what happens when white people try to stand up for their people
Cute Fashy chick fired for attending NPI conference
White People were a mistake.
also Jews, and Everyone.
People in general were a massive mistake.
Only people who use 'Alt right" unironicaly use the word "fashy"
Get the fuck out.
She is kind of cute but she is batshit
Completely batshit
Would fuck and wife/10
is it me or is this shit super cringe?
there's no unironic posting on Sup Forums
Sup Forums is a satirical board
if you're serious then I'm seriously having a kek desu.
1. That thing is not cute.
2. If you use the term "fashy", you should kill yourself.
3. No one cares what happens to some dumb chick who attends LARPs.
ok, achmed
go fuck a kebab or whatever it is you do
Would fug and further the white race with/10
i want new/pol/ cucks to leave
Hahah Lana is still cute as fuck with that disheveled slut hair
Henric, you fucking scored my man. You better put 5 babies in dat ass
Just watched a couple of her videos
She goes around yelling at people and even tells them her job and shit so she probably fucking deserved to be fired. She brought it on herself. This video wasn't even the one she got fired for so she's got a habit of it
Thx leaf for explaining nothing. Why should i care, what has it got to do with cute, what is it all about?
cute, would fondle.
Pssh, look at these LARPers at their big LARP rally.
That happened 80 years ago. Don't be stupid.
get /comfy/ lads!
She's not violent. Getting fired for having a totally valid political opinion and seeking open debate?
What drugs are you on?
in the span of history, 80 years is very short
Do Aussies have freedom of speech or are you cucked like us in Canadistan?
She's thicc youtube.com
And the first NSDAP rallies only had a few hundred people like the NPI conferences.
I'm not saying she should have been fired for her opinions. But when you go around doing this and bring your work into it for no reason then I don't see the problem.
Skip to 1:50
>Who are you?
>I'm Emily Youcis baby I'm the pistachio girl!
Just leave your work out of it.
Gas yourself
She used to be less thicc and a bit cuter
Right? It's 2016.
1. true
2. true
3. she clearly isnt larping
The thicc must fear the strong
Yeah? The NSDAP turned out to be such a grand and positive force for Europe, right? What with the millions of European dead it caused during the War. Let's bring back the goosestep! It's so cool!
You're right about #2.
Other than that you should kill yourself, Achmed.
And that's who she is, shes been working there for several years and is known for that.
This board should be fucking thankful at people like weev, this youncis girl or sam hyde. Those people have an intimate relation with this board, they are the ones taking our fight to the streets, triggering cucks, hacking stuff, losing jobs or ending in jail for what we believe in. While we sit our neet asses and shitpost.
Isn't America supposed to be the so called land of the free? Freedom of speech association and all that crap? At least have the decency to support the people who fight for your cause faggots.
just cause you're going to organize doesn't mean you want to do war
I remember a time when the alt right were the new fags, I can't wait for you all to fuck off back to storm front. Same goes for reddit too.
>I miss u the Ron Paul
I'm not saying I disagree with her or whatever. I'm saying leave your work out of it. Why even bring that up? How hard is it to leave your work out of things when it's not even fucking related
Yes she is. She's going around making inconsequential youtube videos to get attention from the new niche she found for herself, which is the only way a nasty girl like her could get this level of attention in the first place, instead of learning how to be a proper housewise and going to church.
She's 100% LARPing and if you whiteknight her it likely that you are a LARPer yourself.
it always hits the right guys
Love Emily. She's great. But that's the risk you take when you openly go against ZOG. Hopefully she lands on her feet.
Maybe you should kill yourself then.
At least they tried. What are you doing? Jerking off and watching anime?
t. totally not a fucking dirty mudslime
>the Nazis are directly responsible for WWII
Yeah, because the Soviet Union totally wasn't about to invade Poland on it's own, right? If it WEREN'T for Germany all of Eastern Europe would have been communist before 1942. If Germany had waited to invade Poland and let the Soviet Union take it there is no way that Germany would have been able to defend itself and if Germany fell then France, Britain, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway would have been completely unprepared for a war that they wouldn't even be able to win if they were prepared.
"fashy" is an ANTIFA insult that right-wingers stole, like "Nazi" and "Shitlord".
