this was in my feed tonight. anyone want to make a real version?
This was in my feed tonight. anyone want to make a real version?
>leg hair
>it's all fun and games
>suddenly, reality
where's the part where they brutally sodomize the child 5 times a day?
The only thing that is more meaningless than this picture is pathetic life of it's author.
>lol those shorts
What they don't show is the faggots rape dungeon.
pizzagate has me so paranoid- what if that first article was an advertisement. ugh.
I always thought that couple were actual pedophiles rather than genuine homosexuals.
They just used homosexuality as a quite effective cover for their more sinister prefrences. Most homosexuals arent into hardcore 2 year old porn much like most straight people arent as well.
What are you, some kind of lady boy?
>no red trump cap
2/10 broke my immersion
> liberals once again appeal to emotion and use hyper-strawmen to make a point
I'm really thinking hard about this one fellas
Both of those creatures are in prison in the US afaik. Hopefully getting some horrific treatment from everyone.
Most importantly, aren't straight white people the worst?
> pedophile
>genuine homosexuals.
pedophiles are genuine homosexuals.
>all that toxic masculinity
Why are plus sized people so vilified?
It's the sad truth as to why Homosexual couple always adopt children the same sex as them
pedos are pedos. they can be homosexually oriented but pedophilia is a whole separate level.
apparently the fat redneck guy went to yale did the goalposts move again while i wasnt looking?
pedophilia among homosexuals is several orders of magnitude more frequent than it is among heterosexuals
Bait thread. Every time.
Where does degeneracy start,and where does it end?
Sorry, pedophiles tend to be bi-sexual that are attracted to the same sex for their adult sex partner. But like most homosexual, pedophiles don't care what sex the hole that a diddling with is . As long as it's a perversion, it's fine with them
Jusssst fuck my mind up
Why do all numales get that queer as fuck hairdo? Where did it come from? Why is everyone shaving just the fucking side of their head?
>pedophiles are genuine homosexuals.
Not all pedos are homosexual but any pedo that is attracted to the same sex IS, or atleast bisexual. Its not hard to understand.
People seem to forget that men often molest little girls a lot more often than little boys. We mostly just dont hear about it because sick pedos are pretty much the norm in non 1st world countries and its "racist" to call them out for it.
fuck i feel sick..i genuinely wish those people to be tortured and killed.
>tfw you get redpilled on homosexuality after supporting the White House's rainbow coloration
>I thought loli-loving autists were more prevalent than shotatrash
>Study of 900 people
>this is supposed to represent 6 billion people fairly
Holy shit i mean come on this is the most biased and inncaruate study of all time. Its well known there were MORE people in the study, they just cut out a lot of hetersexual pedophiles to fit their narrative.
Even if they hadnt, 942 isnt even CLOSE to being an accurate sample size.
Is that one kid ain't got no legs?
Only something like a third of Trump supporters even give a shit about queers. It'll be a non-issue in his Presidency, I'm guessing. All the hysteria about it is just to distract from the fact that TRUMP is the one actually doing something to prevent more Orlando scenarios, while Clinton literally supports al-Qaeda in Syria.
> men often molest little girls a lot more often than little boys.
That's not even accurate
Women tend to molest little girls, and men tend to molest little boys. That's fucking known statistics, of course homosexual rights group do everything in their power to try and bury those statistics
That's the nazi youth haircut
>this is supposed to represent 6 billion people fairly
Not having ever taken statistics
Not understanding random sampling
Not understanding the population of gays is extremely low by itself
>That's fucking known statistics,
If you are talking about the study of 942 people that was just linked ITT and think thats even close to being a decent sample size you should kill yourself for not understanding how statistics work.
the pro-gay propaganda in society is really successful - if you ask normies about sexual abuse rates in homosexuals compared to heterosexuals, most will get really mad at you for even suggesting that such a difference could possibly exist. present them with the data and they will go into denial mode or lash out at you.
its similar to the whole race and IQ thing, but that one is easier to blow up because niggers nigging is out in the open for all to see, while homosexual pedoshit is by nature very stealthy and kept out of the public eye. takes some digging to get a feeling for the reality of the situation, and barely anybody is willing to do that.
Go back to red dit you degenerate sympathising cuck.
You don't know what you are talking about gay leaf. You may want to actually research shit you want to argue about.
>peurto rico being in charge of basic math
Oh you
Here are some interesting stats for you.
