If I got 1488 tattooed on my arm would people get the reference or could I get away with it?
If I got 1488 tattooed on my arm would people get the reference or could I get away with it?
Most people wouldn't get it. But you would get asked what it means. What will you say?
1488 tattoos are in the law enforcement database of gang tattoos so if you ever got arrested you would automatically be classified as a gang member which would result in much more severe sentencing
>getting a tattoo
I really hope you don't consider yourself a respectable white man.
>getting tattoos
What kind of retarded faggot does this? Ink is buttfart degenerate. Leave your body as god made it. Go with Christ
Exactly this, OP is fucking retarded
If someone gives you shit just say your brother was born on Jan 4, 1988.
most people won't get it the ones that do are either with you or hardcore SJW kikes.
Tattoos are gay.
I use the leibstandarte insignia on all of my shit...painted on the hood of my car like they did on their tanks, use it mark my stuff.
Not a single person has ever recognized it.
take this
>painting Nazi insignia on the hood of your car
I refuse to believe this isn't bait but if it isn't you definitely have autism
I kinda admire his autistic balls desu
lol like this. Not like the whole fucking hood. Its more of tank thing as I am somewhat of an enthusiast.
Maybe I am an autist, thanks for your diagnosis.
ps its more more subtle than the faggot who wants to tattoo 1488 on his arm.
Do 4 of clubs instead :^)
>he doesn't criticize fascism from the right
pleb tier
I really hope you don't think that your opinion has any value.
If I got "KILL NIGGERS" tattooed on my arm would people get the reference or would I get away with it?
think that might be a little much desu
Get the ss symbol tattooed in your armpit. My grandpa fought for the Germans in Northern Africa and had told me thats what they had done.
>lift arm to heil
>the tatto gets visible
Great idea tbqhf
>Not getting a Ben Garrison tattoo
When white people get tattoos that aren't like military, barb wire, or some flower; it's assumed you're racist nazi skinhead
Maybe 30 years ago but tattoos are mainstream as fuck now
Long gone are the days when tats were reserved for infantrymen, sailors, prisoners, and bikers
You could get away with it, only those in the know can recognize nazi numerology so youre safe
Bait or actual retard?
>would i be able to display my beliefs without backlash or should i censor them according to the whims of literal retards?
shave hair, tatoo it there. hair grows, gg
Contemplating getting the fasces tattooed on me.
Wife doesn't like the idea tho. Should I listen to her like a cuck?
Enough people would know for it to be a stupid idea.
It's like getting something naughty in Latin tattooed on your arm - most don't know Latin, and you can lie to them, but certainly within two months someone's going to be asking you why your arm says "gas the Jews".
cool mercury dime tattoo bro
You can always claim you were sent to Auschwitz during WW2, and this was your identification number tattooed on your arm.
And when they say you're far too young to have been born at the time, just say "it's real I'm my mind, also you're an antisemite and an ageist".