Why are feminists attracted to Islam? It is like the most dangerous ideologies to women.
Why are feminists attracted to Islam? It is like the most dangerous ideologies to women
Because women are self-destructing children who want danger you fucking virgin, why do you think that gravitate towards Chad who treats them like shit
This is the future you chose
Arab men.
they gravitate toward dominance
mfw Britcuck is right.
because in their countries, islam is a minority religion, which in their intellectual framework makes its followers part of their coalition of not white male capitalists
All women are crazy.
All different ways of saying mine
Sup Forums BTFO
It is women's nature to want to be dominated by men, but it is politically incorrect to allow white men to dominate anything. However, it is politically correct to encourage men of other races to dominate anything and everything. It follows that feminists would be attracted to a domineering religion such as Islam.
They're going to change it from the inside
Academia. These people aren't trained to think. They are trained to listen and believe and as we all know, "Islam is a religion of peace."
so is it better to just be gay and fuck dudes instead?
nigel bringing the bantz and hard truths
Intersectionality: the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Feminists hate white western men.
Muslims hate white western men.
Thus they are "the same" in this warped world view where only who you hate matters.
Not even joking. It's why we see "radical" gays support islam too. It's why transgender has become mainstream; what feminist doesn't want to see white men cutting their cocks off?
>Why are feminists attracted to Islam?
enemy of my enemy.
feminists hate white men, islam is the sworn enemy of white men. that's enough for them.
Because feminism is a giant shit test to weed out weak men on a massive scale. People who accept it expose them selves as weak and unable to lead anything.
>using "Chad" unironically
>calls anyone else "fucking virgins"
Stop appropriating my language you ego-driven cunt you already got the first post.
They're legitimately insane.
because sharing a sandnigger and only doing domestic chores with another 10 women surely is empowering
no, lots of feminists are men
it's easier once you realize they are international socialists with a pathological need to attack dominant and successful structures
they would eventually, and passive aggressively, erode islam underneath the muslims, just as they do everything else
it's just in the meantime they are obligated to work with them to erode the current paradigm
>An extreme aversion to the sacred and the thwarting of the connection of the sacred to the culture of the West is described as the underlying motif of oikophobia; and not the substitution of Judeo-Christianity by another coherent system of belief. The paradox of the oikophobe seems to be that any opposition directed at the theological and cultural tradition of the West is to be encouraged even if it is "significantly more parochial, exclusivist, patriarchal, and ethnocentric."[15] Scruton described "a chronic form of oikophobia [which] has spread through the American universities, in the guise of political correctness."
I dunno mang my gf calls herself a feminist and she hates islam, her feminism just means we split the bill and she doesnt wear a bra in the summer.
Anglos are mentally ill, that's the problem.
Woman are more like children than adults so they do not understand
because women, like most normies, crave subjugation
Every time I see that bitches neck
You mean degenerate pieces of shit. Yeah I have a lot of them in Romania too.
I don't categorize idiots by gender, I stereotype them by their level of intelligence and personality.
Of course the ugly piece of shit is also the lowest common denominator. Just look at that man jaw and that disgusting face and bone structure.
It's like biology literally says "Judge the cover of the book, judge her by the cover".
Because fuck you, Dad!
Is there a solution?
Yet this fact is obfuscated by the relatively sudden emergence of the term manchild.
How did this happen? Did feminism do it? In any case, we can all rest assured that they are pleased that it did. For now we have men ironically and often falsely accusing eachother of that which is mostly only true of females. It is typically aimed at men who have chosen to neglect their traditional obligations - ie, who refuse to fall in line with feminists' expectations - and serves to shame and belittle them and make them fall in line.
>Oh, you don't know how to cook 20 different recipes for your goddess princess mistress cuckoldress? Manchild.
>Oh, you didn't watch and enjoy feminism's straight-up propaganda film, Ghostbusters 2016? Manchild.
>Oh, you'd rather just play video games than strive to sign your life away through marriage to a woman who will probably cheat on you and already has three kids? Manchild.
And so public sentiment has turned. People forget or don't realize that it is actually women who are inherently the most childish, and mistakenly call out men for being childish for engaging in any number of a wide variety of activities.
>Woman are more like children
I keep hearing people say this, but I find myself at odds with it. I'm somehow great with kids, but I can't get laid... Maybe it's because I don't want to fuck the children?
Because women subconsciously wants to be controlled and now that men stopped doing it they turn to islam
There is 2 cottages. One with 8 white men and another with 8 muslims. I really would like a feminist to make a choise between these 2 to stay for a weekend. And more rather to make choise of her daughter to spend a weekend.
So much for feminism.
>a fucking leaf
They get more oppression points
a final solution yeah
Whats with variants of this last name?
> Why are feminists attracted to Islam?
easy answer, because they are stupid as apeshit.
Women want bulls not right, they got sick of western men because they became pussies. If you're not willing to risk going to jail over raping them then you're not romantic enough.
