Why is mental illness more prevalent among those with above-average intellect/creativity?
Why is mental illness more prevalent among those with above-average intellect/creativity?
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I know it's trite, but ignorance is bliss.
Because when you notice all of the cognitive dissonance and lies that people tell on a daily basis you want to shoot yourself.
it isn't.
> artistic talent=intelligence
>small quirks equal mental illness
Because they're socially shunned and thus have more time alone to develop skills or knowledge on some craft or topic.
Why are there so many shit threads? at least provide a source or give us your hypothesis
Just like Kurt Cobain...
Yet he was Murdered...
Cobain was a bluepilled cuck.
wtf australia. /thread
The more you learn, the more you notice, the more you notice that others don't notice these things because they don't want to learn. They just want to know. Add above average creativity into the mix, and not only are you learning, noticing, and noticing that others don't notice things, but you are generating ideas that don't get any traction because once again, others don't notice these things because they don't want to learn, just know, so they can't "see" you, and the entire thing just feedbacks into a loop for the rest of their days.
Now, add in just enough friends that come to you for advice, but they cherry-pick what they want out of your advice, fuck themselves up over and over, then keep coming back to you for advice. It's enough to drive anyone mad.
yup, ever single day
i want blue pill bak!:(
Van Gogh killed himself. I don't think you can file that under 'small quirks.'
it isn't that is a myth
like depression being correlated with intelligence is a myth also
perception shapes reality, son.
You can consciously change your perception by looking at a thing thats differnt than the populace, and therefore, you will have a differnt perspective than the populace, and it can vary from mild to extreme to the point where you can be insane in your own insane world and no one will believe your hypothesis, OR you can be FORCED as a GROUP to look at something different than everyone else, than you're group will create its own reality, but it will still be difficult/impossible to convince another group, that wasn't subject to the vision, that you are correct.
a certain cartoon frog character comes to mind in this respect
Hmm.. and yet on this board we use the dsm-IV to a T in our arguments implying that someone is incorrect if they dont strictly adhere to the society. Where the fuck is our logic? Do we just parrot everything? No pun intended to the poster im replying to, it just made me think.
car doesnt break if you dont drive it
>dsm-IV to a T
I'm pretty sure this board is just extremely guarded against being Jew'd and doesn't trust politicians that feed off genocidal maniacs or top down "movements" funded by billions of dollars from entities that dont even have citizenship in this country
This. It sucks but it's true. The world is nicer when you know less about what's going on.
It actually is not. Mental illness is far more common in people with lower IQ's in fact, there is a mental illness FOR people with IQ's below a certain range. Fetal alcohol syndrome, downs, even autism.
This fucking stupid meme needs to die.
>creativity = artistic talent
I think the scariest part of "knowing what's going on" is that you are in an engine... Programs and directives surround you, structures that are so much greater than you that you cannot even make out their pattern (like the universe) exist in your own region. Strings connected all over the planet, pipelines that exist within thousands of 18-wheelers and cargo holds... The world alone is pure insanity, that goes without even considering the universe.
>It actually is not.
Actually it is. But only very specific subsets of it.
For example high IQ's tend toward neurotic dispositions.
Your general point is right, though.
I'm not exactly the norm around here. I don't fit anywhere. We basically have PTSD when it comes to anything that involves liberal college students ideas because of their high probability of being influenced by Cultural Marxist professors. Always remember that truth is often deliberately sprinkled with lies. "You can't fool them all, but you can always fool enough."
A-are you me? So many fuckers think I'm a wise sage or some shit and come to me asking my advice, I tell the straight up what I think with no sugar coating and every time they go-
>Hmm... rly makes me think... user u r so wise thnx u
Then the next day they completely ignore what i told them and fuck their life up and come back whining for more "sage like advice"
I hate humans so goddamn much
Paranoid schizophrenia has a high correlation with intelligence.
Cant understand why everyone is dumb as a brick.
This world is a lie.
Machine operated at higher speeds breaks faster.
They question their existence more.
This, too.
meant second reference for
I believe that with knowledge comes madness. When you look around to see the ignorant running everything it fills you with contempt.
Once you realize that nobody will listen to you and there's nothing you can do to change anything you tend to end up in isolation. With isolation comes illness.
If you want to be smart you have to be willing to cast off the shackles of the opinion of others.
I'd go insane too if I had to listen to a bunch of retarded normies all day, every day... Oh wait
They say that depression comes disguised as intelligent thoughts and deep thinking. . .
So why don't you take anti-depression like a good goy, okay?
He was murdered. But he was bluepilled. Now, if you want edgy teenagers who were actually onto something watch this.
