What can we do to solve obesity in America?
What can we do to solve obesity in America?
Fat tax
/actual nutritional and cooking education
Explain to children fizzy meme juice is disgusting while allowing them to be active
Broadcast boogies autopsy to the masses
Fat tax would be so good.
The problem is that many healthy foods are also high in sugar making classification difficult. A better system would be taxing low nutrient density foods, but even then, many healthy foods like bread have low nutrient density. This is why fat taxes are hard to implement, it's not as easy as an alcohol or cigarette tax.
>always hide from the camera
>only allow complimentary pics of yourself to surface
>feel good hearing people say Boogies wife is hot, how could he get her
>go to vga
>Camera man purposely turns to your fat face
Lmao, master troll
Fat shaming and lots of it.
Actually won't help the fatties. Too late for them. But it does act as a deterrent. Lots of times I go do something active precisely because I think "I don't want to be a fatass".
tax on junk food.
Give tax incentives for lowering prices on healthy foods.
Tax kickbacks if you will.
Some way to make healthy food cheaper to increase demand.
Mandatory fitness tests. Make them keep redoing it if they fail.
just stop giving them healthcare at the same rate as a person who is healthy. people need to get off of the feels train. being fat is fucking expensive.
Stop making everyone out of a corn, sugar, and salt. There are too many people to feed, though, so that isn't really an option for most poor people. That's why the healthcare issue will never be resolved. We're fucked.
This, a lot.
Obesity at the population level is fundamentally a symptom of *malnutrition*.
In the same way the bankers want to convince the poor that being not-an-oligarch is some fault of their own (instead of the economic game being rigged by (((them))) so it can never be won), those feeding the population want to blame obesity on some personal failing to cover for the scam of how the nutritional value has been removed from food.
For any particular person health should of course be a higher priority.
But the globalist forces want a population fed with the cheapest possible feed, leaving them able only to do their slave work and unable to fight back until the great culling. This is the largest reason for the epidemic of obesity.
To answer the question of "what do we do?" the answer is much the same as it is with government: bring food production back closer to where that food will be consumed, and get the consumers of the food to be more actively and directly involved in its creation.
A national program for physical fitness would be helpful - to make being healthy and fit a priority in the mind of the nation.
That would be amazing for people who are already not fatfucks and eat healthy. Imagine buying chicken for less that $2 a pound.
It's not that there isn't consumer demand for healthy food - it's that the consumer has been robbed of the purchasing power to afford it.
As part of this theft people have been trained to believe that all calories are equal, that "food" is fungible - which is utter nonsense.
So until a diet of fast food, chips, and soda is outlawed as a threat to the nation, which will require going up against the well-paid lawyers, lobbyists, and PR firms who make billions selling those caloric drugs, a reduction in the price of healthy food won't do much to affect the problem.
The social problem of malnutrition (as exhibited by the symptom of obesity) is much like the social problem of legalizing marijuana: there are huge swaths of the economy that make tens or even hundreds of billions of dollars a year from the system as it is, and psychopaths that they are they will fight to preserve their profits and power even at the cost of killing every one of their opponents.
Why even solve it?
simple, get rid of the free obama healthcare keeping them alive. They will either lose weight or die.
remove sugar, introduce animal fat, exercise
All the idiots in here who have fallen for the "fresh, healthy food is expensive" meme..
If you're fat and wanna lose weight, spend a few days browsing /fit/ - read the fat hate threads...allow it to spread into your daily life. look at pictures of fat people and know that if you dont do something you're gonna stay fat or become that fat.
I'll say it again for people who are retarded
Encourage it until they're all dead from diabetes and heart disease
you don't really understand what you're talking about do you?
>tfw this fat fuck could eat a Large Bacon Stuffed Crust pizza for dinner every night and still lose weight
i have to eat chicken and broccoli
They are a cache of food stores when TEOTWAWKI happens, you fucking kike.
Install treadmills instead of catchpas for Sup Forums
treadmills are meme exercise, lift to create muscle,cardio is gey
It should be illegal to sell or use oil, butter, cream, sugar, salt, fatty meat or anything that contains any of these items. Immediately the problem is solved
Collapse economy, decrease demand
>>fatty meat,butter,oil(olive or coconut)
its like you dont want high test
Fritz, die amerikanischen Mastsäue müssten sich einfach nur etwas zurückhalten. Den Unterschied zwischen maßen und massen hat denen keiner erklärt.
You can find chicken for like 48 cents a pound in the Midwest
how is his heart still pumping?
Butter and natural oils and fats are fine. It's the processed manufactured bullshit that needs to go.
I can't stand that fat fuck Boogie.
>WAHH I have health problems
No shit, you're fat as fuck and lack the mental fortitude to put the fork down once in a while.
>What will happen to my health benefits who will pay for my medical care?
This was a real concern of his. He is fucking disgusting rich off of YouTube and sponsors. He also streams on Twitch where fat sympathizers give him money/subs.
I cannot stand sitting there and watching rich people complain about their health care or government benefits when they're raking in cash hand over fist.
If Boogie's care was eliminated tomorrow, he'd keep on floating and he'd be able to pay for his own health care. Meanwhile, people with bedridden diseases and unfortunate circumstances are trying to scrape money off of Kickstarters.
You shouldn't get benefits for being a fat waste.
Harpoon a landwhale today.
Also, his wife used to be fat but she's at a fuckable weight now.
I wonder how often she spends "out with friends" now days.
dude, that's her in the OP image.
People can't eat people. But attack Dogs can.
Large gas chambers with scooter accessible doors