Thoughts on making a political party.
How many of you would be interested in joining up?
Political Party Names?
Thoughts on making a political party.
How many of you would be interested in joining up?
Political Party Names?
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first for fuck off we're full
bumping for this
Don't swim on western beaches.
>Image doesn't say specify that the country is full and direct any potential intruders to fuck off
>no big day out
>no soundwave
shits fucked brehs. laneway has gotten worse over the last few years too i m o
the summer festival circuit has been meme'd out of existence
if mark latham got back into politics and became opposition leader i reckon labor would win in a landslide
make labor great again
I would but I question wether you guys have the ability to 'realpolitik'.
We cant just run around yelling gas the kikes race war now, remove all non-white citizens, Blatant white australia policy etc etc, otherwise we would never get the enough widespread support to suceed and we would be relegated to irelevancy like the Australia first party and all the other over, flagrant Sup Forums tier parties
For example if we wanted a white australia policy, I doubt we could explicitly just do that, instead we would have a policy that at face value seemed not discriminatory but actually produced the result of making it very easy for whites to get in and very hard for non-whites to get in, all the while having plausible deniability. It's like what the Rhodesians did with their voting laws; they said equality for all civilised men no matter what race but to vote you had to own a certain amount of property or have a certain amount of asset value. Like you would have to be fine with non-whites joining the party.
So if you want to actually go anywhere and make a real change you have to be capable of being subtle, tact, pragmatic and realistic.
I.e. be Enoch Powell not some Bogan UPF cunt yelling about "DAH COONS".
Also Have we even decided where we are on the political spectrum?
Im looking for a party that is:
Economically - Centre Left (because I like medicare, minimum wage and affordable uni - though HECS needs to not cover bullshit degrees)
Socially - Traditionalist + Conservative + Nationalist
I had so much fun partying with indy and big day out
plus the other numerous music festivals I barely remember.
Got to see original Wolfmother live too, that shit was
MAGA mark would be a fuckin killer PM.
designated shitting oceans
Yeah we would have to be careful with not being blatantly fascist.
What I'd like to do is carefully rebrand fascism as Australianism or something.
Aus First policies in all cases.
All while nationalistic.
what a horrible looking political spectrum
All you have to do is focus on the facts.
Immigration leads to lower wages, less jobs and higher taxes when we don't have infrastructure to support it. Using words like unemployment epidemic when it comes to graduates ending up unemployed or regular Aussies wanting more work and more money.
Too much immigration has been happening for too long.
I like you.
>making a political party
It would be much easier for everyone to join One Nation. Then we could take it over.
Been thinking of moving to the US, becoming a drifter and seeing if I can blend in to the point where they can't tell I'm not american. Most of the people here mistake me for one, even though I've lived here my entire life and have no American relatives.
That's the other option.
We all join one nation and take it over.
Basically what the unions did with labor kek
May based Hofer win the Australian election.
Do Australian politics even matter? I thought everyone just got drunk on the beach and occasionally wandered inland to get killed by emus
Why would anyone want to pay $170 for a ticket to a crowded noisy place where you can barely hear the bands music, can't drink grog except for special little zones and cooking your head on muddy ground without a single shrub for shade. Not to mention getting swarmed by people and knocked over and trampled on in mosh pits.
Modern Concerts are degenerate.
our politics are actually fun, shitty. but fun.
I agree user
Whilst i like amerifats republicans no nonsense attitude towards immigrants, mudslimes and SJWs etc
I find their whole healthcare system and worker laws fucking horrific.
we aussies need to continue to preserve and improve the systems we have.
Centrelink could use a trim though, there are too many cases of people bludging off it and i personally know a few. Can't hate them cause hey, you'd be dumb not to get free money, but fuck having a system haemorrhaging cash like that
I would say we would also want to enforce protectionist measures for Australian industries so that local business can compete with multinationals that have assets in places like China.
We would also want to stop market manipulation by international parties so that we are less vulnerable to the sort of shit we have been seeing happen to real estate.
The bottom line is that we need to disavow China and the Jews (in a somewhat subtle way) or else we are going to have our industries diluted and we will become Australistan if enrichment continues.
>Going into the city on Friday night
>See niggers on the train on the way in
>See niggers at Flinders
>See niggers on the streets
I see more of them every fucking day, not even two years ago they were totally unheard of. Melbourne is truly fucked.
How the absolute fuck did in two generations we go from the White Australia Policy to fucking subhuman niggers roaming the streets? At this point I don't even care about the Asian takeover, I'll take anything over Africans.
Exactly, I know people hate Civic Nationalism but *at this point in time* it is the only viable form of Nationalism and I would take Civic Nationalism over Globalism. from there you could slowly get more redpilled but you need to ease people into it first.
