The Weedman Cometh not. lol!
Trudeau says Bust those potheads
college kids BTFO
This is how you lose the next election.
he was going to do that anyway
>A frustrated Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wants police to "enforce the law" and criminally charge illegal marijuana dispensaries — even though weed legalization is looming.
so he wants to close down illegal dispensaries that have no quality control, no trained professionals and are operating illegally? As a 420blazeit faggot myself i'd have to agree with him..
>This is how you lose the next election.
Because importing hostile foreigners, weakening the economy and praising dead dictators is OK, but not legalizing weed is a step too far.
>weakened economy
source please
>hostile foreingers
no terrorist attacks yet! (crosses fingers)
no he wants to close them down so the government can open their own dispensaries and charge w/e the fuck they want and have a state monopoly
>Top ten Anime betrayals
>source please
OPEC is the only reason your country still exists and Texas just found enough oil to tank the market. You're on the fast track to becoming a third world country, dumb leaf.
>no terrorist attacks yet!
Oh, there is. Nothing major, but tanned Canadians have been chimping out. It just isn't being fully reported on.
well yeah, that's literally what they fucking do with Alcohol (in ontario) and it's up to the provinces so he's just protecting the provinces right to create more funding. If you didn't see this coming from a mile away you're retarded.
the fuck are you talking about, opec just cut supply for the first time since the crash and the CAD is up. Secondly, this country has more money in timber than oil, one in 17 jobs are related to the timber industry. Also Ontario is a manufacturing giant. But yeah dude we exist cuz muh OPEC and them shitskinz are blowing shit up but canadian media wont report it, you'd know better than me, right?
Made u a meem
Fucking communist. wtf now i hate trudeau
there is literally only one crown corporation (government owned company) that sells alcohol in ontario (with the exception of a few grocery stores now) it's called the Liquor Control Board of Ontario. You used to have to get id'd and processed to buy a bottle of jack daniels. This is nothing new when compared to that.
We cant just decrim like ndp wanted. Now you can't even grow your own. People scam the dispensary. Who cares. We are losing healthcare and he is taxing for a brain brain of doctors again. Trump should fuck himself up even more though so who cares. He just wants control and revenue. As if he has good budgets
Nice senpai, ty
also, it's been around since 1927 and is here to stay btw. It's really just like a liquor store today, albeit more expensive.
nice to see you and the USA being friendly after they bombed your comrades in belgrade.
Wow. I'm a Canada fan, but that sounds like, well, communism.
DUDE!!!!!!!!!! WEED LMAO?!?!?!?!?
it used to be bad, but today it's really nothing special. The LCBO has been gutted and its essentially just a revenue generator for the gov't. The only thing different is it closes early (no 24 hour liquor stores) and its more expensive. It's kinda nice not having bums being drunk all the time t b h f a m
Well yeah
"Legalization" = government taxes and oversight
No idea why the hippie fags thought otherwise
They would have been better off just smoking their own in private -- it's not like smoking in public will ever be legal
Leaf, state what you are trying to say, dont go passive-aggresive bitch mode on me.
Your country is poo and filled with brain dead poors. Enjoy irrelevancy while trying to get into the EU forever.
*unsheathes rake*
honestly though just take over bosnia at least the serbian portion of it, give herzegovina to croatia so everyone stops calling everyone bosnian as an insult there.
Fuck you cunt
What do you have to say for yourself?
>LOL 444444
>Leafchink ruins yet another GET
*unsheathes rake*
Hi Gerald Butts. I didn't know you spent your Saturday nights shitposting on Sup Forums.
i stand by my statement, enjoy cucks
Absolute fucking waste
good advice leaf
Apologize to Kek.
>the only silver lining of electing this faggot and now hes doing this
after the pipeline approval, and cucking on the weed stuff, the NDP are going to kill it next election
all the NDP need to do is run a SJW non white communist and spend years riling the all the retarded old leftiod hippies in this country and the liberals are fucked
>tfw left vote is split and a ~35% conservative party can come up the middle and win
What a fucking WASTE
Day of the Rake when?
You got the get, so I guess I would agree with you, even though I have no idea what you are talking about.
just eastern european political bullshit
Fucking leafs, why do you always get the nice gets.
