Jesus fucking christ. If you want to give the middle finger to china, can you do it without being a little bitch?
Jesus fucking christ. If you want to give the middle finger to china, can you do it without being a little bitch?
Are you admitting barack osama is a dick sucking cuck as nigger in chief?
u sound quite triggered
Trump already fucked China by winning the election.
did you or did you not admit that barak hussein osama is a nutless nigjob pedophile with a tranny wife
tell me the truth
the butthurt is real
Hu rely mad me tink
oh look
yet another case of liberals getting offended on behalf of someone else
China ain't shit. Who gives a fuck?
How is this giving Taiwan the finger? Maybe Xi Jinping should call Trump and congratulate him if he doesn't want to be left out.
shut the fuck up zhang
By Taiwan I meant *China.
For having a previous president that sold 1.8m weapons to the same country without a peep out of your mouth, you sure seem to be blowing this just a touch out of proportion.
Oh no how dare Trump accept the phone call of a democratically elected leader of an independent nation
I like how no one in here can read cause I dared to attack your waifu. I don't care if he insults China. Fuck China. But crying about it on twitter at 5 in the morning is a fucking joke. Just fucking man up. Is he going to embarrass us with this when he's president too?
Jesus fucking christ. If you want to make a post, can you do it without being a little bitch?
you must be millennial
China's already said they don't care. Why are you getting mad if China isn't?
4:44PM is not in the morning dipshit
>Pointing out how MSM is misinforming the public by saing Trump CALLED Taiwan
>Subtly telling China, fuck off nothing you can do about it
>Watch MSM and the left continue to eat themselves alive
Kinda reminds me of the time China made Trump get out of his plane from the back... Wait that was Obama.
Yeah Trump is such a little bitch in comparison.
>Can you at least try with the next post?
whelp you got me thereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Fuck China and fuck yellow people
>makes a whole thread dedicated to how triggered he is
>calls others triggered
Why is our president such a whiny 12 year old girl on Twitter? It's embarrassing for America.
weak shitpost m8
You can't say that about Obama, that's rude
>Responding to China bullying with 'Call out culture" on twitter.
How can he be so of this time when he's fucking 70?
>not recognizing you're being asked a question even when it's repeated
I shouldn't have expected anything from a bait thread.
I thought he wasn't your fucking president
Checkmate desu
>5 posts by this id
Really fires up those neurons don't it?