her parents must be devastated
their pretty 19 year old daughter who was studying medicine was raped and then drowned.
drowing is one of the most painful ways to die
her parents must be devastated
their pretty 19 year old daughter who was studying medicine was raped and then drowned.
drowing is one of the most painful ways to die
Other urls found in this thread:
And rape is one of the most painful ways to have sex.
She wasn't having a good day.
In the first thread some German guy said she was Jewish and worked at a refugee center, can you confirm?
euro cucks get what they deserve
they should have been more aware about the dangers of rapefugees
Peligion of reace.
its a small price to pay for being diverse multicultural and progressive
i feel awful that this put a big smile on my face
no i don't
devasted for what? Are they racists? She's was raped. She wasn't killed. She was culturally enriched. Her parents should celebrate the diversity she experienced.
from what i understand, her dad is fine with it, since he had political power and is actively working to bring in rapefugees
Somebody screencap this, for the love of god.
Is it normal for a German to be studying medicine at 19? Here you need to have a bachelor's degree before applying to med school.
In time, enough Germans will personally know someone they love who has been raped or killed by one of these 'refugees', and will come to see things our way.
It's so sad they have to learn this way. If only they'd listen to common sense rather than put virtue signaling above personal and societal safety and stability.
my smile at fp is gone.
my fucking stomach.
OP also wrote she was drowned.
Germagirl is kill.
If only she put on her anti-rape bracelet and kept the attacker at arm's length, this wouldn't have happened.
>drowing is one of the most painful ways to die
I don't think it is. Still sad, though.
>Drowning is my 3rd favorite way to die
top K E K
I assumed that he meant like studying to get into med school.
damn, son
Not sure about the kike part but she did work at a rapefugee center and openly shilled for refugees.
What's the story here? I left the internet for a bit.
The only thing sad about it is that it's not being reported on more widely. Dumb sluts who work in refuse support centers get what they deserve.
>The medical student, Maria L., daughter of a high EU official
>her parents must be devastated
Of course they are. Becouse of this stupid whore some poor refugee might face prison time. She could just shut her mouth and help him with his sexual emergency but not. She choose to be a racis shitbag.
She was a human sacrifice to please Kek. Kek wills it. So be it.
kek good one m8
In time enough all Germans will be raped or killed.
Have so-called first-hand experience in reaches of diversity.
What's the story?
Did she get refugee'd?
>bitch volunteers at refugee center
>"17yo" "unaccompanied minor" Afghani rapes and murders her
Top kek
No sympathy then
kek'd great job
Yes, and apparently she was a member of a group that helped refugees. If true, she deserve it.
Yup. Rapist/murderer confirmed afghan refugee.
I don't understand why this is funny
God damnit you made me giggle in front of my roommates
Volunteering at refugee center means you are a sex slave.
Too bad they did not brief this girl about all the nuances.
Classic Australia right there
Reminds me of this but on a larger scale.
He sacrificed his own flesh and blood in order to bring despair to God knows how many countless families in the future, by actively importing killers.
When I die, if there's not another circle of Hell built just for these kind of worms, I'll build it myself.
why should i feel bad for the death of a liberal jew, instead of the death of thousands arab christian womans?
Just shows you the beta nature of the father.
If this happened or my daughter I'd go on a nigger killing spree.
Can you imagine the emasculated men that allow this to go on in their country?
Germans learn quantum mechanics in the 4th grade
Pre med
No they didn't....
Literally mentally ill.
yes it's normal
every time
that's what happens when you lose two world wars
>Her parents also used her funeral as an opportunity to raise money to go towards helping "refugees"
Source on this?
She looks like feminised male
wtf Krauts, post more pics
why do I find this funny
Gib source for last part. Gib gib gib!
Apologies my Estonian friend, I read it in an earlier thread and didn't think to save the source myself
Insanity. Why would you ever want to work on some rapefugee camp as young woman?
Almost like asking to be raped and murdered.
>tfw you're a German progressive liberal apologist working at a refugee centre to atone for the sins of your great-grandfather who served in the catering corps of the Wehrmacht. And now you're raped and dead.
If this happened to my daughter I'd literally beat every shitskin I saw, but oh no, this father won't, because he's an emasculated pussy beta male. Fuck liberalism and fuck Merkel. Stupid horse faced bitch.
We need the source.
Idono man I think most Americans have been affected in some way by black men's world record murder rate but american people seem to only wanna suck their dick even more
If americas anything to go by this could turn out great for the muslims
>trusting an australian
You deserve the same fate as that girl.
Yeah, now that you mention it she kinda does.
>Dat manjaw
Her parents deserve to have to bury their daughter.
She deserved to get raped and drowned.
