Which one of you Ausbros did this?
Here's the link
fucking kek, the absolute madman went all in on this one lol
You guys needa shitpost up the comments and the reactions with the XD reaction to trigger them even more
Yeah thats no fake propaganda by the left, thats pure australian autism
>never was
Didn't for most of its existence as a nation Australia ban non-white immigration?
Fuck off cunt, atleast we're not cucked like you by the chinese and take action, also
>Peep in sheep
ASIO it was this goy. Not the sharpest tool.
it's probably faked by the left for those sweet sweet likes on kikebook
Antipodean Resistance is awesome! Check out their website
hand looks like a snake
I read somewhere that Australia's government considered abos to be wildlife instead of humans until the 60s
Fucking glorious.
The jew is a snake friendo
That's true. They were deemed fauna until a 1967 referendum, which established that they were people and therefore able to be counted in the census (as well as vote).
haha, you cunts are glorious
Too bad the masons sold them out wholesale.
Thats ... funny. Why cant i be funny?
That's anti-Semitic, goy. Get back to supporting Israel and stop questioning your lack of humor.
I miss gollies. And Rupert Bear.
Hey Rabbi, watcha doin?
That's fucking hilarious.
False flag.
you cunt's seen this shit? that cop grip pushing her tits up like a wonder bra was gold
liberal tits and hairy legs are my kryptonite, naming my penis 'the red pill' and wolololing them into being a conservative is my fetish
you gotta ease the pill onto them or you'll make them gag
This. The posters are far too cliché, they were probably put up by some people somewhere in the notoriously leftwing MSU to use as a pretext for cracking down on anything right wing.
You could legally hunt them in the late 1800s
WW1 was when it went to shit
> @0:55sec
"consequences for my actions? REEEEEE your hurting me! FREE THE REFUGEES"
>attacking them at the source
what a legend
this, the rabid leftist at melbourne uni did it as a false flag
*shrieks autistically*
Yeup. There's this fun thing of leftists and modernists in general wanting to rewrite history
fucking kek
Also dumping white Australian stuff 'cause why not
This is a false flag.
Australians never ceases to amaze me.
Charge your phone you faggot
He's charging, are you fucking blind you faggot?
*autistic screeching*
Honestly, I think Australia is on the verge of a nationalist revolution.
I live in cuck capital Melbourne and pretty much every Aussie is not okay with the relentless waves of third world migration, islam and politically correct trash. The major parties are universally hated and now that Trump is in I think the more serious nationalists have been invigorated are will be a lot more vocal.
If the Christian and "far-right" parties consolidate and find an inspiring leader that isn't Pauline Hanson to get normies to pay attention to politics then it will no longer be about voting for the lesser of 2 evils or whoever you have always voted for, it will be about booting everyone out of government.
I can see One Nation gaining base votes but getting cucked by preferences in the coming state elections.
I'm so glad I became aware of the way women start shreiking when there's nothing bad happening, it's just that what happening isn't what they want to happen
I thought you pronounced it "brind" not blind?
>leader that isn't Pauline Hanson
That's the biggest problem they have, she's got the right ideas but she's just not smart enough to get them across without revealing her power level.
She's also a terrible public speaker and that combined with her shitty attempts at redpilling are the reasons normies will never vote for her.
soon user soon
Honestly this. Liberals constantly fake this type of shit. Niggers have been caught doing it several times this past year and are starting to actually get in trouble for it
fuck cunt thats adware
>the Australian people are shitposting against themselves
dubz checked, and yup pretty much. watch what happens when cops arrest a woman and she knows they got her dead to rights.
>you don't know your own laws! your raping meeee REEEEE
wtf is this : Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.
Native japs don't post on Sup Forums, just expats
nice handholding
>waycism deserves immolation
>cops holding hands to hold back the screeching liberal
This screenshot is beautiful
>Eeeew, her tits are on my wrist, my ears hurt, I wish I home with the wife
Bottled? Do you mean glassed? Or are you actually going to put him into a bottle?
Kek, saussie bantz boi.
I work at UNSW full time
Should I start putting posters up? Someone already started putting flyers on car windows about the Holohoax.
Wish I had of know this sooner, would create a greetext story but basically almost got me a sentence just from her fucking banshee screeching while I stood and watched in confusion.
Page Not Found
How else can I find this?
I kind of like Mark Latham now.
Here's him emulating Trump youtube.com
I'm feeling the Bernardi though desu
Most impressive.
All those based pollies need to form an alliance
Screw left/right
Make an anti-PC anti-immigration super party party
Latham, Bernardi, Abbott, all of One Nation, Bob Katter, that Tasmanian bitch, all the micro right-wing parties (RUAP etc), etc...
Latham has the best bantz.
Maybe his mental break came from ingesting too many redpills.
Hopefully he gets gud on guns and stands for S&F/ON/LDP.
There is such a thing?
AFP honeypot?
>wtf is this : Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.
Sup Forums has filters on certain repeated-integer-related phrases
And a fucking swastika. How can someone be this retarded?
Nazism is poisoned. Damaged goods. It scares normies. If someone did this to help he is doing more harm than good. Fuck seems more a false flag than anything.
>Another populist right micro party
Katter is kind of off on his own as well, he's closer to the DLP than anything.
I think if ON gets more success - which they will, with the state elections coming up, the already-failed ALA and disenfranchised meme party voters will naturally get drawn to them.
LDP voters will still vote LDP, and will probably continue to draw from the LNP base, but it's not really an issue.
From talking to a lot of the members, quite a few are Hoppean Libertarians anyway, so on the issues that matter they'd probably end up siding with ON anyway.
mein komeraden! I'll just have widen the scope of language for my repeated numerical safari.
>MFW this may be a deliberate attempt at limiting esoteric kekism, lest we meme the elites into a soup kitchen line
this looks like a false flag, are Australians really that dumb?
Stop screeching like your opinion matters lady
I can't even imagine how perfect Australia used to be for grown men to be this naive
When parliament doesn't serve dumplings
Too stupid to live.
mAte the shit we had to put up with Was silly, even though it's basically an Aussie meme now, the breaker morrant story and Monashs life are just two of the more famous tales of Aussies succeeding and being scapegoated.
that fucking shrieking smurf
>I can't believe you just did this
top kek
>.Already failed ALA
Fug what happened to those guys?
n 0 0 t
>Only melb uni.
Gotta open up your horizons. When's rmit and monash campuses
>Screw left/right
I see what you mean, but there is a reason for ECONOMIC left and right.
It's basically socialism and capitalism.
I fucking love you Australian shitposters, God bless you.
disgraceful. Fucking statists