>woman uses EBT to by food
>uses cash to buy lottery tickets
>twist at the end
>woman uses EBT to by food
>uses cash to buy lottery tickets
>twist at the end
Other urls found in this thread:
i get ebt and i buy a shit load of weed every week
I hope a tax payer murders you
PLEASE GOD let someone murder you
The related vids are fucking depressing
This is the future of America
>steak is for taxpayers
This guy is a madman
who was the guy at the end though?
The store manager? I'm genuinely curious.
gas station attendants should be allowed to carry tranq guns holy fuck
How the fuck are you just going to let someone insult you and steal your food right in front of your wife with no repercussions?
probably some dipshit on minimum wage bringing in carts
they are nodding on opiates
What's the problem? EBT is supplemental to income or lack there of. If they were using it to buy lotto or buying stuff they then turned around and sold to get cash to use as they want then OK. Otherwise they're using as they're supposed to and he's a stupid thief.
that turbo manlet was on some heavy fucking drugs
Also, if they call the police and the insurance can verify that woman did all that, is she liable for the cost of replacing and fixing all of that?
Is she likely to be held responsible in any way for what she did in that store or not?
Hey Mars Gaming, why'd you stop uploading videos with all those followers
Nicotine is Vitamin B3 and smoking prevents preeclampsia; a deadly condition sometimes found in births
>Steaks are for fucking tax payers
He was still wrong for taking the steak but he gets a pass for comedic value.
>Smoking, pregnant and pajama pants. You're a triple fuck up.
He's right though. I'm so sick of these same fucking people "struggling" all the time but they spend most their income on shit they know they don't need and use EBT for actual food.
My legit broke ass has to use my hard earned money for food or I starve.
I'm tempted to do this when I lose all faith in humanity and say "fuck the taxpayers if they want me to have money, they shouldn't reject me when I apply for better jobs".
But I'd still feel bad and don't do it.
steak is for tax payers
>they win the lotto
>they get off welfare
>he stops paying for their munchies
shouldve left them alone desu
The cash should be used first for means of living you stupid fucking nigger.
>Steak is for taxpayers
This shit is old as fuck but I still get the largest justice boner I've ever had watching this. Everytime someone sees a dickhead busting out an EBT card I can feel my paycheck withering. These lazy fucks need to get a fucking job.
I was laid off and took unemployment for 2 months between jobs.
I felt dirty. I don't know how people can do it for long.
>Nicotine is Vitamin B3
>win the lotto
Ya, they have great odds of that happening. Even if they did win they would overdose on drugs like the niggers they are.
Notice their bald midget friend? That thing looked drugged out, the boyfriend was probably the same but less so, and a passive beta, and knowing they're guilty.
>Dec 3
fuck I thought it was uploaded yesterday
By not giving a fuck. They don't care. You getting fucked out of your paycheck isn't their problem... until welfare dries up & it is.
>He was still wrong
Was he?
>steak is for taxpayers
gonna use that line next time i go to a steak place
Im going to go out on a limb, and say that woman just has a bad fupa, and isn't pregnant
People that use EBT to milk that tax payers are degenerate junkies?
Paint me surprised. I thought Based Jewish Comedy Man told us that no one on welfare abused drugs!?
>they would overdose on drugs
even better
This is how you can tell that America will be a failed state shortly.
Lotto is a couple dollars. If they were walking out with 60in tv, maybe you would have a point, but ebt is already structured with this sort of thing in mind. As I said it's supplemental to help guarantee pay for basic goods. If they waste it then it just leaves them in a hole they'll need to crawl out of. That's why it's not usable with all goods. Also, ebt isn't as much as you think.
some people are really fucked up mentally somehow, from the drugs perhaps or just a lot of bad influences in their lives.
Anyway, one of those people (a sheboon) won the lottery (millions) and managed to blow it all on her boyfriend and drugs within a year, ended up penniless again.
That's just fucking awful, to not have any real aspirations beyond sitting around your house with a bunch of niggers drinking and doing drugs.
>they are nodding on opiates
This, look at the guy on the right doing the dope fiend lean and scratching his face from the itch. Fuck these junkie pieces of shit spend all their money on junk and then relying on the taxpayers to buy them expensive ass food
Right now I don't like people abusing the welfare system. But if Trump fails to live up to his promises this empire can go to hell. Not my empire. I'll be trying to game the system too.
