Redpill me on sensory deprivation tanks
Redpill me on sensory deprivation tanks
It'd be cool to masturbate while in one.
they deprive you of your senses
Joe Rogan pls go
I don't know I couldn't sense anything.
>updated my journal
I have heard they can change your gender. You go in there as a kiwi and get out as a banana. Scary shit if you ask me.
I did one of these thinking it was going to be crazy. It was actually super lame OP. the one in your pic is basically like being in your bathtub with harsh salts in the dark for 1 hour. It didn't do nothing for me. It was relaxing and shit but I wasn't tripping balls talking to martians or anything.
[spoiler]had a boner tho[/spoiler]
they are great
Want to do it. Seems cool
sense dep is the only way MKultra managed to make people go insane. binging LSD or amphetamines didnt have nearly the same psychological effect as what your mind does to itself when you remove all stimuli.
What are they like?
I might get on mushrooms and try one out.
if you have a basic idea of how to meditate and an ounce of willpower they make it really easy to go places
since you need Sup Forums to think for you I wouldn't recommend it
They're pretty nice. You should go and try it. Expensive though, I buy 60 bucks for a 90 minute float.
Make sure you are in decent shape and stretch out before hand, otherwise you will become very aware of how tight your body is and it can be a little bit uncomfortable.
This. Mkultra did sensory deprivation exams and every single one ended early because the subjects freaked out.
thats because youre a leafcuck and your pineal gland is calcified as shit.
It's kinda cool, though I haven't jerked off in one, the surface tension is so strong in the salinated water that when you raise your dick in and out of the water it feels pretty damn good
I've never seen k < 0
The tripping thing is generally overblown. I have never tripped, it is calming and your mind is still. A novelty. You can achieve the same thing meditating at your home but many people never quiet their mind for any significant length of time, so it can be surprising for some when they finally do.
I imagine they'd be good for reading books. I don't see any other reason to shut yourself in a weird coffin otherwise.
the last time i saw this thread, Sup Forums called it the "water jew"
What's mkultra?
I did this, ama
if you like floating in other people poo juice its for you.
Put a curved monitor in there and a waterproof keyboard and I'd be good to shitpost for days
cue the hempforce mustard
It is illegal to completely deprive one's senses.
The world's most quietest room has a legal disclaimer over spending too long in the room.
It is because you start to go insane from hearing your own body like the sound of your heart beating, etc
Looks pretty comfy to be honest
I used to have to work 24 to 36 hour shifts and it would be hard to shut it off and crash when I got home. You can actually do most of the things a sensory deprivation tank does at home right now.
> fill a bathtub with warm water (I would usually wait for it to cool to room temperature)
> block all visible light
> turn a radio to static or white noise
It's not perfect -- you don't float -- but it's pretty close. Without any stimulation, your brain starts to "create" sensations like sounds and visual patterns. You could just attribute it to the imagination but it feels quite vivid.
I couldn't tell you how long I was in there but by the time it was over I felt like I'd been shit out of the womb of the universe. It's pretty nice. And I immediately fell asleep.
my tinnitus would most likely drive me mad if i spent long enough in one
maybe it would heal
Sound like hell once you remember sharks exist
This, fuck that. I wouldn't mind floating around listening to a noise generator though
i dont think it works like that tho
Sensory deprivation tanks are super, super relaxing. Most relaxed I've ever been in my life. I could spend a whole day in one and come out feeling like a million bucks. Didn't hallucinate like people say though. I just felt like I was floating in a huge, warm black empty place. Definitely messed with my sense of scale. I felt like the room was the size of the universe and I was just melted into the space since I couldn't feel my body unless I moved. I want to do it again.
I have mild tinnitus and didn't notice it much at all in the tank. I didn't think about it even once actually.
did the people after you complain about milky bits in the water?
Sorry, he was trapped in an isolation tank and couldn't read the rules.
They filter the water each time, hans
They are extremely relaxing and therapeutic. Especially if you are into meditation
CIA program run from the 50s to 70s. Some very fucked up and illegal stuff centered around the use of chemical and biological weapons to control human behavior. aka CIA mind control experiments