Is it degenerate to breed with an Asian woman to create mixed cuties?
Is it degenerate to breed with an Asian woman to create mixed cuties?
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Depends on the asian
Don't they have like triple the risk of suicide?
So far the only "argument" i've heard on Sup Forums is "muh elliot" which is 1 case out of uncountable murders done by other races.
I'd hit it.
Why would you race mix just so niggers 20 years can fuck your daughters?
It's pretty degenerate to ask that question alongside a picture of a fourteen year old girl, or at least was fourteen at the time of that picture.
That aside, it's not up to anyone but yourself to decide what is moral or not, thus degenerate. If it doesn't conflict with your own moral code then that is what should matter, at least in this day and age in which we've all seceded collective moral guidance in favour of rampant individualism, typically not for the betterment of our people.
Long answer short, make up your own mind about it but don't act surprised when people show disdain for you.
Race mixing is disgusting and you should feel bad
yes it is, fucking stop faggot
>wanting more beta Elliot Rodger's in the world
This is what you'll create.
love whoever the fuck u want faggot, if u need pol to tell you who to have babies with, you probably dont deserve to have babies. Kill yourself you fucking retard i pray you actually die SAGED
the only asians you're going to pull are the shit tier SEA ones unless you're making 6 digits a year just so their family doesn't hate your fucking guts and the materialistic whore doesn't leave you
asian women are the shittiest women, not only do they look completely alien but they are literally incapable of feelings, you will never be loved and you will give birth to a tortured loser who will struggle between asian sociopathy and white empathy and eventually kill himself or others around him
ah there it is
Choose one.
This is fine.
>1/4 irish
Only if you have daughters, who would want a halfie son.
laugh all you want here but everyone is laughing at you in and your squint eyed squat leg gf in public
THE best looking three kids I know have a white dad and an ugly fob mom. I swear to God the boys are model-esque brutes and the girl is a 10/10...and they all go to elite colleges.
yeah and they look nothing like the father, there's more to children than creating fetishes for weirdo fucks like OP to diddle
>generic white supremacist comment
If Asians are lesser than Whites, how come they get better grades?
>fuck short asian cutie, get adorable, smart and socially advantaged child, and wife never ages as we grow old together and get tons of money from our half-asian kid's assload of PhD money
at some point you have to be practical, pol
No man, it's an actual problem. Hapa men are self-reported to be the most unfulfilled in life :P.
Sauce: myself and my brother.
Burn it with fire
Holy fuck shes hot.
asian and white IQ is statistical noise, many chinks cheat anyway, and this is the one case it actually comes down to culture, an asian famiry is much more likely to firmly discipline their kids for getting anything less than a 4.0 whereas whites are far more lenient and allow their kids creative freedom
>gold stars
in other news, white parents are lazy and don't want to be outperformed by their kids
probably, most likely you won't end up as smart as your parents anyway since we have to revert to the mean
Also, just want to point out:
>Whites have higher IQ than blacks is ESTABLISHED FACT.
>Asians have higher IQ is S T A T I S T I C A L N O I S E.
10/10 dissonance resolution
I'm guilty of this. Would never have a child with a non white tho
>That Elliot Rodger kid
there's a full SD difference you fucking moron
Yeah Asians slightly higher is is more than nullified by having nigger-tier creative intelligence. Thinking outside of the box is an alien concept to a lot of them.
>It's a Europeans and Americans who deal very little with Asian immigration praise these yellow whores like a liberal in a 100% white area with a jungle fever fetish.
Fuck off Race Traitors Canada,New Zealand and Australia have the only rights to speak about these mindless drones who subvert the white population and destroy the home culture regardless
yeah they've never created anything worthwhile in their entire existence, all they do is poorly imitate
It's not a good idea.
Asian cultures are by far much more ethnocentric and racist than our own, even, and they will never fully fit in with their asian side.
On the other hand, as a half white, they might turn out a weak, resentful hapa male, or a slutty, insecure half-asian girl.
You are denying them belonging, and likely creating all kinds of neurosis for them.
It's preferable to breed with your own. Our races and ethnicities were thousands of years in the making, with uncanny bonds that are irreplacable and once gone, they're fucking gone.
