Redpill me on homeschooling, Sup Forums
Good? Bad? Pros and cons?
Redpill me on homeschooling, Sup Forums
Never met a homeschooled kid in my life that didn't act like autistic Jeb Bush.
If you homeschool them, you better make sure they are getting an education on how to be sociable.
this, if you homeschool, you're already impeding on their social development.
1 government agency
2 you teach kid
Might be ok for k-4th grade. After that find a religious school or a good public school. Secondary teaching isn't easy, as you must have mastery of subject matter to insure you don't fuck up long term learning concepts. There's a reason why secondary teachers usually only get certified in one subject.
>religious school
user please
Hang on. So the consensus is that homeschooled kids act awkwardly and have no social skills?
So this means, if I time travel to a time before accessible schooling...all the girls will be cute and awkward?
Holy shit I'm gonna build a time machine now.
that wont work before public school most fags had their mommas teach them basic shit before sending them out to work a child job
No, prior to that they had more interactions with their parents and family members.
>secondary shit
teach them how to write gud and get them up to calc 1 and I would be guuchi with enrolling my kid at community college and having them get an AS by the time they are 18
they are decent options if your local public schools are chimp exhibits
typically smarter overall
typically socially awkward
id guess its better overall
In terms of learning material, so long as you're sticking to or exceeding the normal curriculum requirements homeschooling is much better than regular school. The casual environment of home allows the brain to more effectively process and integrate information, and parents can directly work with their children to build healthy and proper moral values, as well as diligent study habits.
It is VERY lacking in terms of social development though, and it absolutely needs to be assisted by after-school activities like sports, youth camps, or youth bands.
Also, the college application process is much easier for kids who are in some form of schooling. All this taken into consideration, if you have enough money then your best bet is to send your kid to a private school, or a boarding school that allows them to keep regular contact with their parents.
The childs success is positively correlated with their parents efforts.
Aw. Fuck.
My cunning plan for adorable, socially awkward, and probably illiterate grills has been foiled by common knowledge and overly talkative parents.
Some have rigorous standards, most don't. Protestant schools seem to be low on actual education, but not all. I'm assuming there is a reason why op would want to homeschool. Not all public schools are socialist hell-holes. I went to a white but very blue collar public school and never heard of any leftist fuckery, ouside of my ap government class taught by an ugly dike.
A lot of kids end up being homeschooled because...
A) They are autistic or otherwise messed up
B) The family is fundamentalist Christian
Either of these is unlikely to produce social butterflies. I'm from column A myself. 35yo single programmer making more money than 90% of the US population, while living alone in a tiny apartment as a NEET. My siblings were also homeschooled, but they came out just fine (Army senior NCO, Biologist turned housewife, and an International Affairs major that does who-the-fuq-knows for a major consulting firm).
home schooling prevents children from developing proper real-world social skills.
It's a recipe for failure.
its not good,but its better than school
the thing is school feeds you information before your brain is even capable of memorizing and digesting previous information you learned 2 hours ago.
along with useless ceremonies,telling you how to respect people in positions of power (so in retrospect telling you that people that are not in positions of power should be treated any way you feel like)
and alot more bullshit that kids shouldn't deal with, i could expand.
t. guy with a sample size of 2
OP, the simple fact is it is better for your children. If you make the time for it, they'll simple be better; academically more self reliant and free of jewish influence.
Christ you're a faggot.
Go back to Red(d)it.
You just described everyone on Sup Forums
>majority of parents
>knowing calculus, much less being able to teach it at an acceptable level
You've never taught something difficult ever have you?
This is true. Although socialization also leads to conformity so it can also be terrible from a creative standpoint.
desu its not hard to just read one chapter a head or have the teen just take a high math class at a community college.
I feel like my last two years of high school were mostly academic fluff and I wished I had taken the GED and just gone to college
At least one of your children will rebel and become a massive SJW who posts shit like this.
Fortunately this dyke is from a family of like 12 and she's the only one who's turned out like this.
Most people weren't schooled before accessible schooling. They were generally out with the other children learning to be sociable.
