Be honest, you would have voted for this guy.
Be honest, you would have voted for this guy
ITT: people and communists
No, better dead than red
No, since I care about freedom.
Better dead than red
If he was a nationalist and didn't want to "reform" our immigration policy then I would have
He is on video saying a 90% tax rate isn't too much, he wants to expand welfare for minorities and give reparations to blacks for slavery.
He's such a commie bastard and embodies everything that is wrong with the welfare state.
lol no
If Jeb had won I would have.
If I were American I wouldnt have voted for this senile jew
>being a retard voting for muh free college
He is a fucking retard and a jew.
No and no.
Yeah, he's more isolationist than Trump. Hate his stances on guns and illegals, moderately disagree with him on minimum wage, college, and healthcare. But I also disagree with Trump on Environmentalism, War, Free Speech, and Abortions.
communism isnt a welfare state in communism there is no state
Yup. Not my fault if literally every other candidate was either dangerous or a complete retard
Our greatest cultural loss of the new Millennium has been Jeb!s secret guacamole recipe.
I bet that quac was supreme.
>communism isnt a welfare state in communism there is no state
congrats, this is the most retarded post today. Not just Sup Forums either, all of Sup Forums
>Sup Forums voting for a Jew
I'd vote for Hillary before I vote for any kike
Nope, people like him are responsible for the wholesale slaughter of christians.
We would've had world peace.
We would've had happiness.
Now we have civil war and war with china.
>this is what cucks believe
Absolutely. I mean, I absolutely would have voted for Bernie Sanders to be president of the United States. You have made a thread on this imageboard. The thread is questioning as to whether or not I would have voted for that man. That man is Bernie Sanders. Is that what you are asking? You are asking if I would have voted for this man? You definitely are asking this question. I am here to answer this question, that is precisely why I replied to this thread! The answer to this question pertains to what I have already stated earlier in this post. What I have already stated earlier in this post is that I absolutely would have voted for this man. This man's name is Bernie Sanders. This is a man who would have done an honorable job as President of the United States. And that is my answer to your question; the question as to whether or not I would have voted for this man to be president of the United States. You have contributed a decent thread onto this site. Thank you and have a good night.
But of course. Free Trade School would make us all filthy rich
Dirty fucking kike.. hell no
Nope, I registered Republican and voted for Trump in the primaries.
>Voting for a commie cuck
The little respect I had for him was lost when he let those BLM baboons take over his stage.
The dude said simple, tried, non-radical things about:
Paid leave after child birth,
Fair wealth distribution,
Not being a slave for decades just because you went to a college,
Affordable healthcare
things that any citizen of developed world and even citizens of a crappy third world countries ^ take for granted.
>C0mMie xD
>Muh eagle
That's right nigger.
probably, but i dont think it was a viable option at this point in History. We need someone to clean up the mess in the middle east, Trump was literally the ONLY sensible option
>voting for a commie fossil cuckold
>Fair wealth distribution,
I don't vote for weak cucks who want to steal my money.
He signed a non-aggression pact with HRC. Fuck off!
WTF I love Jews now
he actually laid and sensible plans to expand Medicare and Social Security, however I can only see that working in a sovereign nation. they'd never let him do it when their goal is global communism
Mind boggling inequality between super rich and everyone else is a recent thing in American history.
Only in very poor countries you see such wealth distribution. It is terrible for economy, terrible for people and eventually bad for the rich. Because pitchforks
I was being facetious. Communists actually believe that though.
he's a fraud, he's selling a fucking caricature of what universal healthcare really is, he thinks just making the government pay the bill will magically reduce prices. He has no solution to offer for any of the problems plaguing current healthcare systems in canada and europe. The guy talks about sweden, he doesn't even know anything about sweden's medical system other than "free stuff".
you keep this pick on your box for random fapping?
>Prefering free college instead of getting a 5 figures debt is being retarded
I was born in the wrong era apparently
>>Prefering free college instead of getting a 5 figures debt is being retarded
lol wut are taxes tho?
>Because pitchforks
yea the lazy poor fucks might get mad, so we should have the government rob everyone else to pacify them. Solid
i wouldve voted for hillary before voting for this commie kike
If he ran against an establishment Republican.
bernie lied about the welfare stuff just like president of canada lied about weed.
>paid leave after child birth
no employer would accept this, they will stop stop hiring woman
>Not being a slave for decades just because you went to a college
personal choice
>Affordable healthcare
no such thing
healthcare is expensive because its mandatory
>no employer would accept this, they will stop stop hiring woman
most companies do this shit anyway!!! It's not a fucking issue REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>If he ran against an establishment Republican.
>being an outsider who is an unironic socialist and who was a commie when younger is better than an establishment right wing republican muh novelty
jesus christ off yourself i bet you voted obama
>have the government rob everyone else
Government is robbing everyone else now, because people with money, therefore power, push whatever fits their needs. This is a very perverted form of plutocracy / Corporatocracy that is getting further and further from democracy.
When people pay money to rulers, to get what they need, it is called corruption. In US English it's called lobbying.
"Poor fucks" shouldn't be a majority in well run country. Middle class should be majority.
>from democracy.
democracy was a mistake anyway
>"Poor fucks" shouldn't be a majority in well run country. Middle class should be majority.
That isn't a reflection of how well the country is run. I wouldn't expect most people to have the motivation/skill/intelligence to elevate their status. Plus poor people breed like rabbits for some reason.
He signed a NAP with a woman, he wouldn't do shit as POTUS. Total pussy...
It's funny because if hillary hadn't kneecapped bernie I'm positive he would have been elected instead of trump
Her own narcissism literally BTFOed the democrat party
Really wish we had the opportunity because trump tweets for 4 more years
If I wanted America to be completely fucked sure, but I don't so no. Never. Socialism is a disease that needs to die. He's old as fuck too, so either he's really fucking stupid, or a scam. Which do you guys think? DING DING we got a scam.
I'm convinced he knows better, but offers the gibs anyway for votes.
Bernie Slanders
>he knows better, but offers the gibs anyway for votes
every democrat since jfk
No wtf. He's a commie scumbag who didn't have a job until he was in his 40s.
inb4 "fucking leaf." I'm just interred here in this shithole for a couple more months.
before red pill fuck yeah, now never
I would have had I not found Sup Forums.
>Plus poor people breed like rabbits for some reason
Lack of forward thinking.
No, I wouldn't vote a commie.
Im not some fucking communist lefty cuck boy
so fuck no.
If I move to Brattleboro maybe
Bernie lost all credibility with me after he shilled for Hillary.
Besides, he's a socialist. I hate socialists.
No. Fuck no. He doesn't have the moxie to lead. He let himself be bullied out of his microphone by 2 teen girls. Even if he were to magically quit being a commie, he'll never live that down.
Why did he insist on the title of socialist? He wouldn't be considered a radical in most developed first world democracies on the planet. Only in America and in total shithole countries does he count as an extreme leftist