>TFW White Male TT
Welfare needs to be severely cut. We can't feed these fuckheads any longer. Why should I have to suffer because they don't want to clean up their act?
Most of these people have been fuck-ups since the age of 14. A lot of them came from well-off families too. At least more well-off than my broke as shit parents.
I bet some of you Sup Forumstards are like this. I get that they were probably exploiting the system and being degenerates and stuff, but following them around and taking a tribute from them is something else kek.
man I would stomp this motherfucker into a mud patch
>That's just fucking awful, to not have any real aspirations beyond sitting around your house with a bunch of niggers drinking and doing drugs.
And why is it a good idea to give them free money?
If I caught one of these fuckers breaking into my property I would jizz my pants when I drop them with 3 rounds to the chest.
These people need to be wiped from the planet.
This video was posted on Sup Forums long ago, I'm not sure why you posted Ivanka Trump when it had nothing to do with the story.
You really think they only blow a few bucks on lotto tickets every now and then? Look at these niggers, they blow thier money on shit they don't need all the time, money they can be spending on more valuable things.
Is that Ivanka? Holy shit that woman is a goddess. I'd happily work hard hours building the wall just to make her happy.
Worse then the lotto theyre high on fucking heroin if they didn't spend all their money on fucking drugs they could buy their own food
I wouldn't give a flying fuck if it was actually THEIR money. But it's OUR money.
fuck off gook
>Implying they aren't trading EBT for drug money.
I didn't claim it was.
Are you used to people disagreeing with you on this issue? Artificial conscience chiming in?
If the filthy American government has victimized you too, you're in the right place.
>Holy shit that woman is a goddess
Thank her surgeon, you're looking at lots of plastic surgery.
>Are you used to people disagreeing with you on this issue?
I post on reddit when I'm on the crapper. So yes.
I don't think it's so much that welfare is bad, it just gets abused far too often. Some people genuinely need help getting by, but too many people just think 'why bother working or improving myself, if I get fed, clothed and housed anyways'.
Welfare used to be a mechanism to keep us from getting trapped in a spiral of poverty. Now, it just makes poverty comfortable enough that people don't bother trying to lift themselves out of it.
you need to go back
In Maryland your EBT can be paid into a debit account.
It's cash.
Maryland is a shithole
Welfare is never good. Any type of "free service" inherently is going to offset a natural free market.
Welfare should be a loan that's later repaid. It should only be collected by the jobless.. not the poor trying to supplement their shit wage. And it sure as shit shouldn't be given to illegals.
Really? i should move to fuckin maryland man, too bad the gun laws are ass
There's so many niggers I guess they didn't want to even bother trying to pretend anymore.
>Steak is for tax payers
Oh and I TRIED to get on unemployment after I was unfairly fired (so much so the people who fired me all got canned because they weren't supposed to, had no real grounds for it.) And that employer said I walked out on the job and they got my unemployment blocked.
The one and only time I ever tried to get anything like that. Because I have this Objectivist "do it on my own, don't be a parasite" attitude and I'm against welfare. I realized I was entitled to unemployment and it was my only hope at the moment.
Still got blocked. That's what makes me so mad about people who abuse this shit, even when I legitimately need it I can't get it and feel bad for trying and these fucks don't even legitimately need it.
Yeah, he was still TECHNICALLY morally wrong for taking their steak. But I think poetically, he was right.
Meanwhile I'm working my ass off and eating pb&j. Fuck this world.
Yeah that's what I'm saying. There is a difference between acting entitled to welfare while demanding more of it and realizing that you're entitled to welfare so you might as well take it because it was already taken from you.
You're getting played chump.
You're fucked if you make between 30k and 70k.
Everybody should use EBT because the Cloward-Pliven Strategy's real end result will be people getting tired of niggers.
im in education to get a very good job and will be paying out the ass to the government for the rest of my life
I can't tell if this satire or not. Saved either way. KEK
is that a fucking hotdog weed bowl user?
how absolutely abhorrent
>steak is for taxpayers
If this is real, this guy is savage.
Everything about this video is disgusting.
yeah, he didn't own that steak, but i guess you could stretch a point and say he paid for it? that's a technicality that i wouldn't stretch but it was pretty funny, he cucked the hell out of them.
just takes the fucking steak lmfao
It's satire but it even knowing that it still pisses me off because it's so real.