Sure, as a white man with a cute asian wife, YOU may enjoy your relationship. And the wife might seem more traditional, which is nice. However, this traditional element that you enjoy dies with you two. The kids will be denied that and they will be anything BUT traditional.
I'm banging a 5/10 Thai girl. I'm faking my death and moving to Alaska if she gets pregnant.
Elliot was a jew though
>tfw China outpacing the US is simultaneously a central talking point of the alt-right and yet the Chinese are inferior to the pureskin masters of the future despite outperforming them after 20 years of threatening various people with tanks and censoring the Internet
Only the males
>3 inch penis
>not white, not asian, something inbetween
>probably a little shorter
>can only date asians
Now happa females that don't get pug genes will be 10/10 and on easy mode.
This is how Slavs were created user
Dude there are whole message boards devoted to angry half asian men who spend the time cursing their parents for giving them such a life.
Do you really want to risk having a son so uncurably beta they literally despise you for having them?
Its a dude thats why "she" hasnt conceived
So does that mean Slavs should only fuck Slavs or should Slavs be 50/50 assigned to fuck Han and Aryan to redivide?
At some point, the classification of ethnicity seems to fail on all fronts.
They also flood all our nations with toxic, community destroying methamphetamine. Their gov profits from it no doubt. We your friend wide eye!!!!!!
It's as degenerate as black men breeding with white women since whites are pretty much nigger tier to asians.
its never a good idea to mix outside your race
hoooo why are you so racist against China , white man, saying we are beta, with small penis, because we own your debt, and are buying your property , hahahaha
You've misspelled injuns
stars of david
Dude, my town is FILLED with asians. I have never seen a more naturally beta race than them. They make super cute girls but the guys are effeminate weakling dorks with high pitched voices that sound like stereotypical nerds from Big Bang Theory. They're also just incurably passive, uncreative, and group-minded. Weak, weak, weak.
She looks 12 years old you degenerate
i just thought what the fuck would you get if a nigger fucked a gook?
>whites are nigger tier to "people" that defecate in public and breed so out of control their commie government has to institute a policy to murder more than 1 child
lol ok
>breeding in general
The shitters already full bruh
I only see this happen with WMAF children. How the fuck are white fathers raising these kids?
stop muh dik posting faggot, the women are just as revolting as the men
>passive, uncreative, and group-minded
So Asian women are women?
Yes goy dont have kids!
Good goy!
Rednecks shit in public too.
A white male should breed with all the races as much as he can, except niggers. Do society a favor and make it a little more white.
no they don't CIDF
This. Race mixer can enjoy the race mix all they want. They still have to accept the reality is that the races only existed in the first place for them to race mix was created by two parent of that race. The curse and irony of race mixers.
Asian women are attracted to white men for the EXACT same reasons why white women are attracted to black men. It's female nature at its finest. So yeah, whites are pretty much nigger tiers to asians. Not to mention all the retarded mentality these nu-male beta cucks who can't even breed with women of their own race bring onto asian countries.
No, this is a bad idea because you're making a bunch of smarter non-whites, as well as raising the number of mixed people, who will all be used to argue that we are 'past race' now and demand that we accept that having any pure racial identity is racist in itself.
Don't give your white genes to others, they'll act like they have a right to your society.
Here's some tips on how to get Asian girls. They are susceptible to 2 form of courtship as far as I know,
>1. Being a Senpai is a love potion you get for free.
Being a Senior to the Asian QT in school, clubs, or work is massive advantage. You can force physical proximity easily.
>2. Stockholm Syndrome does all the work for you.
As long as you're not a repulsive ugly retard, they will fall for you eventually if you make it known you like them ASAP and have physical proximity. Don't be a beta cuck and fall into the friend zone. That's why reserved Asian dudes often lose out to some white trash, the white dude just make it known that they are interested almost immediately.
If I'm already mixed, who do I breed with?
white women aren't attracted to black men cuckposting fag, the nigger in the wife beater gyrating and hollering DAT ASS isn't an "alpha", white men never act like this
asian men are to feminine compared to western males, somebody has to be fucking their women to keep them busy, although racemixing is bad.
Tiger Woods
Breed with your non-white side. You're only benefiting them, whereas you'd be bringing the white race down by bringing anything else into its genepool.
Has this ever happened?
They got their dad's Irish muscle structure and the softer asian facial features. really clear skin.
