Stop playing video games.
Stop playing video games
ill try, varg
Would you tell the ancient Chinese to stop playing Go?
[Burns church internally]
Stop worshipping faggot gods
whats that in your hair?
Stop meming.
Start stopping.
dumb vargposter
Okay. 20 minutes was the last time I'll play them until Bannerlord and/or Rising Storm 2 comes out.
They're better than real life desu.
Fuck off cunt.
You are a shit tier trailernigger meme for cunts who deny Jesus Christ
The God tier Anglo White man understands how to manage his time between work, Church, study, senpai, mates, revealing his power levels on pol, gf, gaming, and side girls.
Only if I had as many children as varg and a wife at least as pretty as his, could i find a good reason to not waste free time with vidya
Literally just waiting for Bannerlord to arrive so I can play something interesting.
But videogames are my job
Stop trying to forcememe.
I did quit vidya, not because MUH DEEGEEENENERACEEEE signalling but because I get my fix of entertainment shitposting here.
Can I watch anime?
only when I stop living
also, fuck you.