Girls here just use "feminism" as an excuse to act like whores. I guess in their head the idea of feminism is just not adhering to traditional female roles and fucking any guy they come across. It's like they don't notice that that's a traditional female role as well, and it's called being a whore.
Women are attracted to danger
Feminism, not only are they useful idiots it is also an industry that appeals to those who enjoy leftist media. Adding Islam into it adds some interest and depth. Even if it is batshit insane it doesn't matter feminists arent logical and in fact abhor logic because it would destroy their industry and they'd have to join the real world.
It's not subconscious, they openly want that. You should know by now that women love barking as a test, if the guy bends over for it then he's a loser and she loses interest, if the guy smacks her across the room and tells her to shut up then he's cool. The whole feminist movement was this just on a larger scale, western male society bent over a bit of bitching so they lost all credibility and now they look for alternatives that look strong.
Feminist are not pro women, they are anti-west. It is just another branch of a cancer called socialism, hiding this time behind vagina shield.
Yes. Funny how they always demand that others deal with their shit when the danger finally hits them in the face.
Sharia Law.
Because it's low test entry into the oppression club and the ultimate form of rebellion against their "whiteness".
In reality these woman don't genuinely believe in Islam and it's mainly used for getting under their families skin that don't approve of her new faith.
They'll end up either running away from Islam when their husband starts abusing them or get disappeared in some 3rd Islamic shithole being sold into sex slavery.
Women are masochists with rape and control fantasies.
Intersectionality. It's the political stance of a melange of ideologies that can't stand on their own. They tend to ignore where they utterly contradict one another in favor of the power of collectivism.
If you sent them to Saudi Arabia for a week they would be in fucking shock and have a massive meltdown. After a few days of questioning themselves they would kill themselves, go even further left, or if they have any sanity left (probably not), become a centrist.
How many feminists are attracted to Islam? Of course you can find one or two.
On a side note if she believes it is such a great religion she might as well visit the holy land for a year, see if she likes it there.
Sometimes I'm genuinly curious what transpires in the minds of those "feminists" who get brutally raped and murdered in their last moments. Is it "oh shit guess these people really are trash" or "finally my white guilt is redeemed".
Oh you don't want to know, during the migrant crisis I saw a story from leftist cunt. Who dressed up normally with her baby and went to the the trainstation to ask for directions, obviously people nicely gave her directions, then she dressed up as a muslim with a backpack and cried about how she got a couple of bad looks and people were slightly less friendly in giving her directions. Leftist women, not even once.
Because they're submissive whores, they can attempt to deny their biological programming all they want - but deep down they know It's just the way of nature
Islam allows them to fulfill this desire whilst still being progressive and counter-norm in the eyes of their peers
>jews call for islamization of yuopoorland
>now europe is majority muslim
>jews and israel gets rekt because european countries stop giving them aids and potentially declare war on them because they're muslims
are jews retarded? or is it just your conspiracy theory?
Because it makes them look oh so interesting, 'enlightened', and ""tolerant"".
All leftists are fucked in the head.
the jews are destabilizing everyone because disorganized groups like isis are less of a threat to them than large organized governments, they want to disorganize europe and the middle east so they can gain the upperhand
The US, NATO, and the EU are already completely under the control of the Jews. They don't need Europe. In fact, European cultures and Christianity have historically been a bigger threat to Jewish power than Islamic culture, which is why they're trying to genocide us.
AIPAC: The Most Powerful Lobby in America
>“Do the Jews Really Control America?” asked one Chinese newsweekly headline in 2009. The factoids doled out in such articles and in books about Jews in China—for example: “The world’s wealth is in Americans’ pockets; Americans are in Jews’ pockets”—would rightly be seen to be alarming in other contexts.
>As we sat down to a steaming tofu hot pot, he woefully conceded that many Chinese believe the Jews to be “smart, rich, and very cunning.” Just before my visit to Nanjing, the Chinese tycoon Chen Guangbiao made international headlines by publicly announcing his ambitions to buy the New York Times and later the Wall Street Journal. In a TV interview he explained that he would be an ideal newspaper magnate because “I am very good at working with Jews”—who, he said, controlled the media.
>“In their minds, Jewish people control the banks in America. It means for them that Jewish people control the world, controls the governments,” he railed, shaking his hands in disbelief. “I feel it’s a joke.
Feminists who become Muslim are telling you a very clear message.
It's so fucking obvious anyone should be able to figure it out.
All feminists want is for someone to tell them ''no''. They want a firm male hand to dominate them and make her his bitch.
All the male feminist pussies completely miss the point of feminism.
When a feminist cries about how she gets paid 2 pennies for every gold nugget a man makes the correct response isn't ''pay gap isn't real, check out these statistics'' or even ''you're right gurl, we need to fix the pay gap''.
The correct response is to threaten them and say you're going to make them them for for free if they don't stop bitching.
Also most of the foreign aid Israel gets is from the US.
> her feminism just means we split the bill and she doesnt wear a bra in the summer.
Based Argentinian woman
My gf never wear bra, I love it
Virtue signalling.