At the Sup Forums Tokyo meetup in Akihabara now! 6 Americans, one Dutch, one Korean, and one Japanese!
At the Sup Forums Tokyo meetup in Akihabara now! 6 Americans, one Dutch, one Korean, and one Japanese!
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how did you organize it?
What the fuck I was just in Akihabara.
God damnit how did I miss this.
The what now?
>Literally in fucking Japan
>7 white people
fucking english teachers
>all the jap posters are just high level weebs that actually moved to Japan
Only us burgers were dumb enough to meet in public.
Having fun? How much autistic screeching is happening?
>one Japanese!
Probably to be honest.
>all the leafposters are chinese anyway
How'd you rope the nip in?
Please post a video of the gook fight
Who /kansai/here?
I'm legitimately thinking of starting a group if there's enough of us. Nagoyim are welcome too
Are Japanese dudes extra salty about sex tourists like mainland Asian dudes? I just recently found out about this, and it makes me kek hardcore.
Maybe internally, but I haven't really seen it. They're generally beta as fuck.
Jap "men" are the most self effacing betas in the world, and that's coming from a small brown Filipino like myself.
Now that's just mean!
Yeah it's pretty sad. While other people might get pissed when foreigners take their women, Japanese guys (in my experience) just tell me stuff like "you're probably really popular with Japanese girls!" they also like to hang out with you when you go to bars/clubs as a white guy so they can try to look like 'the cool guy who knows foreigners' and maybe get in on the action. They're generally bros, just really beta.
Do flips get pissed when white guys go over there and fuck Filipinas?
On the shinkansen now leaving kansai. Went clubbing, kissed a few qts. Time to go back to gifu lol.
>drinking hefeweizen out of a plastic bottle
6 Americans, one Dutch, one Korean, and one Japanese, but 9 NEETs
Why the fuck would you take the shinkansen from kansai when you live in gifu? You rich or something?
Missed my bus. Believe me, im not happy.
You kissed some girls?
You must be living the life.
Why couldn't you cunts have had one of these when I was there last year?
they had one a while back too
That sucks famalam, I'm has similar stuff happen to me. I live a bit in the inaka so I always hang out at the big city stations until the last train (like I'm doing in Kyoto right now) it's bitten me in the ass before.
Gifu isn't too far, though. We could potentially get a central Japan (kansai+Tokai) group and have meetups in Osaka or something if enough people are willing
I guess I just missed out. I fucking loved Japan but it would've been nice to have some company or someone to talk to.
No one spoke English.
I'd love to have some beers with an actual Aussie. All the Australians I've met here have been libshits from Melbourne
I'm from Melbourne too mate but I'm no faggot libshit. Would've been great to have a beer with you there too.
Sensational city.
>some faggot sydney lad or queensland redneck thinking they're an "actual australian"'
Mate, if you're like any other white i come across while in nip country, you're just as much of a limp-wristed beta faggot as the rest of them.
The whites in japan are disgusting representations of the white rice.
Beat the fuck out of one playing tough in namba lmao
Do you faggots go to mogra? I'll make it there next month if you faggots go to Mogra.
>Sup Forums meet up in Japan
>not Japanese
get the fuck out and go home
I just want to go play fightan games senpai
>general bros
>use you so other people think they are cool
Yeah, you're a fucking retard
There is a colloquial saying for you guys, especially with girls
You just realized that now?
This is true. Weebs who go to Japan act like tough shit because Japs are the epitome of betas, so a typical white guy can actually be socially ahead there. I hope you really did bully one of them to remind him he's not shit in the real world.
Did you suck eachothers dicks after?
I knew plenty of japs that would hand you your own ass if you fucked around. Then again I hung out in Sakaecho in Chiba (red light district) so there were lots of chinpira and yakuza there. I still have the "business" card from one of my friends who was in the Yamaguchi.
I hope there is a fire and you all become trapped.
I hope someone baked brownies :3
yeah where's the cum brownies or the diarrhea milkshakes ?
I do kiss the shitty English though. Found this gem in the place next to LaLaport and the horse track in Funabashi.
Any of you Osaka faggots remember the "Fuckin' Sale" from Xmas last year?
JETfags everywhere
He grew up in America
anime is still degenerate
They should have made them from pidgeon shit. So much of it at the stations they literally had to make a sign for it.
Post some pics
I know it's a meme job, but I love it. The money is great, the career prospects are even better, and the job itself is so fucking easy
Shit old meme is shite
>The money is great
Come on now
Yeah I did ALT until I got a job in a chemical company for sales. Now I'm back home in New York for another year then off to Kentucky. I basically just send emails and translate reports and make 80K a year with full benefits and get to travel back and forth a couple of times a year for meetings. Good luck dude just gotta study that Japanese. Once you get N2 you're set as far as jobs go.
kys pls
>no taxes
>rent is subsidized
>pay into a pension and get a shitload of money when you're done
I'm not rich by any means, but JET life is pretty comfy. It's how I'm paying for grad school in a couple years
Thanks man. I'm at N3 right now, I'm just so lazy now that I can actually communicate and hold conversations. I'm a first year though, so I've got time.
I like this one though.
Yeah man it well defiantly help. I got my job with no experience just having the N2 and being American from NY. I understand the feeling though, I didn't get around to taking the N1 until now actually. Going to take it today. Just to let you know N2 is a BIG step up from N3. It took me a year and a half just to study for it with all the Kanji and vocabulary not the mention the grammar but I'll tell you it's really worth it. Also goddamn you and not having to pay taxes. I went through a ALT company and half my fucking pay went to tax, especially in the middle of the year when the city tax hits you.
Do you faggots go to Mogra or not? I'm not going to waste a trip. I can seriously come Jan-Feb.
the thought of meeting someone from Sup Forums in real life is fucking terrifying to me
in fact one of my greatest fears is that Sup Forums is going to dox one of my liberal family members and somehow i get caught up in it or some shit
this is ridiculous
I've met several people from each board and Sup Forums has been the most normal.
erdinger and franzekaner IIRC are better
am i not normal
are you the same group from the last meetup that some of the members from ended up joining an anti korean japanese nationalist march?
i dream of joining you guys. for some reason it seems like ultimate brohood full metal alchemist style.
not all, when i lived in japan my female japanese friend used to spend time on Sup Forums. She thought Sup Forums was just Sup Forums.
She said it was full of nicer people than 2chan.
Wait what, when was this organised?
>Yeah man it well defiantly help.
Sort yourself.
Fuck I'm going there next week
Post more pics of meetup pls.
It wasn't in Oakland with all the BLM white liberals getting burned to death.