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It will happen
but gibs first
Jill Stein is finished. I'm cringing so hard, I just feel so bad for her at this point.
>implying she was ever anything to begin with
What is the fucking point?
more like set for life. She jewed soros out of his money
lel, no she didn't retard
4 years down the line.
This makes absolutely zero sense to me. She campaigned against Hillary and said Trump was the better choice. She has no dog in this fight. I hate to sound like a tinfoil hat nutter but is it possible Hillary is paying her to do this so she (hillary) doesn't look like a sore loser and a hypocrite for accepting the results???
So Trump can win again
this doesnt change shit
Stein was always a Hillary plant. The entire Green party is a Democrat controlled containment party used as an outside agent and a way of controlling the votes of the more extreme left.
The Democratic party has to be funding the Green Party to do this because this is the saltiest shit ever.
Hillary already conceded, This shit is just a way to con delusional liberals out of money, time, and emotional energy.
they have two weeks.
then they have to go to court again to delay the electoral college vote on the 19th. fight it all the way up to the SCOTUS. where the court is likely to say "suck it up democrats, Trump is president". Because otherwise they cause a constitutional crisis. Where there would be no president after January 20th.
>mfw you realize Trump was the secret donor behind this whole thing in order to destroy the Democrat and Green parties
>file for PA recount via court as the law says
>pull out because they didn't want to spend their money and prove evidence
>open a federal case instead
talk about a fucking retard
i assumed it was the opppisite (greens backed by the republicans, libertarians by democrats)
no point in backing a party that will potentially steal votes from you
Who is jewing who here? I'm really confused
I agree with this user. Stein called Hillary every name in the book and actually said Trump was the better choice. Plus the Greens stole Bernout voters from Hillary.
zionist jews vs globalist jews
whoever wins, we lose
>Hillary already conceded
Literally means nothing.
Green Party throws Jill Stein under the bus
"[A]s a candidate, Dr. Stein has the right to call for a recount. However, we urge the GPUS to distance itself from any appearance of support for either Democrats or Republicans. We are well aware of the undemocratic actions taken during the primaries by the DNC and the Clinton campaign. Greens cannot be perceived to be allied with such a party."
"The recount has created confusion about the relationship between the Green and Democratic parties because the states chosen for the recount are only states in which Hillary Clinton lost. There were close races in other states such as New Hampshire and Minnesota where Clinton won, but which were not part of the recount."
How so? Doesn't that mean she's forfeited any chance to win the election? I'm actually curious.
who cares man
nice digits
What is she going to tell the feds? That she wants to demand a recount so another party can win? That possible(not really), (((hacking))) in WI is grounds for a recount in an another state?
>saging political threads on the politics board
i see your sage and raise you a bump
seriously bruh?
conceeding just means that you accept the unofficial results of the election as reported and don't plan to contest the election
it has nothing to do with the official election result, when states certify their ballots and then the electoral college votes
Ok got it thanks. She's a total hypocrite no matter what, though.
8 days before the final election?
Gotta kill 36 electoral votes... Pennsylvania is worth 20.
Doesn't fucking matter. Free Green party publicity.
Sometimes bad publicity is bad publicity.
Man I can't wait for Trump to be in office. This childish whining is getting on my nerves. These people clearly give zero shits about 'democracy' all they want is their way.
Trump and the GOP would fight it in courts if anyone managed to change the election outcome.
No it would go to the house and senate where they would elect Trump.
Keep in mind that she conceded because Obama literally called her and told her to. I don't trust that cunt one bit.
sages earn bans dindyu know?
>implying she didn't do it for the free money and publicity.
win by 282, still win.
This green party bullshit is annoying and based on former results, pointless.
You do realize it doesn't stop EC from voting.
See FL 2000, OH 2004
It's jews jewing each other. Kikes arent all wired into some hivemind. Jewing is in their nature.
Didn't MI use paper ballots and an unrelated recount to confirm Trump won?
Didn't PA tell Jill to fuck off?
Didn't Green Party itself tell Jill to fuck off?
I am being given conflicting information.
MI recount is happening because the two dems on the board refused to deny it
WI recount is already more favorable for Trump
PA said proof or GTFO + a court fee and she dropped out and is now going to federal judges...
Only if you announce it
So Michigan's just gonna recount twice?
