Besides these 3 sub humans
What have Armenians contributed?
Some sort of ground beef pizza thing? And giving us an easy token disadvantaged group to use to justify our utter hatred of turkroaches.
1. Literally who?
2. I fucking love Dan!
3. Literally who?
System of a Down was pretty cool.
this perfect mix of beauty and brains
As much fun as it is to mock the Young Turks for advocating genocide, maybe they were on to something
fuck's sake Armenia
They also gave us that bitch Maddox
I have shit talked the Turks for years now but now....Were they right in doing what they did to the Armenians?
>roaches commit genocide, become global hate target
>*rnenians die
Everyone wins
I'd pee in Sarkisian's butt
Yes but still, fuck the turks.
a lot of inventions and contributions throughout the past 6000 years but I guess a 1/4 armenian, a literally who, and a half leaf somehow disregard that.
I would know because I'm armenian.
lost to aryan Robert Hübner
Some Armo made the first pressure cooker bomb Tsarnaev used at the Boston Marathon,
Kasparov is also half Armenian.
>Be armenian
>work for news organization named after perpetrators of Armenian Genocide and a man who denies it
top kek
this was the only Armenians I could think of as well
and jew who is a liberal outcast in russia
NO not talking about him. The design for the bomb was made by some Armenian in the 90's.
He's still regarded as one of the best chess players of all time next to Fischer (who was also Jewish)
Freedom, liberty and justice for all. The "for all" part was a mistake though; it should be changed to "for whites. No Jews tho"
Mad "there's nothing inherently wrong with being a cuck" dox
>armenian muslim
delet this
you do realize the hamshens who are armenians in turkey with a different dialect are majoirty muslim right?
This guy was Republican governor of California for most of the 80s. Based in comparison to Jerry Brown and Tom Bradley; lower taxes, tough on crime, etc. Still kind of a cuckservative though.
''There is nothing inherently wrong about being a cuck'' - Maddox 2016
Don't act like you didn't like this album
i hate them
Armenians brought us the princess of America, Kim Kardashian
May I present, Cristina Laila?
>you will never fuck her perfect ass and watch it bounce up and down your cock
Why even live Sup Forums ?
New thread,lads.
a shit skin mutt so no thank you
stop spreading bullshit information faggots. he had lied to immigration when he had coome in, someone find the twitter post backing this up brought by defense attorney mark geragos(ian), see video or twitter.
gtfo diaspora armenian shitskin
>Fake ass
More like "watch the implants uniformly shift up and down under her stretched out ass skin".
Because she is a nature-perverting, race mixing, sex obsessed, low IQ doofus who is only famous for her augmented giant ass and the fact that her step (tranny) -father is a degenerate whack job.
he is a leaf bro, let him be
Okay, enough posting this unless you're gonna provide a fucking source.
Name one tho
>implying armenia is the only country that hasn't got isis fighters
t*urk detected
They brought us jesus
Fuck off and die, Roach.
>muh Armenians are the good goys cause they're Christians
Basically Arabs in denial.
Even the Kurds had Saladin. But Armenians have contributed nothing of worth ever, it's a fake identity just like Israelites.