Is this an accurate representation of aussie culture?
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yea cunt
i dont see no dick
must be legit
this show is literally
australia: the show
This is an incredibly accurate.
Like, unbelievably accurate. You probably think we're joking. But you live here for 6 months make some aussie friends you'll soon realize that this show is actually a documentary
While that show is a description of how we live, this is what we party too:
If you live in the western suburbs of Sydney, yes. If you're closer to the beach it's more white people but similar.
guy sounds like NZ
Dont ever change, cunts.
I learned everything I needed to know about Australia from this video.
You in the V-neck, get the fuck out.
all you need really
>...cuz you're aggressive
How not to love Australians
This is fucking garbage. I'd honestly rather listen to bushmen in the karoo hitting a bunch of sticks together while moaning with their clicks. Fucking waste my time with your shit.
this is a wog bogan
i went to highschool with kerser hes a sick cunt
You hatin' on my boy Kers? He'll get his crew ABK onto ya (Australian Born Killers)
I didnt know there were mexicans in australia.
This is more accurate. Less lebs & wogs
This guy writes for Cracked. Of course you'd like it, you fucking mongoloid
Thought it was going to be the video of the black fella jumping off a bridge and getting hit by a fire truck on the way down.
haha Bruce mate
Rape dungeon...3:10
okay mate. Davo is the only aussie in that show
don't forget this
this is fucking beauty
But how is that, that aside from shitskin, warmth and other kind of broken english - it`s an accurate representation of us?
kerser is the shittest
my new ringtone ty
yea it's pretty accurate when it comes to aussie bogans and poor neighbourhoods
Why does an Aussie have a Bengals jersey?
Does Australia relate to the Bengals because they're both filled with convicts?
Why do Australia's look so Mexican?, holy fuck!! you even act like us!!.
its too fucking hot and we all just naturally tan tbqh
>Australian Music
I thought you guys listened to this
fuarrrrk that fukken GOES cunt
reckon they are on spotify?
honestly when I watch a british or australian thing I cant understand half the shit they say.
Those accents are fucking awful.
shit-hop music.
I'm going to take a walk now in Englands green and pleasant land. I'm going to smile and wave hello to all the old people I see. I'm going to look upon the beautiful December sky and thank god I'm not Australian.
shazza is best minga
Never heard this before.
It's utter fucking garbage.
nothing but nonsense, yeah
best abo song coming through
no one cares what you are gonna do on your lil poofta strolls you passive aggressive faglet
You've become so detatched from the English language that you don't even know a true accent when you hear one.
>not posting the one with the video
No thats a leb, and a kiwi.
he's maltese ya fuckwit
What the actual fuck. From the looks of the video your country is filled with redneck/hillbilly retards. Not that mine's any better but what the fuck man.
What the shit are you people doing to get this retarded?
>daring directorial choices
>dazzling lyricism
>nuanced social commentary
>flawless costume design
us lads are so good at doing art shit
Literally never see cunts like this in the cities. This is isolated to the country where there's hundreds of kilometers between houses and shit.
Yes, but it's endearing and builds character.
Australians are subhumans descended from criminals.
Oh sweet summer child, it's much worse in the city. All the drug dens you don't even know about. The city spread's its drugs out to the country and fucks up all the youth.
I remember this was played by one of my pozzed teachers at school and me and this Maori kid lost it so hard, the "MAAAATE" bit just gets me so good
are you always this rude??
mate cunts that listen to kerser are deadshit fucking faggots kids that hang out and smoke bongs at the skater.
Go fucking off yaself you kerser loving dog
Go back to your favella you monkey fuck
At least we're not Brazillian. On a side note, that fact is seen as another factor in what makes us uniquely Australian, and thus a good thing. Ned Kelly is our most celebrated historical figure after all.
What the fuck am I watching.
Brazilians are the decedents of slaves and subhuman South American Spics
>when a Brazilian talks shit about pedigrees
That's 1800-SIDE-REPAIR
fuck off you little brown monkey fucker. we may be descended from criminals but at least our entire population isnt made up of them like the third world shit hole youre from
Pretty typical reaction to weak banter
Mate you sound like a wanker. Strayans are funny. You aren't funny.
Bet you're a paki
What the fuck is this shit
164,000 prisoners were transported to Australia.
Has anyone noticed that in every single thread that shows a variant accent of English, American's are always the ones to comment retarded shit like
>oh gosh what an aweful accent
>omg i can't understand a thing
You cunts are literally stupidity and ignorance personified. Your accent sounds nasily and fucking retarded. Every accent listening from the outside in sounds strange. It's like you burgerbros are living inside a fucking chamber and you can't comprehend anything outside of it.
its because they think theyre the centre of the universe. they probably also think "american" is a real language.
Can't really expect much more from small minded individuals that think the world revolves around their 400lb orbit.
Trips of truth cunt
they are in denial
boston women
philly women
jersey women
all trash accents
>think "american" is a real language.
I tell europoors that I speak American because it triggers them.
lol swift
pull that shit one me once and i will kick your ass over the pond right back into your trailerpark.
I was thinking this while watching, especially the guy wearing the cinncinatti Bengals shirt, I still don't believe he's not Mexican
kek dumb pike cunt went to show he indicated as an example but flicked his windscreen wipers on
fucken dumb cunt should fuck off i'm 100% on the side of my countrymen on this one
Calm down Ahmed
>not listening to Aboriginal Idol
fucken racist white dogs
bogans fuck off, you're literally abo tier and almost as bad as the idiots that live in Melbourne
>he wants to rage bait but gets too excitable and goes after too many targets at once
pace yourself m8