>Norwegian for the Norwegians
>(((Christianity))) is dead , and like the traditionalist movement said, the old gods have made their spotlight back
>Religion is an ethnic expression
>Race > religion when said religion infringes on race
>talks openly about the jews
>try to talk about anti-multiculturalism in a negative light in subtle ways
>Were 10 times more troubled and lost than the gen x'ers in the US
Agreed. Making a blanket statement or an open-ended question without any real meat or sauce is just click b8.
Because they see the world for what it really is. They try to explain it maybe change a few minds but in the end it's like shoveling shit in a sewage treatment plant.
Probably just on similar paths, friend. Ditto.
>mental illness
As a psychefag, mentall illnees is basically just what the (((APA))) says is okay or not. What constitutes a mental illness mostly has to do with the society. For instance, schizophrenia, mentall illness right? Not in Thailand and many African cultures, they are "shaman" there. A culture defines the paramaters behind what is good or bad behavior. Pretty soon racism will be seen in the DSM just you wait.
It's not, people just talk about it more. The average homeless person is both, and there are a lot more homeless people than mentally ill creative types.
This; homosexuality is a good example of something that has been considered both an illness and not an illness for strictly political reasons.
I feel a strange connection to you. You should check out a book called The Tao of Birth Days.
I think you'll find information there that will turn into knowledge for you and help you along your path. Good luck, Godspeed, and remember to pay it forward, friend.
They are sh7unnd by a degenerate world, psychologially scaring them, they are unable to properly function in society knowing the world's dark, unenlightened, and even evil ways.
We have to cut that fucking psychiatry Jewish industry by its rots, its a despicable legal loophole of arresting Whites for unconventional beliefs instead of imprisoning them. Something has to be fucking done since the Wicked ruthless merciless liberal scum basically control this industry and they are a bunch of fucking lying dogs who will try anything to fucking rip into you.
Because you are less of an animal
Ever notice how the avarage dumb fucking human seems to be a slave to his/her own emotions? Like they cant alter or see through their own behaviour
In the case of blacks and arabs even in asia its common since they cant into empathy
Seeing the world for what it is will destroy you if you have a
good heart.
You will see your peers make money out of the stupid
majority by lying and being corrupt.
You will try and tell the majority what is happening, but you
will be screamed at for some reason.
You realise you can't do any good in the world and either
become corrupt or kys
Ever gone out on a Blind Date?
most inteligent people are too smart to let organized religion nurture the biological needs your body has to believe in something greater than yourself.
once your body gets out of whack you start getting depressed, out of touch with reality and susceptible to mental illness.
it is very much like somebody going vegetarian without knowing what foods to eat and fucking up their body
God hates humanity prove me wrong
Because I'd like to keep my frontal lobe functioning properly, okay?
You have no fucking clue how redpilling it is to actually find out what the psychiatry cartel is like in function. The APA is literally a Marxist institution now. At some point people are just going to start ignoring it.
Religion is a byproduct of your biological needs, the most intelligent people believe in spirituality. Not saying that religion can't be unnatural, but as I said before, religion is meant to be the ultimate racial expression possible. I'd try to explore spirituality before you start making assumptions, one of the greatest follies of modernity has been seclusion and pride. The truth needs to be searched for.
>let organized religion nurture the biological needs
(((God))) is your construct, so of course he hates everything.
It's not. It's a myth.
The ability to make more connections in the brain that make sense seems to increase the capability of the same brain creating connections that don't
like how tesla thought he was communicating with aliens telepathically
>Religion is a byproduct of your biological needs
That is exactly what I am saying. We have spent the last thirty thousand years burying our dead and believing in our priests while the atheists died off in their caves somewhere. Along the way we have developed a biological need for believing in something higher than ourselves.
Look at any group of people, anywhere and anytime in the history of humankind. they all have some sort of belief system. Put a bunch of mostly drowned indians in an island in the middle of nowhere and they will build fifty foot statues.
Organized religion does an incredible job of taping into this biological need, they have thousands of years of experience in telling people what they need to hear.
Smart people realize organized religion is hogwash, but most of the time they just reject it without creating a successful belief system that will nurture their biological belief needs, these people end up messed up. sad
>normalfag wants to have his cake and eat it too
I work in a place with the mentally ill. There is a golden rule in that place where you don't ask other people if they are mentally ill or not. Which means you have the right to treat them accordingly and vise versa.
As far as the staff is concern. I just like money, work, and might have female issues. When it reality. I just need a job for job experience, and to keep me afloat if I ever meet somebody special, and I need money in my pocket.
People treat me like an asshole even when I have a business niceness.
Mostly. A lot of people have the idea of the "mad genius" trope which they see in moveis etc. But the intelligent usually have a much deeper range in emotions (depending on the source of their intelligence). Its no myth within the artistic community that increased empathy leads to creativity and "inspiration" or finding the muse. Sometimes what we see as being "mentally ill" is a sign of intelligence. Many would've agreed that Da vinci tearing apart cadavers in the night would've been a mental illness back in the day. So, in reality, the intelligent usually push the means of questioning ourselves into that realm where it becomes "mentally ill" or disturbing. Its a sort of a myth (depending on what behavioral characteristics we are talking about) embedded in some truth, I'd argue.
