This kills the racist


You're a big guy

It's funny because this shows the low IQ that his non-white skin makes me assume he has.


And his non white buddies who fell for it in the comments.


Never saw gravitational lensing around a shoulder before.

For u bby


lol he thicc tho

R3ddit is down the hall and to the left, kid.
No one here cares.

A bullet to the head works every time buddy


Ur just jealous

>when your body is 30% synthol

*teleports bhind you*

*gently rubs your innertube-like arms*


>This chimps out and kills the white woman

I'm still alive, nigger.

I'm not a racist but I don't know why you think that a sterioded up towelhead fuckin a Jew would trigger me?

I thought everything triggers the alt-reich

>that shoulder
this kills the space time continuum


That's not a black guy, that's a black hole, see how space and time are warping around him.

nic boby



that shoop, fucking RAF

>fucking Royal Air Force

You really are a low t, effeminate, liberal man aren't you

Also there is no alt right. It was made up by Hillary. Dick Spencer is a Soros plant. You are a douchebag.

It is a pretty massive shoulder...

>Bavaria isn't independent
>Swabia isn't independent
>not giving all of Silesia to the Czechs