Well you need to be rich, I don't buy the stay-at-home wife home-schooling, to really be worth it you need somebody with at least a STEM degree, otherwise you might as well send them to school to be thought by education degree grads.
The whole point for me is the ability to go way faster and not be crippled by the "slowest common denominator" that happens in schools and the ability to not only meet but exceed what is normally though in school in relevant subjects like maths and science so they can crush everybody on the SAT and in college and have a much more promising career.
It's going to be rough social-wise but depending on your state if there are lots of homeschoolers they usually have clubs and shit where they organise parties to socialise their children.
One of the worst possible decisions you could make as a parent. A homeschooled kid misses out on so many opportunities to make friends, get into trouble and just be a kid.
not true. boy can still join scouts and hang with cousins.
socializing in school is bad because it forces hierarchy for people with no merit.
only people with merit/skills should be respected.
OP here
So far it's been mostly "They'll be social rejects" and "send them to school at 5th grade so they can learn math"
Holy shit you are so retarded it hurts. If you found calculus "easy" then you had some damn good teachers leading up to that point. You can't grasp the fundamental idea unless you were taught correct mathematical basis.
Teaching kids is easy as fuck. Any adult should be able to teach an 8 year old his math homework.
DESU I would do the opposite home school K-7th and send to a good catholic school from 9-12.
Kids who are meant to break the mold will do so even in heavily social settings. Kids who would have become conformists in a social setting turn into hyper-autismos in isolation. It's better to just let nature run its course on this kind of thing.
Id rather homeschool my kid than send him to a government sanctioned indoctrination facility.
What about past that? What grade should they go to school if at all?
not sending them to a religious school
it's literally just the area under the curve... everyhing else is plug-and-play with formulas you'll never use again in your life even in STEM because computers do it better(just like you'll never do long division).
there are plenty of nonbelievers who send their kids to religious schools just to have the kids avoid chimpouts
went to religious school and I'm atheist, it's usually super white and a lot have good teachers(usually alumnis comming back after their carreer). My physcis and math teacher had a phd in nuclear physcis and my chem teacher had 30 years of industry experience.
>did an "independent study" program for high school
>it made me less autistic
>could hold conversations, didn't get nervous when talking to girls
also some top private religous school can get you very far if they have lots of powerful alumnis, jus check up some people in bush's administration.
>"Hey dad I met this really awesome guy in plublic school, his name is tyrone."
The absolute best if you do it right, meaning you put forth as much effort into your kid's education as possible. If you yourself are unable to teach your kid, then you should put maximum effort into finding a good tutor and spare no expense for your kid's education. Also, make sure to always have your kid involved with social programs like local sports teams, festival activities and events so he doesn't turn out a total autist like was saying. If you actually put effort into it, it will be all around better for your child's well being than sending them to public schools.
Homeschoolfag here
There are lots of stuff you do with other people that are home schooled normally in a home school group
As long as you do this they won't turn out totally autistic and/or antisocial
I think a homeschool and public school hybrid option might be best. That being said who knows if I can have the time in the future to homeschool my kid that much.
100% homeschool is 100% autism. Just because a homeschooled kid can be successful doesnt mean everyone else doesnt think they are awkward to be around
Some people barely even know how to multiply and divide. For such people, finding the area under a curve might prove difficult, hence what that user was saying when he said you've just had a good education without realizing it. You'd be shocked at how ignorant to general populous is.
Teach you daughter, she gets good grades and pass, reward her with orgasms.
Public education until grade 6
Homeschool from grade 7 to 9
Public/private education until graduation
Don't send your kids to school when they're acne ridden faggots.
On the flip side, if you think your kids could be the alpha, public school the whole way. Considering this is Sup Forums though, most likely your kids will be autists.
This. Being home schooled. I agree. Good education is no substitute for socialization.
socially awkward meaning never heard of all teh bullshit programmed jewisms
I say end public school and dont pay the pensions
double library money
call it even
I attended public school from k-12 and I came out of it with little to no education and less than no social skills. Your argument is invalid.
Maybe you're just a natural born sperglord
Consensus = 2 sentences from two faggots making stuff up
I was homeschooled, and I can slightly confirm this.
