This triggers the american

>this triggers the american

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>MFW all the stadiums you built for the olympics and world cup are going to look like Diamond City in a few years

Laugh it up Raul

Omg I'm like so triggered bruh

California has a greater GDP than you, with 1/10 the population.

What about Alaska and Hawaii

>this triggers the macaque

3ยบ World


Good luck living in the rain forest.
I'll take my beautiful plains


Nice try, monkey


>doesn't even add alaska

Lol our GDP triggers you senpai

Alaska would multiply the size by 1.5 dipshit.


You tried

didn't realize this was a YLYL thread...fuckin lost...

I do want to see the Amazon one day though.

>Jungles and mud huts are the equivalent of skyscrapers and grassy plains.

Nice meme Pedro.

I bet you think Russia is the best country in the world by landmass alone.


this triggers Brazilians.

>leaving out the "biggest state in the country".

Britsmalls btfo

>This triggers the Brazilian.


this. Alaska is going to be about half the size of Brazil

What if we add another 1,717,854 km2? Landmass means little though.


Not even Alaska will save you from the mighty leaf!

Excuse me sir, I am a proud liberal and that image offends me.

Delete it at once.

>this triggers the tamarin

Actualy not since 7x1 is also a joke here in Brazil

What would Canada even do if someone tried to take your far north.

Justin would cheer about how Canada is winning.


The igloo front will b ready. They will be no match for our yard supplies

Alaska is fucking huge. The thread.


United States has technically more land than Canada.

You have slightly more area counting ice/water

Take it back

All this butthurt
Thread successful

At least we still have a soccer team

Apparently this triggers the Brazilian.

HOnestly this is sad... Brazil is bigger than the US? They have like one failed state, we have about 50 (officially)

>your national team is a joke in your own country
>this doesn't trigger you

come on raul.


they probably wouldnt hear abt it

>includes the worthless amazon lands of brazil
>doesn't include the worthless alaskan lands of US

Use adjusted GDP instead of nominal GDP
Nominal GDP means shit bacause of currency fluctuations




>destroying the Amazon
ye good one kike

shrug, probably. theres a was a nazi weather station up there until like 1980 and nobody knew what it was until someone gave it a closer look

Heh it's funny to me because no one here remembers Alaska, ever. So when people say that the US is larger than Brazil, we really think of the contiguous US. To see this is pretty funny

Wait for the winter so all the water passages freeze up and everyone up there starves to death

It's quite literally uninhabitable

Why the fuck would anybody want to own the Amazon instead of the Midwest?


>Heh it's funny to me because no one here remembers Alaska, ever.
Yeah, it's hilarious you niggers can't into geography.

But yet, we do have Alaska.

And Canada is our little bitch.

>brasil has more land area than the continental US
>brasil is a third world hellhole that hasn't accomplished anything significant
wow usa btfo

Why haven't we annexed Canada yet, we'd beat the ruskies too if we had their land.
Leafland is basically the 51 state anyway

We know it's there somewhere, it's just that for me at least has the relevance of Delaware. I just assume it's there but don't really care imagine how big it is, maps are distorted anyways.

Is this really true? Then why is the entire us nation as wide as south america in its entirety? Shouldn't the map depict the north america as tiny while south america much larger to be accurate?

The fact that you even know the name Delaware means its more relevant to you than any of your shitty states are to us

I just wanted to maintain the structure
it's not worth explaining to brazilians that our frozen tundra is many times more valuable than their country

Comes down to Jews vs. the queen of wales


Not even Alaskan polar bears can save you

Alaska bringing the heat as always.

I only know Delaware because it's literally (not figuratively) the most irrelevant state

a whole country of monkeys, congratulations

>missing Alaska

Better luck next time, sugar harvester

yeah too bad Huezil has shit geography that condemns it to low wage earners population under our current tech level

We'll just say that it's ours and nobody in the Canadian government will object.

What the fuck? I thought we were the third biggest country.

>Bragging about California

Hue Monkey Status:

[ ] Recourse
[x] No Recourse

B-but what about muh niobium?


aren't you guys to busy stealing tourists belongings to post here?

This. everyone knows california is a shithole.

most of Africa is uninhabitable.

africa is not a country

You guys are forgetting the biggest land mass we own.

Don't you have some kids to shoot up, Anders?

>being worse than California


That's french lunar clay now