Where did all of this trigger warning, SJW, trans shit come from? I don't think I can remember this being mainstream even five years ago, yet today it seems pervasive.
Where did all of this trigger warning, SJW, trans shit come from...
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It came from America
>nonconsensual gender surgery
it's our fault, taught this shit in our University and began exporting it.
Honestly feel like The Clankening started it (Muh gay rights, muh victims!!!) and Gamergate ironed it's resolve into a very real movement.
Circumcision would be my guess.
Since when can a country be a race?
Oh, I was thinking more like that Antonio Banderas vaginaplasty movie
lol it's like the tags on a sadpanda gallery
Or this
They're just mad that communism runs their lives and that we have more whites than them.
They have nothing else to be proud of.
I swear it's always Brits who always, always shitpost about the US without question, second only to leafs of course but they don't matter because we can't respect them.
We have Trump, you have Brexit, why the fuck do you keep antagonizing us, you washed up pieces of shits? We're literally your only and strongest ally
The intro to American Dad bugs me because of that
Gay marriage.
You're offended that some American called you nonwhite? Are you that insecure about your whiteness that you care what a 60% white nation thinks?
okay, let's stay on topic.
it all had to have started before Oct 2012, since i've got this hot maymay with a date on it. maybe it wasn't mainstream at this point, but at least it's something.
does anyone have anything older than this?
It happened really suddenly in 2012. That's when the feminist movement exploded.
Obama cabinet
The minute Obama got reelected there was no need to appeal to middle America anymore. They thought they could smash is with amnesty so it didn't matter how far Left they went
right. i just membered the infamous Die Cis Scum video and looked it up. May 30, 2012. was this video it, Sup Forums? the big bang?
Lol it's like when a team gets flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct at the end of losing a game 52 - 7
I know occupy had a lot of SJW lefty shit, but I honestly believe the recent rise of gender politics etc is because the "1%" wanted these kids to leave them the fuck alone. You should go watch some interviews with bloomberg etc around that period, they are fucking enraged at those kids. It was designed to get them away from massive protests against the financial system.
I went to the University of Illinois-Chicago in 2010 and they had safe-space counseling. It was basically like a lounge area where you talk about your feelings with a counselor. It was literally called a safe space, they offered it as a service free of charge. During the mandatory student orientation the lesbian dyke counselor mentioned if there were any transgender, people of color (also the first time I heard the word, we called them minorities beforehand) and other marginalized groups who were receiving harassment, they should report it to campus police and schedule a counseling session.
That place is something like 25% white now.
Are you going to refute anything or just spam shitposts to cheer yourself up?
>needing a warning that words will follow about words correctly referring to someone who wants to be referred to by other words
dont remember the video itself, but i do remember that a bunch of "dear cis people" tumblr screencaps made the rounds on /fit/ in 2012 or 2013, and that was the first time i came in contact with this abomination
I remember the "trigger warning" stuff starting in the blogging community back in 2007. Livejournal had a bunch of it. Never really thought it would go past blogs though.
Its weird- so much of these closed-group communities got really freaking loud. I almost want to blame people on the internet parodying it more than actually used. In 2012, I heard more people on Sup Forums criticizing it than people legitimately using it. However, I was pretty disconnected from non-Sup Forums places then.
Still say that micro-transaction, social media sites have this horrible ability to make a few people appear more numerous.
>I almost want to blame people on the internet parodying it more than actually used
i remember thinking that, too. that the only reason people knew about this stuff is because everyone was making fun of them, when instead this just spread the flames farther
Colleges have to bow down to libtards because of federal funding. It's why they have rape courts.
Almost all of the funding for this type of stuff is through universities. It's why the cost of them has gone up so much.