Based off the abstract, it sounds to me like this study is saying that people who experienced homosexual molestation in childhood are drastically more likely to become homosexual in adulthood, not that homosexuals are more prone to child molestation than heterosexuals.
However, iirc, there are also studies showing that child abusers are much more likely to have been abused as children, so it seems like there's at least a suggestion of a vicious cycle occurring here.
whoa that's a lot of buzzwords
the fact is if you give a shit about queers you're an idiot and pretty much Muslim-tier, there's no logical reason to care about other people's sex lives in a "free country"
Are you unironically stating that a sample size of 942 people is an accurate representation? Jesus christ most studies has tens if not hundreds of thousands of people for a reason.
This is like very very very basic grade school statistics.
>no citation
>asking people to self report on fidelity and trusting them to tell the truth
oh you
Queers think it's their fucking birthright to 'initiate' children into their lifestyle. All you have to go through a few tumblr faggot threads. Faggot tumblr threads are just pedo-hookup sites for Middle aged homosexuals. I'm not talking just about gay men, but lesbians also.
There also seems to be absolutely no over site over it also ,it's in the open and not hidden in the slightest
>pedophiles are genuine homsexuals
>sexual prefrences are black and white g-guys dont be degenerates now and make sure you kill all gays :)
I am bisexual and i never once or ever will find a child attractive. While anecdotal it definetly shoots down your sweeping generalization. Pedophillia is one of those sexual prefrences that can often become intertwined with normal prefrences which is why some pedos are incredibly difficult to tell apart from regular normies. Thus, gays being pedos is no more likely (worst case slightly more likely) than straight people being pedos. Being LGBT does not INHERITLY mean being a pedophile.
The entire gay name has been destroyed by that dam pride parade. Which is likely funded by anti gay lobbies to show how "disgusting LGBT truly are".
>There also seems to be absolutely no over site over it also
show us some them, if its so widespread
Putin's a pedo. Trump admits rape. Might be into incest. And had business near where epstein had a place. Made out with pence. Pence is himself half a fag. But nobody cares about that shit. This is all about muh cartoons
>caricature president
No way! Wew laddies
No, I'm talking about the WHO statistics on child sex crimes, but you don't have any interest on learning about what you are arguing over. So fuck off leaf ,you are just protecting your own pedo interests at this point
>WHO statistics on child sex crimes
link it
here's the fix
fat guy is pic related instead wearing a Hillary shirt, he exclaims how his faith in humanity is restored and supposes its because its [current year]. wife is a cookie cutter tumblr queen with two half breeds from her first man. both dudes have a chub.
>Putin's a pedo
Jesus fucking christ man
You were molested as a child, and you will molest children when you get in your mid to late twenties
Try and deny it, Statistics say I'm right
Google kiss of putin
No, google it lazy ass
>Around the back gay dads Pete and Mark chase their son's pet chickens around, trying to catch them
What did they mean by this
>Statistics say I'm right
Be honest with us, are you trolling or do you unironically believe that all homosexuals were not only molested themselves but that turns people into pedophiles.
Before i rip into for how unbelievably naive and unintelligent this is i want to make sure you arent just shitposting
>hurr durr you are wrong because of muh study that i wont link
What a faggot.
Holy shit, he kissed a boy on the stomach.
Next that little baby is going to be an international PORN sensation!
BTW nice stereotyping of a Trump supporters you faggot conditioned cuck!
>b-but 950 isn't a big enough sample size!
stay mad leaf
wow, it's literally nothing
if he were a pedo he would never kiss a boy like that in public, moron
is that a tattoo of a girl with her legs spread open on the gay dudes arm? idgi
I don't have to troll, the people I'm actually talking to in this board already know what I'm saying. The rest of you deniers can fuck off
Does this mean straight couples shouldnt be allowed to have children becase they get caught molesting their children and selling porn tapes too?
Dont make me link that shit
A sample group that size is more than sufficient to show statistical signficance when the margin of difference is that large. You're not taught statistics in grade school, and if you'd taken a statistics course in college (and actually integrated what it taught you), you'd know as much.
I don't have to prove shit to you, nanana boo boo stick your head in doo doo
You sicken me. "Yet whoever should be snaring one of these little ones who is believing in Me, it is expedient for him that a millstone requiring an ass to turn it may be hanged about his neck, and he should be sunk in the open ocean."