The more redpilled I got the greater the was the divide between the masses and myself. My outlet was a friend whom I talked to about subjects that normies wouldn't touch, we read Evola together, and had long discussions about the Christian tradition (he wanted to be a monk like I do). I don't really talk to him anymore and sometimes I wonder if I'll go insane on this road, knowing things that no one around me knows and having to keep it all to myself my entire life
the rain man tells us our brains have a passive limiter on it that restricts progress beyond a certain point. if you were constructed in a way that allows more freedom in processing actions through critical ability, your brain material would conflict with itself and get in its own way causing you to fucking drool and twitch while reciting the entirety of a book you glanced at for a few minutes from memory. at lower levels you'd simply be socially retarded with maybe having tourettes, a speech impediment, or anxiety, all the while being the above average intellect kind of guy whose own philosophies hold truer about the world around you than say a dumb broad's views who gets straight As in math, yet doesn't know where Canada is or that space is inconceivably massive.
One of my other things I mastered working around the mentally ill and staff. You learn to forget name and ages of people so you learn as little as possible about them. So, when they leave. You can actually say. I didn't miss a thing.
I have synthesia. Due to this I find most musical endevours very easy yet I can't describe to people how I do things or how I think because everything I create comes from such an abstract place that can't be described without sounding like a complete madman. This comes along with social anxiety disorder, depression and what I think is some form of ADD. I'm not completely autistic and understand most social things quite easily but have never truly felt like I relate to anyone
I don't consider myself a genius but I do have an IQ of 137. I'm semi successful in my music production but lack the social capability to advertise my music and am terrified of performing live
I've almost killed myself a few times due to just being in constant pain mentally. without the shit that has made me completely insane I probably wouldn't have anywhere near the level of creativity
I'm trying to not make this sound too self aggrandizing but it's not really possible. I think I am just a good kind of middle ground between completely insane and a normie
>Smart people realize organized religion is hogwash
On the contrary I believe that religion is an inescapable portal of behavior which man can only claim he is not a part of. I know this would be a debate based on semantics to one as yourself, but when we examine the human psyche there is a certain modality which is impossible escape. The argument you are making is one which is actually fairly common (relatively speaking). "religion is for the masses, not the rulers". I mean anyone can point out the foundation of the Anglican Church by Henry VII as proof of this, where the people's beliefs are grounded only for the foundation of the state, but to go beyond this I would argue that these small modifications on belief are only possible due to sacrificing parts of what makes you a part "human". This is why I see modernity as such a burden, we have strayed so far from the line of natural thought that we have abandoned the ontological other entirely in favor of egocentricism, and that this is the core for modern man's suffering. We have simply, all of us, replaced our old gods with new ones. We worship different paths, follow in the footsteps of different sages, and have now cultivated new "secular" gods that we don't understand. Even the rich, the intelligent, the aristocracy of a country cannot escape that brand of worship. This would be, if you can imagine, the "It" which Hemingway refers to in the Sun Also Rises. "It", our goal and purpose of life, has always been in a ritualistic manner. For some people industrialization is a "god". Intelligent people have no more gone beyond the idea of organized worship than the common man, he just doesn't worship in the same way as the common man.
>Why is mental illness more prevalent among those with above-average intellect/creativity?
it isn't. thats just a meme / trope. but you might ask why it's more prevalent among the left.
>Feeling of isolation
>When you're more intelligent, you become more aware of other people's irrationality.
>You lose trust in people
>Nobody shares your values or skepticism
>Seek out forms escapism to cope
Why are mental illnesses 100% confirmed in stupid uncivilized cavemen people like africans, arabs, asians?
Hello Sir. This is Rajesh from Microsoft. What seems to be the problem, Sir? Have you tried plugging yourself in?
So is atheism
When you're really, truly smart, one day you realize just how fucking stupid most normies are and your brain seeks some form of escapism as you also realize that you can't really relate to them.
Then you start talking to yourself too much, do eccentric things just to rustle normie jimmies, take pills to cope and then one day
you're a schizo
In my mother's family you either end up a 140+ IQ engineering, business man, entrepreneur, or you get diagnosed with schizophrenia + bipolar. One or the other, which makes me wonder if they're related.
Both me and my sister are in the 130s, and we both have this issue where we have trouble sleeping at night because the thoughts won't stop and they just keep evolving on their own while you want to just blank out and drift off. Is schizophrenia just an over active mind/subconscious and some people can't handle it and go crazy thinking their own thoughts are voices?