>enforce weed laws
>plans to tax private health and dental plans
>reduce TFSA contribution limits
>importing foreigners that nobody wants
>accepting money from Chinese merchants
>hate speech laws
>sabotaging electoral reform
he must really hate Canada
>Oh, there is. Nothing major, but tanned Canadians have been chimping out. It just isn't being fully reported on.
This is actually true. There was a Muslim terrorist attack on Remembrance Day in Vancouver. A shopkeeper and a police officer were stabbed in the neck after the perp tried to steal a gun from Canadian Tire in order to go on a shooting rampage.
He was shot dead, but the police spun it as a "robbery" and the media buried the story fast.
>A search of his home has provided police with concerning evidence of his possible criminal intentions, which will all be part of this ongoing investigation
>dressed in camouflage
>stabbed a 53-year-old employee in the back and across the neck before removing guns from store cabinets
One month later, we still don't know the guy's name and the media hasn't made a peep about it since.
We will and we will resettle them in fucking Canada
>that flag
Are leafs like the most overrepresented nation on /pol
What about Canada makes you guys come here in such massive hordes?
Leave it to a fucking leaf to piss Kek off.
> W E E D
Ah fuck, I'm mistaken. It was actually a fat white man, if the Coroner isn't lying.
Shame, I was so convinced it was a Muzzie given the date and details of the attack.
Could not say it ant better.
So you all accepted a flood of shitskins in exchange for weed THEN YOU DIDNT GET THE WEED
Putin? The carrier deal?
>Weedman in chief, we've been making less money off those weed smoking fines lately... i think our officers are getting looser on that matter!
>Weedman: REEEEEE
wtf i hate justin now
Compare the Toronto smoke shop culture to Amsterdam, I think that's a good move.
There's often a very sterile, or run down, environment, as opposed to a more sophisticated European styled approach to retail marijuana products, like a star bucks coffee-shop. This would be far more attractive, especially to tourists, or the economy.
If I were the weed man, I would certainly go Oliver Jewelry and make Toronto great again. I want this city to be like Paris, and other great cities, except better, and epic.
behold, inspiration for the new leaf flag
>I want this city to be like Paris
What is it with leafs
Another couple hundred thousand muslims and you'll be there.
come get me ausfag
we brought in 50k I think, which is like 1% of Toronto's population alone.
>implying he wasn't going to lose the election anyway.
It's ontario, obviously it's retarded.
Bloody hell. It's always you fucks that ruin the gets.
The day of the rake can't come soon enough.
pls be my balkanized gf
Fucking leaves can't even smoke other leaves.
Meanwhile, 4 US states have just legalized pot, another 4 just went medical, and Trump wants to keep marijuana up to individual states.
>vote for weedman
>get Syrians
but but but... DUDE WEED?
Don't be so kangarude....
damn man do you follow our politics this closely out of empathy or out of pity
LMAO !!!
Probably out of autism
Recently found out I'm 1/4 Swede.
I can't even say at least I'm not Swedish anymore.
That get was not wasted, it's a good idea
Bosnia is a fucking failed state with a literal EU representative with power of a prime minister and with 50% unemployment
with croats and bosniaks not letting serbs rejoin serbia. hipocritical, as they were just fine with kosovo leaving serbia
Remove kebosnia
Hamilton is garbage.
Any news on when weed will start being sold in Ontario? Im loser with no friends and wanna buy sum
>when weed will start being sold in Ontario?
It's sold there now, just go get a dealer.
> Im loser with no friends
lol nvm bro.
>Oh, there is. Nothing major, but tanned Canadians have been chimping out. It just isn't being fully reported on.
this is a good meme desu
He wants to secure a safe passage of torch from illegal weed makers to legal weed makers. In my eyes there's no difference, but Trudeau is doing the right thing based on Anglo logic.
FACT: Canadians are the most powerful race on earth.
the kek lord has chosen us to be the true meme lords
But if we're so multicultural, doesn't that mean that everyone else is also the most powerful race on earth?
I mean, they do make up Canada don't they?
if they meme at us, we win
canada is quite meme proof
nice one bruh
look at all these salty American tears . you can always get hat you want, big brother !