Spreading the truth one match at a time.
>Download the app on iOS or Android
>Don't be a pussy and help restore Western Civilization
Just downloaded it
You guys really need to get on here quickly!
Been single for almost a year and would still never touch tinder.
>Blue hair
>Red pilled
Pick one and only one you normie faggot.
You're missing the point
Blue Hair? What the fuck are you talking about?
Update famalam
>What's my next move?
find a clever way to ask for tits
I get multiple matches every day (at uni) and some of them are actually hot but I never know what to say to them so I don't say anything. I've gone on a tinder date twice and they both went badly so after that I basically gave up completely. My personality's just toxic to women I guess.
she doesn't to talk to you, you fucking autist
Stop being a nigger and ask if they 'wanna smash'
>Pound that sweet pussay
Skip it. Don't bring it up again for a long time.
Go fight some emus
How tho
Get to the good stuff already
She seems fucking dumb. She's not saying anything substantial so either she's pretending to know, or is uninterested. Either way, drop her.
I don't have any screenshots, but during the election cycle I was /tinder4trump/
>Find girl with "If you are voting for Trump swipe left" in her bio
>Invite her over
>Foreplay begins
>she sucks my dick
>I begin to return the favor
>Spell the words "Make America Great Again!" and "Trump for President" with my tongue on her pussy.
>She orgasms to a Trump campaign slogan
She might not consciously support Trump but now her vagina does, which is how women vote anyway.
Alternatively, women can't form logical thoughts while being fucked, so you can get them to say anything.
>Tell girl she can't cum until I say she can
>Girl thinks this is super hot and torments herself by forcing herself not to cum
>Begs me to let her cum
>Begs some more
>Still no
>Starts whimpering
>I will let you cum, but only if you scream "homosexuality is a sin"
>Ready, Go!
>Her body spasms uncontrollably as the words erupt from her windpipe loud enough for the neighbors to hear
Around 7 women have been redpilled in this way since January. Something about having a woman scream "the jews did 911" or other Sup Forums related memes really helps me get off.
Tell her how if you look in any history textbook, or SAT/ACT/AP test prep book there will be a jewish name. Those who control the education control the children. Those who control the children control the country and its future.
Tinder is for degenerates.
this man knows how to eat a pussy.
change the word jewish with corporate. slowly reveal who run corporations
fuck chad you are cool
i wish i was cool enough to be friends with someone like you
i would fuck the 6/10 friend for you any time
Says the good goy letting goat fuckers into his homeland
trips demands OP ask for tits
funny but not true. faggot.
Do you still need 50 faceberg friends for it?
>but I never know what to say to them
how about "lets have sex"
Seriously can USA stop commenting on Europe?
You are fucking mexico in 15years
shut your idiotic face
Still better than Soviet Poland, faggot
Just imagine what you'll be in ten years Mohammed
You're gaining nothing from fucking just for the sake of It. Don't waist your time on it. Get a proper relationship. Acting like a sex-driven animal is degenerate.
No one can know it. Germany ruined itself in a couple of years, but poland still doing good, i think they'll be fine especially with kraut example
Stay mad kids
Have fun in the bread lines you mixed mutt
Bread costs 25cents here
I bake my own, with 50kg flour bags i buy from a natural mill for 8$
This is too poetic to be coincidence. Reminds me of God burning the swastika off of the box holding the ark in "Raiders of the Lost Ark".