>that hand grabbing the kid away
>too late
>that boner walk after he finishes
Nook all people similar and their supporters
Mate, I know its hard to hear, but some genuine homosexuals are also genuine pederasts.
>Talks like a nigger
>Has the reasoning skills of a nigger
We're trying to say you should keep dogs away from the chinks.
I'm kinda uncomfortable that this comic artist has discriminated against lower-income Americans like this. Not only is it classist, it is also fatphobic.
I have this
Isn't that real?
Faggots are still abnormal and can't have babies.
>xq28 genes are abnormal
Execute the retarded!
That only works if the sampling is truly random, which in this study ISNT because we KNOW they started with a lot more than 942. They dropped hundreds if not more because they started out WANTING to show there were homosexual pedophiles, so they just didnt include a lot of hetersexual ones. This is classic sample manipulation, which is WHY sample sizes have to be way bigger to even be relevent.
Your chart was made by somebody who obviously doesnt actually understand how the world works.
>I'm actually talking to in this board already know what I'm saying.
So what about all the little girls who are molested by men and the little boys who are molested by men, do they suddenly become straight?
If a little boy was molested by a man and then later a women would that simply cancel his gayness out?
Like holy shit your theory is so laughable i cant stop giggling. Pls tell me you are trolling.
Most people don't harm their own children.
But adopted children always have had people ready to adopt and exploit.
They aren't their children and they aren't their blood. They are just adopted!
Fuck You Faggot! I'm glad I hit the nerve now if i could cut your faggot head off. I'd be happier!
You still trolling leaf?
I'm glad I triggered you so hard
>tfw no thicc Aryan waifu in leopard-print leggings
more food for the triggered leaf
Maybe having sex with vaginas will give you your dickhead back. Said the serpent
Oh my god shut the fuck up leaf, you don't know what you're talking about.
Trolling. Triggered. Have no clue how to debate
>this of course does not suggest...
>that which I am suggesting
You're all larping and he has a head on his shoulders
>they manipulated the sample! i know because i dont like their results so they must obviously be the result of vile manipulation!
stay mad leaf
literal dozens of studies and datasets exist on this subject, and they all show the same reality - faggots just can't keep their hands off little boys. sad!
Straight people are the only ones that have a biological desire to create children in the first place. Of course degenerate straights should be dealt with, but the most pressing issue is all the other degenerates that want societal acceptance and encouragement.
I think the point is one doesn't beget the other. it's like saying 80% of pedos are heterosexual and saying heterosexuality causes pedophilia
Maybe the sting of a cold blade slicing into your faggot throat and peeling off your head will get your intelligence back.
I wish you wouldn't link the facts , the homosexual shill is trying so hard to hide his pedophilia tendency
I know leaf was diddled with as a child by an older person of the same sex. It's why the leaf is so fucking triggered
So girls get abused 20:1 but there's maybe two more faggot pedos and are we adjusting for densities like we do if gays attack your cry babby group? So this makes gays more likely to be pedos. They must be really numerous to overcome that 20:1 ratio. But they're not. 900 people is like polling. Polling is always wrong. There are stats to say anything you want. Like how homophobes love shit porn and gay porn. Measured by boner meters
I don't understand your reasoning so if they had more they couldn't manipulate the study but since they have less they can? Also why would they manipulate it and how do you prove that besides being another stupid faggot leaf from Toronto ruining things for the rest of us, defending fag pedophiles. I just don't see the desire to be this butthurt over knowing that double degenerates love to be degenerates even more. How is this unbelievable to you?
>You're not taught statistics in grade school
Maybe in burgerstan we are but we started that shit in grade 6 here. Must be embarrassing to be so far behind.
>I don't have to prove shit to you,
im not a dude but nice try.
>>Talks like a nigger
I dont use any words that niggers love to use, but nice try again
>>Has the reasoning skills of a nigger
No you faggots are trying to say that because some homosexuals abuse children they should all be banned from adopting, completely ignoring the fact hetersexual couples do it all the time too.
>muh 1 example of shitty lesbian mothers shilled every thread
jesus atleast come up with another to use. Why not use rosie for once?
Kek ,you were raped hard a child, I bet you still believe they loved you,and you weren't just a conquest for them
I dont give a shit, lucifer. Get under my feet. You mouth fedora piece of shit. Animu neet faggot. Furry bastard
It won't make him smarter, but it would still be an improvement.