Post your favorite election night melt downs


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what's this jizzstain crying about


That's what you get for electing a PM who cares more about his appearance than he does about the welfare of his people.

>I have lived through terrors that would break greater men

>"I ... didn't even vote ..."
you can't complain then

>i have lived through terrors that would break greater men
Such as Trump being elected?

Critics of the electoral college are missing one thing: It was literally designed and intended to do exactly what it did this year.
It's working perfectly. It's achieving the outcome the founding fathers intended when they wrote the constitution.

The USA is not and has never been an outright democracy controlled by the People's Republic of California. Looks like some people just have to deal with that.

Jesus at least my liberal friends have moved on to comically claiming January 20th is the end of the world.

this is just pure hysterical nonsense.

Maybe we do need a war just to get these people a fucking reality check.


we never forget the 2004 maple syrup drought

Hahaha they all live in a fucking movie what a bunch of fucking idiots

They really believe everything the media tell them it's unbelievable...

Has been in meltdown mode since election night and is still going strong. The amount of butthurt is off the charts

>tfw when an aussie understand america than her own citizens


>sent from my iPhone
Hysterical liberals will never not be funny

I've got a lot to share.

TYT's meltdown was epic!


can someone post the one about the rabbi getting gassed

that cracks me up every time

>without NAFTA and NATO Canada is destroyed financially

what did he mean by this? Canada is rich in many things, and should be able to do honest and fair business with the US, and we'll do the same with them.

Mexico being in NAFTA is what fucks both of us. American jobs aren't being outsourced to Canada in large numbers, and Canadian jobs aren't going to the US. They're all going to Mexico. I'm sure ending NAFTA won't stop the US from buying oil from us.

As for NATO, I'm not even sure how it would apply to us financially, but we've got to be the safest country in the world in terms of being threatened with military force. Unless we somehow aligned against the US, we'll literally never get invaded.

Countries were allies long before NATO existed.

>he can't explain the democratic process

what a retard


Not Trump related, but Nebraska changed its stance on the death penalty.


>And I can't explain to him why...

I can. Don't know why someone would openly proclaim incompetence.

Looks like your autistic son needs a sippy cup

To be honest, shitheads on the right were saying similar things when Obama was re/elected. We were supposed to be under literal totalitarian communist rule under Obama (aka the actual Biblical Anti-Christ) and/or raptured by now.




I wonder if the point has been made that the 'balancing' the electoral college represents is in fact very similar to, if not actual....
Social Justice.

OC, cuckolds

hahahaha that can't be real

Preparing for the day of the rope.

why is this so funny




that quote is fucking awesome

Germany is already Reducto Ad Absurduming Europe into oblivion for the EUs bullshit, our only advantage here is literally oceans separating us. Hopefully these cucks see what happens to Europe in the next 5 years and realize the potential consequences of their restarted suggestions.

Is it any wonder why this guy's home state of MA was completely solid blue? People like him are the living embodiment of the stereotypical "New England liberal elitist" and they completely embrace this image.


Understandable, since they're the #1 burgerwannabes of the world.


err. that map is misleading. there are more blue counties than that

The fucking irony of that post.

>trump destroys canada
>Sup Forums literally memed canada out of existence

What an overdramatic fool. Also, Patton Oswalt was never all that funny.

This isn't to say that I don't find some leftists funny. Parts of David Cross's stand are great, for example. But Patton Oswalt has just never demonstrated any actual humor any of the times I've seen him.

It's a pity he couldn't make good on it, and is one of the main reasons the middle east situation is triple-fucked.



It was necessarily designed to reign in the power of population centers. Farmers and ranchers own a lot of land, making them particularly susceptible to getting out-voted by dense population centers.

holy shit this picture is great



"You are a US citizen. They will not deport you. You don't need conversion therapy, but ACTUAL therapy. I don't know why you give so much of a shit about gay marriage."


muh ropppeeee
its beautiful

>I have lived through terrors that would break greater men

What did he mean by this?

Exactly. Sounds like Social justice to me, ensuring the rural areas get their proper representation.

damn, /r9k/ needs to chill

Why do faggots think Trump himself is anti-faggot? I will never understand this.


Because they let the narrative think for them

Because they are brainwashed by the Jew media. there is no other explanation.

He's fucking LARPing.


>mfw when Sonic The Hedgehog became cool again

Obviously, it was supposed to be Trump w/ the Constitution but someone made a much needed edit.

What the fuck do you think he meant nigger?

The only reason I can think of is Pence for some shit he did years ago when he was siding with popular opinion.

Automation will continue; I can't wait to watch you idiots starve when Trump cuts your food stamps.


Yeah, but most aren't crying over pence. They are crying over trump

"I have lived through terrors that would break greater men."

>terrors that would break greater men

So he's already broken then?

>Stock market will crash

Just like how it crashed after Brexit, right?


They're crying both, you dim fuck.

They're crying over both, you dim fuck.

I wish he would become on of those statistics.

Christ it embarrasses me so much that I fell for the "Liberals care about the downtrodden/poor" meme back in the Clinton/Bush eras.


This is too amazing.


Reagantards still call Trump liberal so here you go.

>mfw all the liberals demanding the electoral college be abolished because their side didn't win this time.

Trans people kill themselves because they normally have mental issues, hence wanting to mutilate their fucking genitals. Wu should know all about this.

>A human male genuinely wrote this in full seriousness

Masculinity is dead.

looks like some dick named robert thrift is making the election of donald trump and incoming apocalypse all about him. why are liberals so selfish and in constant need of validation and affirmation?

i know i saw the original the koran is a real sweet touch

You call us the wannabes when it's you taco-bending cunts who can't stop flooding into the US and demanding citizenship? Piss off you flog.

Ah cool man, didn't know. And indeed it's perfect

>i-i can't remember what I said! I don't reMEMber!

That's just a population map, not actual democrat counties

Trump will bend you all over and fuck you with his tiny cock.

Enjoy watching from the cheapest seats as the republic dies.

Nice. I really dispise humanity in its current state it should be wiped clean and see if a second chance will work out better.

>*teleports behind you **
>nothing personel, kid

>Canada is destroyed
God I hope so .