The thing is, you're trading off social development for intelligence. One thing public schools do very well is kill a kids inquisitiveness, they teach you not to ask questions.
One thing public school is good for is a playground for all kinds of social interaction with peer groups.
I turned out ok, because I befriended some public school kids and learned social skills from their circles. Even still, homeschoolers will often feel different from the vast majority of their peer groups because their interests will be much different than the average pleb, and often times they'll find themselves to be unable to relate to people simply because they are smarter, or learned to think differently (and that is not appreciated in indoctrination centers).
The thing about public socialization though is that it's not really good either, it's organic and can be positive or negative on a persons development depending on random circumstance.
If you do homeschool for your kids, you have the advantage of being able to guide their social development, at the cost of having to take an active role in their education AND their social life. This means signing them up for social shit, and forcing them out of their comfort zone socially. The benefit could be that they get the right kinds of socialization, and avoid the kinds that send them down a path of "degeneracy".
It's soooooooo easy to hustle your kids into an elite magnet feeder school, private school on scholarship, or find an elite public that accepts school of choice.
Reality is 90% of American parents are too retarded to know how worthless their local school system is.
Socially awkward = your daughter doesn't even know she's now expected to give handjobs on first date
It was just a massive waste of time. The whole thing was about as anti-intellectual as it gets. It was only after I left school that I was able to begin picking up the pieces and fixing my broken understanding of the world.
Kids have to learn how to post about vidya streams on faceberg all day or else they won't fit in.
OP here again
If I homeschool my kids will they never end up getting some of that sweet highschool pussy? How would I prevent that? I feel like swim practice isn't the best place to pick up chicks
it's all how good the parents are at planning and letting the child do stuff
guide the kid's college & course selection after that
>At least one of your children will rebel and become a massive SJW who posts shit like this.
>tfw one of my brothers is a tranny
Make sure he is in a place where he can access girls, first and foremost, and let nature take its course. You also need to make sure they have a reason to talk to each other, so just dropping him off at the mall or something probably wont cut it. If you know others who have a daughter around his age, maybe you can make friends with the parent to possibly give your kid such an opportunity. Fucking help him out if he needs it is what I'm saying.
>seriously compromise your child/children's social development
>muh echo chamber of other delusional homeschooling parents
>see they're not socially hindered, we meet with other homeschooling families once a week!
Absolute cancer to childhood development imo. You can't be properly equipped for the next 80 years without being given the necessary tools.
Best girl I ever dated was homeschooled. She was socialized with good people and wasn't a vapid whore like all the women in our society learn to be tiny sluts starting at a young age in public schools. Outdoorsy qt and conservative as fuck. 10/10 would home school my kids if I were able to provide them with a healthy social life.
Either that or a conservative private school with a classical or Howard Gardner education system.
>you're trading off social development for intelligence
You can be "too" inteligent. I grew up with a crazy mother who mostly kept me away from the "world" because she was afraid I would become a satanist if I heard rock music or some shit (nothing but pre-hippie oldies). I grew up around adults. I learned to watch them and predict them. Nowadays watching people in groups is largely painful as it's as if I'm watching the whole social situation from the perspective of an alien. It just seems so stupid. All the ritual and small talk and politesse. And everybody is so predictable. I don't really want to be a part of society. The way people are depresses me the more I see of it. I wish I had grown up without the perspective I now have. Either that or I was just born this way, but I think it's more likely to be nurture.
Watching the end result of Common Core and the way kids do truly some sadistic shit without any real repercussions (some bitch student that learns at the school my friend teaches as put another girl in the hospital by attacking her without warning at lunch time got only a day of ISS), I can't blame anyone for wanting to teach their kids at home.
Just make sure to socialize them. Sports, playdates, etc.
You want to how to fix that? Have more then one kid.
Want to really fix it, have a whole slew and start your own little cult. Go occupy a federal building out in bumfuckistan Oregon.
>socializing in school is bad because it forces hierarchy for people with no merit.
>tfw went to pub school and still have no social skills
kill me tbqh