Islamic thread

Islamic thread

Criticisms, questions or just memri TV.

Why did islam spread like wildfire

Muhammad was trained by the Vatican. Islam was a method for the Holy See to pull the strings in Arabia. Just like whats happening today

I could just say it was because Allahu akbar but from a rational point of view it was because the Muslims attacked when both Byzantium and Sassanid Persia expected the least. Another reason is that they were initially brushed off as just another Arab raid and only seriously tackled when they had captured Babylon in the east and Jerusalem to the west. After that there was no stopping them.

Also Khalid Bin Walid and the fact that in nearly all the battles opposition acted like a bunch of five year olds. The Persians literally chained the soldiers together for one battle.

Can you all stop fucking up the world?

>Can you all stop fucking up the world?
>See flag

Pakistan sure came prepared

Prove you aren't a proxy RP Fag

Muslims are fine. I'm okay with Muslims.

Bitch we're the ones trying to fix what you fucks keep breaking!

>I've posted this question in more than 5 Muslim threads and no one answers me
Why can't you eat pork / drink alcohol?

By killing our children?

Also, wasn't this the same reason bin Laden's gave for 9/11?

I'll answer. The answer sufficient for me is that Allah has said so. Bit other then that Alcohol has no positive effects and only negative ones. It destroys the family set up, causes violence ( imagine what drunk terrorists would be capable of with an airplane) and makes one dependent on these drinks.

Pork is Haraam because pigs are filthy animals.

Islam, just like Judaism was born in the Middle East
Hot climate
No fridges
When pork goes bad, it doesn't have a very strong smell
They had to make up the pork rule to make sure medieval arabs stopped poisoning themselves

As for alcohol, I guess it's because of the intoxication - drunk people aren't very righteous.

If pigs are filthy animals, then why do you marry them?

Former Airforce Afghanistan Veteran here.

Bombing villages and caves full of mudslims heretics best day of my life.

They don't. They just occasionally fuck other farm animals

It may or may not be time to promote Islamic genocide.

He wouldn't be capable of anything, he would miss the tower s

It flew right over your head, didn't it?

>inb4 9/11 joke

Kek. That's wrong we marry goats

The pork thing is related to idolatry of some cunt tribe around Muhammad. The alcohol thing has to do with the fact that Muhammad was waging a war and his guys were getting drunk and fighting.

It was because they would pray without understanding what they were praying about and the fact that Hamza killed two of Ali's camels when drunk.


why are you shitposting in pakistan while all the terrorists people actually give a shit about are doing their part for your autistic meme cause in syria? slacking is haram, even pajeets are occupying themselves with shit rn

more memri tv would be absolutely lovely, that last thread had me in fucking stitches

Slacking isnt Haraam and I believe I'll use the method Muhammad SAW used in Mecca because rebellion is Haraam.


Pajeets are always occupied with shit



Holy shit fucking more




Can I somehow be a muslim and a white nationalist?




oh i remembered my other question

why does ISIS have a flag with text? why not go the route of syria, turkey, pakistan flags and use symbols instead? they look infinitely better then the spaghetti on yours tbqh.


>striking resemblance

you guys love these too eh, ill post an original for every new one i see

No. Islam is not a nationalist or racist ideology. It was specifically designed to overcome tribal divisions and bring everyone within a single universalist order.

pic unrelated.

Nope. The Prophet PBUH said," No Arab is superior to a non Arab and no non Arab is superior to an Arab."

And he made Bilal RA( a freed black slave) the Adhan giver and he was titled Sayyid( Root for El Cid) meaning Lord.



Regarding the pigs. Pigs are similar anatomically to humans so it is quite fucked up to eat them also I like their ideas about no blood in the meat. Nobody likes blood. DEBBY!


>coming from you

But would a ban against racial mixing be considered haram?

no blood in the meat is because blood is only for (((them)))

Yep. The fake ones anyways

First off I'm not ISIS. Second of all they have written the Shahadah ( There is no god but God) and underneath is the impression of the Prophet's seal ring with the words "Muhammad the Messenger of Allah" on it.

It's an immitation of the original flag of Islam( it was a simple black clothe)

islamic trips! very rare!~ infidels BTFO



>was a simple black clothe
Very reassuring. Great flag.
Fucking pirate LARPers

someone post more /memri/

Yes because the first two martyrs of Islam were an interracial couple who were killed by Abu Jahl for being Muslims.


Opening of Trumpschwitz camp in America for Muslims when?

He's talking about now you tard. Everyone with an internet access could find your answers on Wikipedia




Damn that picture is great. Boo hoo some drones killed some faggot paki kids whose parents would have raised them to be islamists anyway. Nobody will avenge them because your country is inpet, backwards and disgusting.

Have fun with your endemic polio too in your cities with 20 million people and their open sewers, who dont trust evil jew medicine aka polio vaccines.

I hope india nukes you so I can visit the Himalaya and shoot radiocative Pakis.



Blood sausages are delicious, man.


You are why the commercials use a blue liquid

That's sad to hear. It seemed like it could be a good faith but I don't know how any human being can look at race mixing and not be disgusted.

Oh sorry. Thay would be because of libtards, death sentence on apostates and lots and lots of babies from the four wives.



I bet you also enjoy crustaceans

Oooooh from your OP I thought you may have been one of these retards

forgot image

>enjoy crustaceans
Fuck yeah, son


Groooos. Why do the ashkenazi use bottom feeding carp in their gefilte. You are eating cockroaches


Yes I do.

Nah I'm on the complete opposite side of the country. Plus these people don't have internet access because of mountains and illiteracy.

It's a delicacy you pleb. Fucking delicious

Its not a coincidence that they control territory parallel to Peshawar. Peshawar is the main outlet through which Bin Laden organized al qaeda

Also a big myth is that everywhere Islam conquered, the populace immediately converted. It took 2 and a half centuries for these areas to become majority Muslim. Dhimmi taxes were lower than the taxes the Byzantines had, so locals didn't really care that their rulers were now Muslim.


Oтличнaя paбoтa, тoвapищ.

No it isn't. Rich people eat all the garbage parts of the animals. Lobsters used to be poor fisher man's food. There is a such coffee for richies that is shat out of a cat. Mmm mmm

Russia knows what's up

Is the brown shit food or body parts

Tastes good with butter.
That's about it.

I know but there were no forced conversions because that would've been a loss of Jizya money. Also, there were Persian movements to overthrow the Caliphate. It was more of a cultural than a religious conflict

>current year is 2069
>Top delicacy for rich people is salad dressing made from boogers and cum

Pigs are only gross if you don't wash them routinely, what would it matter anyway when you cook the meat? I don't get the problem. Are cows really all that "clean", have you ever been around goats? I mean, both those animals smell like shit so

No m8 just admit you have no taste and no class. And no self respecting rich person actually drinks shitcoffee.

Yeah pretty much. Made in a music video ft miley cyrus

It's food. Just a little charred on the grill