Whats better, ethno nationalism or civic nationalism?
Whats better, ethno nationalism or civic nationalism?
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>(((civic nationalism)))
Biggest meme out.
NatSoc reporting in.
ethnonationalism, obviously
remember to be nice to civic nationalists though
Civic nationalism if you support this:
Ethno nationalism if you don't.
Cultural nationalism is sort of an in-between. Sup Forums doesn't seem to think it can work though. When people are a difference race, they tend to want their own culture. They do not want to integrate. And the elite exploits this.
how is it any different to civic nationalism?
It is the people that create the culture. Western culture is objectively the best culture. Therefore in order to preserve Western culture you have to have people of European ancestry.
Civic nationalism is usually multicultural. Cultural nationalism does not allow it and immigration is more controlled. But it's not centered on ethnicity by itself, just the people's culture. In practice it would mean to allow allow significant immigration from western-ish countries (where people have similar values and upbringings, etc), which would be mostly white. And the others would have to integrate (not the other way around).
It's kind of hard to argue for though, lots of people don't understand or value their culture. They've been brainwashed to disregard it or even hate it. The whole thing is just racist to them no matter what.
If civic/ethno nationalism is a spectrum, cultural is somewhere in-between. Most people probably don't think of too crazy multiculturalism when they think of civic nationalism either, they're probably not at the extreme of it.
It used to be more like that in America it seems. You had to be an American first.
I would support ethno nationalism but the problem is im not white
Maybe they could grant you honorary whiteness?
I wonder what the ethno nationalists really intend to do with the non-whites. I thought they were joking about the day of the rope but I dunno.
Civic nationalism is an oxymoron.
I've never heard of civic nationalism but is sums up perfectly what I've always tried to explain people. I am a white male and a nationalist; not a white nationalist. I am not interested in a pure white ethnostate, nor does my racial identity determine all of my politics. I do believe Americans should come, first. I'm glad there's a more specific name.
Ethnic nationalism is the inevitable outcome of human biology.
Civic nationalism can only continue as long as there is a carrot (opulence) or a stick (a dictator like Tito or Putin or a minority ruling class) promoting it.
ethno anarcho-communism
anything else are good goy kike slaves
why the fuck would even ask this question? are you gavin mccuck or something?
White Nationalists wouldnt accept me, they want racial purity.
Civic nationalism would be fine if people had to work for it. Right now it's just an excuse for open borders and birthright citizenship.
Idk tbqhfam. I don't have an issue with people of any ethnicity as long as they support American values. This shit that Liberals pull out there ass celebrating the "death of the white race" (which is never gonna happen) is fucking disgusting and going out of your way to promote race mixing is abhorrent and disrespectful to all women. Hell, it literally says white women should be fucked because they are white and LMAO STICKING IT TO DUH WHITE MAN.
On the other hand, I don't feel the same ethnic roots exist in the United States as it does elsewhere. Europe needs to be kept white. It is the source of western civilization and ruining it with outside genes will ultimately lead to the end of said civilization. The US is built differently. It's size and governmental structure allows for races to live safely in different parts while keeping the concept of the United States in tact. Evil ideologies are more dangerous than race mixing while in Europe, race mixing is more dangerous than evil ideologies.
Prove me different if you don't believe me.
>supporting communism
>opposing it = kike
Tell me again, who led the marxist marches in Germany 1920?
Who let the communist marches in Russia 1920?
all of them.
No one questions that ethnic nationalism is superior, but the problem is that you can't apply it in countries like the US where only 60% of the population is white, and not even 25% of whites are even ethnic nationalist. Might as well start rejecting shitskins on the basis of culture instead of pretending you're preserving a race that's getting outbred by spics.
You.. Fucking.. Where in the FUCK DOES IT SAY "WHITE" IN "THE STRUGGLE"
Your stupid slogan has nothing to do with the NSDAP.
GTKRWN but my god, these hillbilly American whites are shitting up Hitlers legacy
*My struggle
heIIo reddit
Civic nationalism is only good if you are already undivided. Hence, civic nationalism works perfectly in Japan but not in America.
>implying hitler gave a shit about whites
State nationalism. Who cares what race you are, as long as you are willing to sacrifice for the state, and fight and die alongside your brothers in arms.
Lol, get that weak shit outta here.
A people should be so unified and so superior they don't even need the power of the state to maintain their social bonds.
People of my race arent usually ethno nationalists so i made a post to encourage it, i hope they join because i need a nationslist movement thats right for me.I cant be a white etnho nationalist since im not white, but i still support you guys in your struggles against white genocide.
>open borders
You've been lied to.
im seeing this gif all the time
what is this
whats the souce
is it just another made up meme Sup Forums fell for
seems like this is the origin
it has some sources but havent read them yet
What the fuck did i just watch?
>civic nationalism?
Nation is race.
State Cultism is word your looking for not nationalism.
civic nationalism is essentially an oxymoron, so the one that isnt self-defeating wins.
Which ain't gonna happen unless you have a state to indoctrinate them first. From birth, they get taught to be loyal and productive to the state. They go into military youth programs, where more indoctrination is added and they learn useful skills, like how to kill enemies of the state.
Then they grow up, in high school they are enrolled in the local state militia, where they learn how to bandage wounds, produce homemade bombs, and fight a guerrilla war if the state is invaded. They go through a hazing ritual to mark them as a servant and soldier of the state.
After high school, they can join the military, for yet more indoctrination and training, or they can go into one of the respected professions and industries of the nation.
They will not care that their personal income taxes are so high, because it goes to the state, which they love dearly, and they will not care that corporate taxes are so low, because it helps the corporations produce more for the state.
They see the nation give them free healthcare, and useful skills, and work programs in case they lose their jobs, and they know that their nation loves them as much as they love it.
They vote on ministers related to the profession or industry that they work at. The very idea of these ministers being corrupt is preposterous, as they went through the same indoctrination as you did, and if you ever saw any corruption you would be sure to report it, but not before doling out a bit of your own punishment for hurting the nation you so love.
Race and culture is not an issue. There is but one culture, the one the state gives you, and race is but an outer wrapping to the delicious dedication the state has filled all of you with.
Individualism is only useful so far as it achieves progress for the nation. The state will not endorse tall poppy syndrome and cut down those too successful, but it will also not tolerate exploitation of your fellow citizen.
Ethno, civic is a stepping stone. Its tough to go full 1488 in public but alot of people are receptive to civic, and it is a step away from globalism.
Are you really trying to use the game of life as justification for ethnonationalism?
You know the 80's are over, right?
>which form of collectivism is the least worst?
You're being Jewed again Sup Forums.
individualism is retarded tho
the south remained 90% white until desegregation in the 1960s because the state protected white institutions. there's nothing wrong with a little white collectivism. today the south is like africa.