I feel like I've seen a video similar to this where someone is freaking out and trashing a convenience store, but she calls out everything she's trashing before she tosses it. It was like "Fuck this candy, and fuck this drink, etc."
Anyone know what I'm talking about? Have a link?
could have been worse. they could have been loading their groceries into a Cadillac Escalade parked in the handicapped section.
Kent Hovind pls go
>the Cloward-Pliven Strategy's
I... think this is a decent idea.
But that video is spot on. I love it.
I swear WIC is the Single Mothers program. At least once a month I have this similar experience where I get stuck behind someone in the grocery line, some single mother black woman who has to keep going back to get something else because WiC didn't accept it.
So she goes and gets another brand and does this over and over. There is only one cash register and I have to sit there for 45 minutes until single mother finally gets it right.
I'm buying progresso soup because one can is all I can afford working for a living and paying my own bills.
your talkin about that chick from Georgia that bailed her boyfriend out twice? Man they had everyone callin that bitch stupid as fuck.
As someone who has had the misfortune of having to apply for food stamps, I can tell you that it is so embarassingly easy to manipulate and abuse. You can buy almost any food item in the store - no limitations. If you want to buy 50 packages of Twizzlers and 5 cases of Coca Cola, you can do it. And when you don't need it anymore, there is no checkup for almost 6 months to a year to see if you are unqualified anymore. This means you can net that $200-300 a month on top of whatever you are purchasing for however many months you have left from your first dispersement - equivalent to getting a $3-5 raise that is paid entirely in grocery store gift cards. That's how our taxes realistically get used.
Comparing this with the California scum way of life, where the woman works a minimum wage job part time to circumvent the system and gets govt bux to support her kid, spends the extra time per week on her phone and eating and posting instagram and social media and complaining about money, and her partner who has a job that makes $12-20 bucks an hour is the forever unmarried boyfriend that """"dosen't live here"""" but has somehow kindly furnished the entire house for her and spends the night every night.
The kicker is when either one of them wants to take a break from their job and complains to her doctor who writes a note of not being able to work, they turn the note in and complain about being enrolled in college classes, and they net more bux while also getting a vacation from work until they can """"recover"""" and then return to work while continuing to get the benefits until they run out.
EBT recipient here. I spend $1-2 a week on lotto tickets.
maybe criminally yes and even if they do decide to sue her they cant get shit out of her. Think about it, HOW could she even pay that back if her EBT was declined.
>Be me
>Live in San Jose CA
>Trying to start own business
>Failing spectacularly
>Literally penniless
>Try to get EBT
>Literally no one working at the gov't office speak english
>See lots of literature on how undocumented people can get benefits for their children, but not for them (wink wink)
>Finally get CALFRESH
>My business turns around a month later
>I go in to return by benefits a month later since I dont need it any more
>They literally can't believe I am voluntarily giving up benefits
good job user
bad user, bad
Its only 1% of my weekly earning
>Comparing this with the California scum way of life, where the woman works a minimum wage job part time to circumvent the system and gets govt bux to support her kid, spends the extra time per week on her phone and eating and posting instagram and social media and complaining about money, and her partner who has a job that makes $12-20 bucks an hour is the forever unmarried boyfriend that """"dosen't live here"""" but has somehow kindly furnished the entire house for her and spends the night every night
It's this scummy way of life that pissed me off the most. The constant lying and acting shady because they know they're doing some fucked up shit they shouldn't be doing and are trying to hide it. Usually a lot of drug abuse with it too. They're on EBT to save money for drugs basically.
And I say that as someone who likes his weed. I just don't think it's right to scam the system for some.
>Lotto is a couple dollars
A fucking bag of potatoes is a couple of dollars.
>If they were walking out with 60in tv, maybe you would have a point
Oh don't you worry, they'll spend the equivalence of a new TV on lotto every year.
>If they waste it then it just leaves them in a hole they'll need to crawl out of
No, it leaves them hopping to food banks, taking up the resources intended for homeless people who live on the street and beg.
I member this.
The guy faked it. They are craigslist actors.
>Portugese economics
Learn how to budget correctly so you can buy better things each month.
fuck working and shittttt
A fucking google
hi leaf isn't time for you lo leave?
Why don't you rake me?
EBT = exploited black teens?
dankest shit ive seen in weeks