How do we take on the NRA?

You don't

Go fuck yourself leaf.

>a fucking leaf

Well if you had guns maybe you'd have options, but you don't think civilians should own guns so


We can only defeat them by buying a lifetime membership.

Just show up with wheel barrows of rifles and shotguns and legally acquirable civil war era cannons and blast the fuck out of them.

Contrary to popular belief, the NRA fortress is not as heavily armed as you would think.

how about you go fuck yourself

Ask Bloomberg. His shell corporations spend orders of magnitude more money lobbying and get almost nothing from it.

By repealing the NFA which the NRA lobbied for.

The RCMP are already on it...

With a knife.

>Anti gun movie
>Directed by a brit
Fuck off britfags, we know you're waiting for us to disarm to come for those tea taxes.

By buying a lifetime membership to them.
Molon Labe, you emasculated child

Do folks outside of Hollywood actually believe this conspiracy theory level bullshit that most Americans want to get rid of guns, but the NRA has such a strange hold on congress that they can't?

What are they going to attack us with? They're not even allowed to own butterknives.

With guns you dummy.

Yes. NRA is the gun lobby.

national concealed carry and legal silencers

Yeah, but their spoons are sharp as hell.

Go suck more dicks you pussy faggot

>pic related

The NRA is a government plant that monopolized the gun lobby (keep real honest gun-rights activists out of Washington), and they are a lame duck that pretends to fight but "compromises" every time. The NRA is false and it must be destroyed.

In other words, the NRA is millions of gun owners that take an active interests in protecting their inalienable rights through political force.

eat shit and die gun grabbers

In addition its primary interest is to protect AMERICAN gun businesses. It does nothing when importation laws and tariffs are passed, thus decreasing competition and allowing American kike brands to raise their prices.

The NRA is tyranny at its finest. They don't care about gun owners. If they did, we would be enjoying 10 cents per round 7.62x39 Chinese ammo and $250 Russian SKS'

Instead, We have to buy overpriced American SHIT whether we like it or not. Canada is lucky they don't have the NRA.

And they did. What's the problem here?

Do you not see the scam tier interest raters the government lets those savages get away with on those cash advances?

Fuck off cuck

I like this pic so much,...

As they say art is about beauty.

This is as close to beautiful as I've seen.

Still not perfect, but it flirts with perfection.

Almost, sinful.


Are you sure it has nothing to do with the fact that anti-gun people have to disable comments and create echo chambers to prevent their narrative from collapsing under the weight of the evidence against their position?

gun grabbers btfo with logic

NRA needs to stop having their meetings at Ray's House of Ribs.

So did the NRA every come out in favor of 3d printer guns or are they still the gun manufacturers lapdogs?

NRA is good
guns are good
government does not have moral right to disarm citizens

Gun control works:

According to a StatsCan report from 2012 – the most recent year available – the U.S. suffered a total of 8,813 murders involving the use of firearms that year. Canada, in the same year, recorded just 172 firearms-related homicides.

“When looking at firearm-related homicide rates in comparable countries, Canada’s rate is about seven times lower than that of the United States (3.5 per 100,000 population).

A single anti-gun billionaire could outspend the NRA several times over and when anti-gun groups do get huge grants they spent the money on stupid cringy youtube videos.


Honduras is a shithole country. Not a good comparison. Canada and the states are less different mate.

That might be over the fact the population is several times lower and thereally aren't large swaths of inner city niggers killing themselves daily. Fucking hell you anti gun leafs are stupid.

> Leaf wanting no trouble from the NRA.

Stay north of the 48th parallel, and you shouldn't have any problems.

I respect your laws when I go there (and when I don't go there) and we ask nothing more of you.

If you don't know what "fuck off" means, c'mon down and we'll show you.

How many black people you got?

Lol why the fuck does Hollywood over sensualize everything to the Nth degree? This movie is probably based on some dopey ass old lefty who cried when Trump was elected.

Exactly two

you donate to them and become a member, like any productive and intelligent gun-owning american

a) Please compare per capita rates, not absolute values.
b) Please compare all homicides, not just firearms homicides. Of course a country with a significantly lower rate of firearms ownership is going to have a lower rate of firearms homicides.

Canada's homicide rate per 100k rate is 1.4
The United States is 3.9. That is still not good, but consider that based on the FBI's statistics, if you remove homicides committed by black offenders (less than 12% of the population, the rate drops to 1.5.


Could you colour code each state by percentage of whites?

Why would I want to? I'm a card-carrying member.

I also have a .38 Special M&P Bodyguard in my right pocket at all times that I am awake and out of the shower. When I'm asleep, it's on my bed stand, and when I'm in the shower, it's on the countertop.

Imagine if you removed the hispanic population, as well.



You don't.

We don't. To deal with gun crime in the US, take away the niggers. If you take away the guns from the law abiding then the criminals still have them. What I say has been said before millions of times.

Yep. It's how they keep losing state-level and sometimes national elections over that shit.

It's that the film makers don't even pretend this is based on a true story. Because out side of shitty dem controlled states gun grabbers have been slowly getting btfo over the last 10 years while crime continues to go down.

Severely underrated


I don't get it.

Donate to it under the name of Diane Feinstein.

>Unconverted Saiga
>Lel-Kek with eotech, meanwhile the PS90 with barrel shroud has a $30 red dot
>Abortion tier mossberg

Proud NRA member even in a cucked state

Lol, another retard pleb who thinks criminals care about gun laws. You only have to be smarter than a watermelon to understand the vast majority of gun related crimes aren't by law abiding registered gun owners.
You fucking autistic burden to society.