Christ what are they hoping to find? Ayy lmao interference?
jill is retarded and dems are desperate
I don't understand why republicans are so desperately against the recount and fighting her every fucking step of the way.
You guys won right? If people want to spend money for a recount that affirms that you won then you should be happy.
The fact that you don't want the recount to happen doesn't help your side. If anything it just makes it look like you're worried you may have lost and are trying to undermine anyone finding out.
This won't change anything. Let them waste their money.
You guys won...right?
I love Jill Stein she's so good she's literally dividing the left so bad right now with this. She's basically making all of the rabid anti trumpers and Bernie people hate the DNC even more for bending over and taking the Trump victory without any resistance or fighting. She's trying to emerge as the opposition to donald trump when no one else would. And it's working. Thank you Jill for doing what we never could, killing the DNC.
>made 6 million (OY VEY) in like 2 weeks
Nah man. Nah.
>made 6 million (OY VEY) in like 2 weeks
And then proceeded to lose nearly $4m in WI and probably another 1-2m in fees in MI and PA
honestly does it even matter. Let's say by some fucking miracle they find a bunch of votes and PA goes to Hillary. Trump is at 286 then. Even if she won WI he'd still be at 276.
She's stealing the money
>Jill Stein Campaign Drops Statewide Recount Effort In Pennsylvania
she doesn't have personal access to any of this money retard
Wisconsin is going to flip....
Oh wait, no it won't.
>Game changer: Wisconsin recount has already uncovered 3 more votes for Hillary (and 5 for Trump)
Curious how it says "The Green Party" instead of the people actually funding the effort
Obviously media trying to hide the fact that Hillary is behind this
This recount will cost Michigan $20 million dollars, I guess the lead will have to stay in the water.
Why is Sup Forums so opposed to a recount?
It wastes millions of tax payer dollars.
uhhh... thats what the donations are for. They charge the requester for the time/resources spent. So, no not really.. She took donations from citizens who want a recount.
No, in Michigan the tax payers fit the bill. I literally work for the Michigan Republican party. The cost will be $15-$20 million for a recount.
Obstructing the recount in court costs taxpayers..
The recount itself, not so much
It literally says in that article you posted it will cost the tax payers millions of dollars.
Someone put this cooze in jail plox
>Trump and Schuette argue Stein has no grounds to request a recount that could cost taxpayers millions beyond the $973,250 filing fee Stein paid.
>stein ordered to post $1M bond for PA recount
>b-b-but I can't afford it
>drops case
>pursues in federal court instead
citation: reuters.com
>"Petitioners are regular citizens of ordinary means. They cannot afford to post the $1,000,000 bond required by the court," wrote attorney Lawrence Otter, informing the court of the decision to withdraw.
top fucking kek, after bilking gullible idiots out of what, $9M? she claims she can't post $1M for the recount she promised her donors?
Kikes gonna kike I guess.
Even if Jill is able to tie the recount up in court to delay the electoral count, Congress with full support of Obama, will hand the election to Trump. This is non sense what Jill is doing.
She bashed Hillary to steal some democrat votes for the greens, but she was expecting Hillary to win still.
I honestly don't get it, what does the Green Party have to gain from this? They will never be a major party, and probably won't get the level of attention they got in 2004 or 2016 for a long time.
>green party
What Jill is doing is trying to delay a recount in progress, this will lower Trump's electoral college win by a few. This will undermine the President elect, and could result in a Constitutional crisis.
She's trying to prove Clinton/Democrat corruption, so Bernouts flock to the Green Party. Also, millions of dollars of donations to GP coffers (since the recount won't actually happen, they won't have to pay for it).
Apple is one of the most eco friendly producers... Their materials are recyclable and they actually pioneered the way in which "ecofriendly" computers were done in the 21st century. And they are great for multimedia production so stop whining
If the state's vote is in a "contested" status during the electoral congress, the electors are not allowed to vote.
Because this recall is baseless. Recounts are automatically triggered in close races. They also happen if there are irregularities, there is no evidence of irregularities.
2000 Florida recount had counters trying to determine the INTENT of the voter. Not actually recounting votes but sitting there with magnifying glasses to see if a voter may have touched the card and therefore maybe intended to vote for the person. Total bullshit.
Source this information please
muh feels
it's not legally binding
it's absurd as fuck and our system doesn't work like this (ie properly) but remember , sometimes Americans are just that stupid to make such a system
this is getting sad