Have, many times. Crossed continents on my feet, cheated death, learned secrets of the universe. All to edify my name, to honor my ancestors, and to provide for my future generations.
You'll know my name before you leave this life. And yours will be lost forever.
Because you're a massive cuck.
Coming out of lurking to say this post genuinely got my neurons firing. Thanks user.
You're both right, you should acknowledge and cherish your roots/ ancestors, but not let that mean you shouldn't try to add to the achievements and tell your kids about what you accomplished.
OP tattoos are degenerate
Get a swastika tattoo.
Don't think you're overreacting abit here user? What is she thinking of getting? She can get a low-key minimal design that isn't that big and won't look completely shitty when she gets older.
Just tone down the autism abit it's not that bad.
I've suspected that tattooing has tangible negative health effects. You're essentially injecting ink into the lower levels of your skin, ink which only remains because your immunal response can't clean it all up. While "laser removal" is breaking up the droplets so it can all be taken away by your immune system. I wouldn't be surprised if having ink in your body for prolonged period of time is harmful, or that interferes with your normal nerve endings leading to conditions like fibromyalgia.
Non-health wise, tattoos indicate strong insecurity. That the person could not accept their body how it was so they had to change it, there are also people who get 'addicted' to doing it, some people for the pain aspect.
As someone else mentioned, it's also forbidden by biblical texts. Not surprising it appears to be mostly protestants encouraging forgoing God's law, cringey as shit seeing "Christians" tattooing bible quotes.
Memorial stuff is the closest to socially "acceptable" since it tries to play off the original tribal nature of tattoos. But even this is pushing it, your comrade will live on in your memories of them, you don't need to deface your skin.
Tattoos are on the same level of degenerate as piercings, or other body mutilation habits that have become popular
Quit being so fucking autistic.