Nice revisionism, SJW faggot. If anything, Sup Forums is LESS nazi today than back then, with the 8ch split last year.
nigger do you know where you are right now?
Did I trigger you?
he sounds more like a kike to me
You need to wake the fuck up, crumpet fuck
She would have had a better chance of staying employed if she just stabbed somebody!
Since the Co. that fired her hires felons.
>Yes she is.
She goes to conferences and is clearly down with the alt-right. She's commited to the point where she shows her face and lost her job. If she's larping then who the fuck isnt ?
>which is the only way a nasty girl like her could get this level of attention
theres literally hundreds of better ways to get attention
>if you disagree youre a white knight larper
right, just kill yourself shes not larping deal with it fucking paki
Not like you triggered down all those people in Paris you god damned sandnigger
That must be why Germany allied with the Soviets and split Poland between each other? If Germany really wanted what you claim it did, it would have guaranteed polish independence instead.
How is she white? She looks hispanic or turkish.
>fan of middle eastern and Hindu philosophy
>caused a war that killed over 60 million European men thus causing the needed of immigration from elsewhere
>destroyed any respect of right wing politics due to genocidal and expansionist policies
>funding by American Jews despite apparently hating them
>killed self
Wow so alpha, hitter was truly the worst thing that happened to Europe
How do I find a redpilled qt to have 88 children with?
>Isn't America supposed to be the so called land of the free? Freedom of speech association and all that crap?
Freedom to say what you want without being sent to prison. Other people the react as they see fit.
This cunt's life in normal society is over. Until she changes her legal name, she'll have trouble getting hired anywhere respectable, probably have trouble getting bank loans and a mortgage too :)
If she can see this.
She should literally sue that Co.
She would win!
To fire someone over their beliefs is discrimination and against the LAW!
By your logic the US and USSR were allies in the post war period because they agreed to split of Europe. Have you not made a deal in your life? Also they weren't allies, they sign a non-aggression pact, that's a HUGE difference.
i dislike hitler but there was never a need for immigration from elsewhere. even after ww2 the whites could have picked the pieces without roaches. it was always an excuse and it still is.
Winners write history, research a bit and you will find out that germany was forced into this war despite the numerous attempts of hitler to establish peace.
Please, the Soviet military was so incompetent in the 1930s it couldn't have done nearly half things you're suggesting.
History tends to repeat itself.
Back to plebbit and TRS with you.
>theres literally hundreds of better ways to get attention
That involve competing with pretty girls.
>right, just kill yourself shes not larping deal with it fucking paki
Uh oh! The aut-right redditor is triggered!
Hitler was, not national socialism you snail-eating twat.
You gotta fight back sometime. Unless it's the current year of course.
>By your logic the US and USSR were allies in the post war period because they agreed to split of Europe
Are you stupid? The splitting resulted from their allied victory in Europe. It's precisely because they were allied that this happened.
I've met her at a party. She's not LARPing.
She doesn't hide her power level at all, but she says everything with a smile and isn't rude or nasty. She's just someone who isn't ashamed of what she believes in. Although I personally wouldn't want to associate with her, I don't mind her saying what she says.
>fan of middle eastern and Hindu philosophy
You realize you're speaking an Indo-European language right now, right? You realize what word means, right? (inb4 some bullshit quote about Hitler and Islam)
>caused a war that killed over 60 million European men thus causing the needed of immigration from elsewhere
The war was going to happen anyway, he realized this and didn't want to get bogged down like WWI so he took the initiative and it would have worked too if the US hadn't help out the fucking communists with material aid and logistics
>destroyed any respect of right wing politics due to genocidal and expansionist policies
Oh right, he's somehow responsible for what happened after he died during the de-nazification that both my country and your country forced on continental Europe
>funding by American Jews despite apparently hating them
Nice bullshit
>killed self
If you hate him so much why don't you show him that you can do it better than him and kill yourself at incredibly high velocities?
>Back to plebbit and TRS with you.
thats literally the fucking subject holy shit how dumb can you be
>That involve competing with pretty girls.
yeah dude the ONLY place for chubby girls to have mild success is on the far right sphere. nevermind that lana is a cute girl lets ignore that
pure fucking retardation. i cant believe somebody this moronic can breath by himself
>Uh oh! The alt-right redditor is triggered!
t-t-triggered, r-reddit !
nice buzzwords inbred fuck
Nice job completely ignoring the point.