Which is your fault. Titus should've finished the job
I don't know if it's related to a specific disorder or not, but I've always had that problem with being unable to sleep. I have sporadic hallucinations, but never been treated or even diagnosed.
>I'm in 140s and that's exactly how I feel. Plus, I tend to over-analyze things until it the point that it makes me paranoid. I'll sometimes overwork myself just because I fear being alone with my own thoughts.
Hypomania is the place to be
there are definitely fields where people with mental disorders have succeeded much more than a normal man has. typically these people are very religious too. if you include the amount of people in history who were likely undiagnosed autists, you start to see a pattern.
you see hans, there's a reason we don't admire normies around here.
that's bs. depression comes disguised as laziness, dirty rooms and sleeping all day long.
Euronymous got exactly what he fucking deserved.
>people in history who were likely undiagnosed autists
aww, c'mon, fuck off with this shit. I see you fucking aspies do that all the time: declare everyone they like to be a sufferer of their own mental retardation.
just because you're great / extraordinary / smart / whatever and have some quirks doesn't mean you are a retard. most people have quirks. it'n nothing special.
>they are "shaman" there.
no m8 they're fucking crazy and treated like you'd expect Africans to treat the mentally ill, which is abusively and often murderously.
You think so? There are still a lot of people out there who think Varg was some kind of sadist. I personally see no evidence, (of course I keep this to myself) but the guy just seems like a neo-pagan terrorist who had enough of some guy who was threatening him. Still, the debate continues.
Where in Africa are you talking about? Its a big continent.
The universal algorithm prevents simple minded organisms from reaching beyond the dead end of their intelligence spectrum, if a glitch is detected, the individual organism is deleted from the system prematurely.
You think there's a place in africa where the mentally ill are revered and not abused? Are you having a fucking laugh m8?
or maybe he was a retaded teenager / twenty-something and could not think one straight thought and now you all masturbate to the thought of being as cool as some super moronic youngster who managed to severely fuck his own life up.
>where the mentally ill are revered and not abused
You've never been around schizophrenics have you? Also you do realize Africa is an incredibly diverse entire continent of people. There are people in the US who have schizophrenia who are not deemed by certain communities as being mentally ill the same as in Africa. Many are seen as holy people britbong I knew the British are infamous for being egocentric twats but ffs
post this in 3 threads or you will be fucking killed
haha love this meymey
sauce ur claim, niger. because you sound retarded.
>Why is mental illness more prevalent among those with above-average intellect/creativity?
Because the true genius of being a genius is the compulsive tendency to think not longitudinally, but laterally -- to paradigm shift mentally as a function of your very nture.
On the other hand, not being able to mentally stay on the ontological track of actual reality for sufficiently long enough, and in the right times and places, is what constitutes dysfunctionality in reality, or in layman's terms, psychosis.
wtf are you on about lad
>was a retaded teenager
Rebellion is in youth, now Varg has a family and can't go to prison. So instead he writes, blogs, and makes youtube videos to appeal to the youth. He was a troubled teenager and a terrorist by definition.
>who managed to severely fuck his own life up.
He regrets nothing as anything else but a symptom of youth. I wish our youth were as rebellious then as they are now t b h. I'd refer you to de Maistre for more on that. Would you look at that, a German drooling over the status quo what a shock.
because most of them identify themselves as special because of the thinks that theyǘe done, but at the end they need something more than recognition then they start to realize that at the end of the day everyone is equal, a human being that by his means will just vanish.
I don't even know where to begin with either of you. What do you know about ancient shaman cultures and ritually induced (for some) hallucinations being practiced among African Aboriginal tribes? You could just google it and you'd find a documentary on it if you'd like Jesus Christ this is pretty common knowledge. Maybe read this (something usually given out in high school)
While schizophrenia is largely believed to a damaging to wiring of the brain which damages the frontal lobe and disrupts the way sensory information is transferred within the nervous system thus causing the hallucinations and motor impairment associated with the disease like Catatonic Schizophrenia
Ignorance may be bliss, but you'll only ever find comradery in truth.
are you retarded? of course he regrets nothing, because he missed out on 20 years or so of his life. maybe if you like murder and rebellious youth so much go into the ghetto and get shot, because rebellious youth is what is commonly refered to as niggers. also tell me how that other kids parents mush have felt when they discovered their son to be stabbed to death just because some mentally ill idiot wanted to be hardcore.
and in regards to social changes: I prefer them not to be made by teenage idiots who declare the guitar to be a nigger instruments just so they can keep playing it when they discover that keyboard is hard to learn.
oh and his writings are utterly retarded and you can read missing education in every line.
This also causes "visions" where certain psychological archetypes may be present and thus a schizophrenic is speaking with their gods. Get it? Especially in traditional African cultures the schizophrenic were seen as holy people. Its the same in many ways in India as well.