>white women aren't attracted to black men cuckposting fag
So now you're denying reality then? The most common pairing for white women is black men. They're attracted to black men for the EXACT same reasons why asian women are attracted to WHITE men. When women date in MODERN society, they go to the next level of barbarism since money is almost a non-issue these days. You can see this very vividly in divorce rates: the more the woman earns in comparison to the men, the more divorce rate sky rockets, and thus women will rely entirely on mating with brutes. Men, on the other hand, always date towards femininity. When you look at the big pictures it's very obvious asian women are dating DOWN when they date white men, while white men are dating UP when they date asian women. How does it feel to be the niggers of an entire race? But sure, keep being a hypocrite and patting yourself in the back thinking your attraction to asian women is any different from that of black men to white women.
Asians hate blacks. They find them aggressive, boastful, stupid, undisciplined, scary, and violent.
You know how there's this sense that whites are the opposite of black? I think it's even moreso with blacks and asians.
You have this aggressive, low-IQ, hyper-emotional, outgoing, athletic race vs this passive, higher-IQ, unemotional, timid, physically-weak race. They couldn't be more different.
At least whites and blacks have more emotional-ness, passion, (some) athleticism, and boldness in common.
We are white men we can race mix if needed but we must prevent black men from race mixing with white women
>390k out of how many millions
yeah, there's tons of obese white trash women who go for niggers because they have no other options and nigs love fat ass women
also you left this out
So long as they come from intelligent ancestry. Imbue the youngins with Western values and you'll be fine. No stupid peoples though.
You have to negative breed to make your breed great again..
Daaaamn. And that chart seems to be directly proportional to each's relative social value.
Meanwhile, in reality.
Whites are without a doubt nigger tier to asians. When will you accept you're no different than black men breeding with white women?
And no, it's not just fat obese white women. White women in general are attracted to black men. It's pretty much genetics. If what you said were true, then the asian women who are attracted to white men would ALSO be a bunch of fat fucks who can't marry asian men. But that's not true, is it? Reality is women are wired to seek the next level of barbarism, and that's you in the case of asian women: white men. You're the niggers of asia.
Just to bring a touch of reality though - asians and whites, even asian male to white woman, is a semi-normal socially acceptable pairing. EVERYONE, when they a white woman with a black dude, thinks
>what a disgusting whore
Everyone thinks that under the surface. Barely anyone thinks that for interracial latina, white, asian, whatever pairings
The reason asian interracial seems less common is more to do with the fact that their numbers are low. Blacks have tons of numbers, but white women don't "want" to do it no matter what kind of cuck fantasy assertions you want to make
Here let me be more specific. I'm 50% white, 25% Vietnamese, and 25% Black. What do?
Is it based that I fucked a half black-half asian girl, or is it more degenerate that I fucked a half nigger
You must be lower class.
Women always breed at or preferably above their social level. Thus high-value white women don't stoop to get with black men because blacks are unanimously the most low-value, down-and-out people with the worst reputation.
White men are the most high social value, with perhaps white women having a slight advantage in their peak attractiveness years. After this are asian women. At the very bottom of desirability are asian men followed by black women.
Only the trashiest, fattest, most garbage-tier white women get with black men. The only exceptions were literally raped by their dads.
Asian women mostly fuck white men because Asian men have 3 1/2' inch erections. Like holy shit is that small!
>Asian women mostly fuck white men because Asian men have 3 1/2' inch erections. Like holy shit is that small!
White women mostly fuck black men because White men have like 4-5" erections. Like holy shit is that small!
Also, just want to point out:
The IQ in your race is inversely proportional to the chances of fucking a white girl.
He lives in Puerto Rico, what do you think?
This is true. Every women I know who has fucked asian men (some of these men friends of mine) admitted they had like 3 inch dicks.
Or, I mean, just look at asian porn. I have this theory that Japanese porn sensors the genitalia because they want to hide how embarrassingly tiny the penises are (but you can still tell).
Black women mostly fuck Asian men because Black men have like 0-0 jobs. Like holy shit is that funny!
This is fucking retarded, you don't know fuck all about mating habits if you think women are clamoring to get with poor men
If your nigger genes don't show, then go for a white. Raise your kids well.
If they do, you should probably kill yourself.
Oh, right. I was literally conversing with a thuggish, subhuman ape right there. Good call.