Lol, this.
>please be my nazi gf
By 1942 they would have if they had gained the initiative. It was only Germany taking action that fucked the Soviet Union hard enough to gain the ground it did and the Germans were at the point that, if it hadn't have been for US aids, Germany could have secured a peace with the Soviets.
Hi murdoch chan
Do you think she likes Australians?
Pennsylvanian here. She should run for governor.
>Emily Youcis
she's the alt-right's piglet.
And so she did
I don't care what her "power level" is or what her opinions are.
She's just a dumb broad that makes dumb videos and other useless shit. If she was genuine and not an attention-seeking whore like they all are, she would be at home making babies.
You know what you lots remind me of? You remind me of thirsty nerds who would fawn over female gamer internet personalities. "Wow dude! She games and she looks like that?!". Except now, instead of being video games, it's alt-right opinions. "Wow dude! She's "fashy" and she looks like that?!". What's the appeal beyond a pair of tits? If you don't start dumping attention-seekers like her, it's going to turn to trash. We're going to get more and more shitty "alt-right" personalities like Milo and the meteor guy who ultimately don't anyone but their interest in mind.
This. They are our champions. Heroes who show power levels that we can't.
oh no, we might make our movement more popular. that would be terrible.
So we'll have a mostly white USA again at some point?
Kek wills it!
>indo-european language
Visible kek
What's with stormcucks and their fetish for the Middle East
>b-b-but daddy hitler liked them
Yes, I like women who praise western culture. If you have a problem with that, you can go live in durka durka land.
I hope more women attention whore about how patriotic they are and defend our culture. That shit gets me rock hard.
It's very possible. However, Americans will need to go trough a cycle of violence and desperation to achieve that.
>What's with stormcucks and their fetish for the Middle East
Wew. Yeah you can't have a respect for other cultures and civilizations, right?
I don't know man, a female voice is pretty powerful in some ways. You can't play the straight white male card for starters and her outspokenness is inspiring.
She doesn't care about being shamed and that is fantastic
lol the fuck dude, I even say I wouldn't want to associate with her, what do you mean "you lots"
all I'm saying I've interacted with her in person (while you're sperging on a chinese cartoon board), so I'm a better judge of her character.
Sam Hyde is comedian. He's slightly right of centre but he most certainly isn't natsoc
Milo has done more for the right wing than you will ever in your life, cuck.
Sam Hyde has never let his real opinions be known.
For all we know he could be a full blown 1488er or a radical commie.
He's obviously a race realist
>thats literally the fucking subject holy shit how dumb can you be
You missed the point. You claim she is "down with the alt-right". But the Sup Forums is not an alt-right board. Being down with the alt-right is not measure of anything positive.
By the way, are you a juggalo? Down with the alt-right sounds a lot like down with the clown. That would explain a lot because you sound really, really stupid. Sort of how a juggalo would sound.
>yeah dude the ONLY place for chubby girls to have mild success is on the far right sphere. nevermind that lana is a cute girl lets ignore that
Why are you having trouble with this? It's a not a difficult concept. Unlike video games, music, cinema, etc. far-right opinionated girls are rare. Therefore, it's easy for an attention-whore to tap into this niche. She is doing the same as twitch whores were doing some years ago, giving virtual female company to the thirsty nerds that you are. Except this isn't a hobby like video games, it's a political thing. Therefore, it should be our job to cast these whores in the dustbin of the internet before they start having an influence.
>share a common linguistic root from the Neolithic era
>wow honorary aryans
Ironically enough Hebrew is indo European :>)
Anyone who took the most basic history lesson knows this. Just shows how fucking stupid pol is
My school never taught that. Don't know anyone who went to a school that did.
Schools avoid this subject on purpose. Up to the teacher to bring it up. some rolly/pol/lys should get history teacher jobs
>Anyone who took the most basic history lesson knows this
Total bullshit. This part of the history was never taught in schools of Europe and America.
You need to go very deep in German history to actually spot the significance of those events
He's lying, I seriously doubt schools outside Germany cover that, especially with all the other bigger revolutions going out at the time.