Her father also wrote on her funeral notice to send money to Bangladesh instead of flowers for them
At the risk of sounding like a "cuCK" I want to say that even though we should strongly cobdemnd this crime if it happened in the way they say it did, we should also try to understand it from the other side/perspective and hear his story . You have no idea what these refugees to through
They are traumatized and suffering from. PTSD people like that have to be cured not punished .
My 2 cents.
>Why would you ever want to work on some rapefugee camp as young woman?
Virtue signaling. Most of her friends simply support the open border policy while she one-upped them by actively participating in the destruction of her country. She just got what was coming to her anyway, only few years earlier.
> asking for source
> trusting
It is in the genes...
He's asking for source. He doesn't trust him.
You inbred kiwi shit stain fuck.
>>bitch volunteers at refugee center
hello mr. refugee. how can i help you?
But younger and with long hair.
Virtually all Germans alive today have gone through a whole life of seeing people that listened to common sense disappeared and destroyed systematically so that America's precious and holy kikes wouldn't get hurt. That there's even still some of us on here is close to a miracle.
She did and she was. Her dad is one of the EU's main human rights lawyers.
holy fuck
this cant be true!! man, how fucked is Germany?
D....did she have her safety pin on?
You don't understand blacks in America. They are very different from muslims in Europe.
Most blacks descend from slaves so by that logic most blacks have roots in America as deep as whites. The shittiness of black America is seen as an internal pestulence. The horror of muslims in Europe will be viewed as an external invader. They simply have no roots in Europe nor any history together, nor does white guilt exist even close to as deep as that of slavery.
Mudslimes are in a much worse position.
Virtue signalling and pathological altruism.
if somebody decided to remove you skin, you would survive days without a face
people need to do this after rape
looks a jew
killed by muzzie?
>because he's an emasculated pussy beta male.
With some of these people it goes deeper than just that. They're legitimately insane.
They love being raped as far as this isn't fucking white male.
Nazis come back
come on estonia. it's not that hard to imagine is it? there's that girl that got raped and murdered in south africa. the killers were set free because innocent due to rage or some shit. her parents, father in particular, wanted to meet them, not to kill them as i would, but to greet them and apologize for the circumstances that made them kill his daughter.
i would hunt them down and feed them to the fishes. but these fucks celebrate the nogs who kill their offspring.
>no source again
Stop making shit up faggots
Why don't you send that to Mutti's mail?
When you play with fire you get burnt. Not that this girl 'get's what she deserves' but, people need to awake to the risks they take everyday. Why would Germans allow this? Why would a 19 year old woman be walking out alone in current year Germany?
Part of this is the responsibility of her, her parents, the community, and the German government. They all took risks. I don't understand this weird phenomenon going on where people are being very risky in their behavior. Even in America not so long ago, women would never go out alone or trust a strange man enough to go back to his house for casual sex (not that this is directly related to this incident)..I just don't understand why people are so risky in their behavior today.
Then you got people walking around all stressed out so they take drugs to suppress their anxiety instead of dealing with the issue. Where gonna be drugged out while our society slowly crumbles.
i seldomly care about anything posted anywhere. but laughing at the death of this girl is absolutely degenerate. we are supposed to protect our women. just laughing it of and labelling a huge part of our society as the enemy is mindbogglingly narowminded. we need to protect, inform and take care of our women. just throwing them to the wolves and laughting while they get horribly raped and tortured is the last death throw of a failing society.
please go the fuck back to lebbit. the election is over. you aren't wanted here
actually rape is the easiest to make a female orgasm when having sex
afghanidude just made her pay for being a rapecumming whore
he made the world a better place
who knows how many decent families her whoring ways could have damaged in the future otherwize
Why would I care about some German traitor whore?
She actively aided migrants in coming to Germany and ruining your country. Her parents were a part of it too.
Fucking evil whore, she had it coming for her. Good riddance.
Probably won't even change the mind of her cuck father who is an even bigger traitor.
Kek will torture her in hell for all eternity
If her father wasn't a fucking cuck he would have forbid her to volunteer at a rapefugee center.
where is the crime here? this was clearly a sexual emergency
I bet the majority of german families are like this. They could easily sacrifice their own children and instead of mourning them they would cry on the shoulder of the muslim killer while apologizing. And to think I've been thought to respect "Westerners" like they are some kind of special snowflakes. Now I truly know that money pursuit is a paved road to hell. You all have so much money that you can buy anything - but at what cost?
Better to kill a traitor than an enemy
Dr Clemens Ladenburger - look him up. They're a whole clan of kikes who have been in on this whole migrant business from day one. Nothing of value harmed, only delicious justice unto the vermin.