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What do you think about ''full capitalism''
General capitalist ,right wing thread
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An-cap and natsoc are the reddest of pills.
National Capitalist > *
NatSoc cannot function without the complete removal of shitskins from a society. I don't think that will ever happen.
Socialism is for people who can't compete
Also, Christian morality with a regulated Capitalist system, and policies centered on the preservation of the European ethnicity in European and Anglosphere countries.
I'm middle class and I would like a good amount of capitalism
>"people" who can't compete
Also known as shitskins.
Im midle upper class bye Eastern European standarts for the american proabably midle class.
>What do you think about "full capitalism"
It ruins local culture and aids globalization when it is applied on the worldly scale. Things like Walmart and McDonalds are convenient for consumers with their prices, but they destroy local businesses and make everything the same. Germany's laws prevented Walmart from expanding, but their cost of living is more expensive, so you have to decide what you want? Profit or local culture, personally I prefer local culture and think we should work to preserve it.
It is natural eugenics. Almost all of human life and evolution is based off of competition. Not only for women but for resources and space.
Of course the weak will do poorly or die. Only Marxists see this as a flaw. Without struggle, humans would not be where we are today.
>implying some nepotistic Jew making money on the economic manipulation is "strong" in your sense
youtube yaron brook about capitalism
its moral
it works
free markets work
socialism doesnt
pro tip: there is no such thing as class
Intelligence IS strength. We are out of the jungle now. Why do you think whites BTFO African countries so easily? Because we are physically stronger or because we are intelligent.
You need to consider the wider community. Selfishness is not a virtue contrary to that Russian Jewess who's name I forgot.
Can't believe I forgot her name after reading her shitty book
1% here. I support capitalism but think there also needs to be decent social infrastructure in place and regulation on financial institutions and volatile investments.
Capitalism is for people who can't compete physically.
Sure,lad,me to,i have a lot of respect for the 1% they have made there money fair and sqair however the only thing that does exist about 1% that is bad is the fact that becose of you guys having so mutch money goverment needs to print more money,and that makes bigger inflation.
pffffff ,like woman?
This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
Yes, women benefit from capitalism for its entire history because they sit on their fanny and men give them money.
The only competition is violence which is why revolutions are possible directly following capitalism.
*ideology purifies*
You do understand that ,thats social walfare right?And that means socialism ,if we had FULL capitalism woman would get money at all except for if men and woman marry ir men give them money.
>becose of you guys having so mutch money goverment needs to print more money,and that makes bigger inflation.
That's just shitty economic policy based on unsustainable profiteering, shitty laws (or lack thereof) and general Fed jewery.
Ive always wondered why the shittiest economists rise to the top in the states, while the good ones are simply ignored or work somewhere they wont be puppets.
Wrong. Humans are cooperative creatures as well.
>class doesn't exist
>The only competition is violence which is why revolutions are possible directly following capitalism.
You don't even understand the difference between competition and coercion.
Which is exactly what happens. Women are sex merchants and control the market price of vagina which men covet quite a lot. So yes, women benefit because men buy sex contracts called marriage and the women does nothing else.
I think Marx was essentially right when he proposed that capitalism had flaws that would get worse as time goes on and the economy becomes more globalized. Communism was a fucking retarded idea though.
I think I do. You aren't even trying. Capitalism simulates competition but it isn't competition in the ultimate sense. If I physically take something from you I win, competitively. No coercion unless you surrender prior to conflict beginning.
Well i gues so ,lad.So what kind of sistem do you prefear the moast?are you apoving the social weltheare?Are you democrat or republican?And do you beleave in ''trickeling down'' efect?
Humans are both cooperative and competitive when it suits their needs.
I beleave your a socialist or cominist,but look im from EXSoviet country pal,dont eaven try to argue agains me,what is better socialism or capitalism.
So because I said capitalism isn't true competition I am a Communist?
How about you address the argument first.
I'd be considered far right in almost every general graph, but even I know full capitalism isn't a good idea, or at least isn't the best idea
Military and police obviously need to be state run. I personally think water, infrastructure maintenance, environmental protection and basic healthcare (for genetic disease and accidents) and efforts toward space colonisation should be tax funded. Everything else can be done by capitalism overseen by an authoritarian government
you mean excellent book
you are stupid if you dont admire ayn rand
or smart and moral people
Jesus christ lad. You have to work on that spelling.
>social welfare
To an extent. But a real social system has a comprehensive education system at its heart. A system that works correctly would help lessen the burden on the state in other areas such as welfare.
I have culturally conservative views but other than that Id say Im a centrist.
>trickeling down
It works to an extent. But big finance needs to be regulated otherwise retarded debt fucks people over. I also support a minimum wage.
>hoards all his money
>doesn't invest shit
Scroog mcduck is a shit capitalist
Now you're just advocating the destruction of rights. My point is made.
Lower middle class here.
I like the idea of capitalism because it is literally fair. You get what you give, and that is determined voluntarily by your clients/investors.
If you make something that is unappealing or worthless, it will be treated as such. People have a choice, freedom.
The freer the market, the freer the people.
I love when I discuss this with lefties and they bring up the fact that I make near minimum wage, like that discredits the entire argument.
Just because I'm not in the most financially successful group of people doesn't mean that I can't support the system that got others there.
You'll always have people getting rich through inheritance, Washington, other corrupt methods, but that doesn't mean that there are not people that have earned what they have. Those that have earned it are usually smart enough to maintain it.
Sorry if this is a bit of a ramble but you get the gist.
A big problem with capitalism is shit like buy-to-let and things like that. It contributes nothing to society while simultaneously making it more expensive to buy a house
No, I am just not dogmatic about personal liberty and muh morals. Sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette according to what you want to achieve. This is especially true in competitive environment which is truly ironic for you.
>Washington, other corrupt methods
Just remember, they can only gain more money when they have a lot coming in through taxes, which is why socialist governments are so corrupt.
The lower the taxes, the less money falling through the cracks into an inevitable corrupt politician
How do you determine if someone is a witch?
>Jesus christ lad. You have to work on that spelling.
Yes i know,im bad at spelling,proabably will work on it.
Otherwise your view points are like my own,i myself am upper midle class represent bye the way.
Also you should watch this video,preaty good one,the buisness man 1% in occupy the wallsstreet educates some delusional youth.
Yeah I've seen it, good vid m8
See if she weighs more than a duck obviously. What are you a nigger or something?
She turned me into a newt! Therefore, witch.
Good enough for me.
But how are you typing this if you're a newt?
women would be nice because they would be starving to death without money stolen in modern world from men using taxation
women would have to switch to engineering and real productive action
tom leykis says avoid american women
>What do you think about ''full capitalism''
Not perfect but better than full communism so at least we're headed in the right direction.
>Yaron Brook
He got better
New thread,lads.