I have been thinking about this for such a long time, We could have an immigration policy where no immigration is allowed from countries at war/at civilwar/comprimised by terrorism or extreme violence and if that is still too extreme for the mainstream we could say then only very highly skilled immigrants are allowed from these regions after vetting. This would effectively stop all immigration from shitty fucking coutnries like Sudan, Somalia and the Middle east or at least only let very educated cunts from these nations in, all without being overtly racist.
Also we could have cultural and heritage exchange and promotion programs with Britain and Canada based on our shared Anglo history. These would be overtly based on sharing and developing culture but you could also sneak in provisions that include making it very easy/remove most requirements for Britains and Canadians to come here to live. Thus increasing white immigration. Also you could make it to be elligble they have to have 2 Great Grandparents that where Born in Canada or Britain which would block out all the pakis and chinese immigrants of those countries.
Fuck lets do this aus/pol/
I feel like i belong in here
sounds like someone has never been to a festival before
>You are such a cunt
it is known
Actually, if you guys are serious, just do a Trump and take over the Liberal Party. They only have about 40,000 members, most branches only have 10-12 members to select the candidate for each seat. You only need to control about 10 seats to swing the debate in your favour, so you could change the political course of the country with as few as 1000 people. Of course you'll have to put up that cunt Maocolm Turnbull in the meantime.
I see niggers daily too, full on darkskin niggers.
We are being enriched and we will be beige in a few decades if we don't keep people out.
if you elect the meme president candidate then you are allowed to stay
did you see this shit?
>the guardian
literally shoah'd
yeah this makes a lot of sense, but we would need someone with a fuckton of money and charisma to run.
Do we have anyone like that willing to risk their hide against the MSM and the power of the globalists?
Yep, Americans keep buying into their conservicuck ideology but they have the most rapidly shrinking and unhappiest middle-class in the western developed world.
Also there needs to be HECS reforms so that it doesnt cover most liberal arts degrees, like gender studies - this would reduce the amount of people doing it (also reducing SJWs) as they would have to pay out of pocket as well as reduce the HECS burden.
tks m80 I love all true blue Australians who want this country to better and who care for their countrymen :^)
Why? It shows i want a bit less welfare than what Labor is pushing but I still want medicare, affordable uni, minimum wage but that I am *at least* as socially conservative as the Liberals
This is moderate NatSoc
Civic Nationalism may be our best hope.
We could 100% pull this off.
Fuck that's a pretty good idea.
We could reform it into a populist nationalist party.
I've been to soundwave in Sydney, was awful, felt more like cattle being run through the gates than a citizen to enjoy a communal event.
what's it looking like out there, does Hofer have a chance of winning this?
What do we do about Naura island immigration?
Personally i like having RAPE ISLAND because fuck off if you're coming here for a free ride, a good fucking summer camp will sort you out.
But desu it's really fucking dodgey and i don't actually want my tax dollars funding it
WHAT DO AUS Sup Forums ??
Looks good so far
Thats some Salon type shit. They're calling him far-right. Which makes it sound like Hitler for people who have no fucking clue
Sounds like it would be easier to start my own country then it would to get Australia un-cucked/chinked/globalized at this point.
Hoffer is amazing, he has incredible will power even on a personal level like what he did with his injury. I hope he makes Austria dank af again :^)
I personally don't mind the islands too much, but some human rights abuse happens there breddy often, so I would rather not have any immigration into AU territories.
goddamn its one full continent
Sink the boats like Howard did. No one risked coming here illegally after that.
Also ban welfare for immigrants and refugees.
Form concentration camps where they have to work making wallets by hand and if they don't they get turned into KFC.
Melbourne's ability to import niggers is truly impressive. Indeed even just 5-6 years ago you practically never saw them.
It's a young dumb full of cum thing mate. You probably matured too quickly or some shit.
Taking over the Liberal Party is a ridiculous ambition. There are not enough of us and they have a lot of experience at combating branch stacking anyway.
One Nation is small and disorganized (especially outside of Queensland).
It's a mass conspiracy.
China is trying to make Australia a Africa 2.0.
Once we are incapable of holding any industry here the politicians will be so desperate for money they will hand over resources for next to nothing.
Just watch while our resources get raped in the next decade or so.
oh no i wasnt critical of your location on it, the spectrum itself just looks horrible
it looks so foreign in comparison to the classic left right, authoritarian libertarian scale
I might get a bit of hate for this but I want to keep Nauru because I dont want those cunts on Australian soil BUT. AND A BIG BUT. I would massively upgrade the facilities and make the facilities really nice, with programs that taught these people english and skills and had recreation facilities. Hear me out. The reason is most complaints about Nauru is not because we are processing them offshore, but because the conditions are so bad. So if we make the facilities reputable and decent then they cant really complain about us processing them offshore.
Offshore processing has proven itself as an effective deterent to illegal immigration.
The problem is the shitskins burn everything down every six months or so.
how much cuck candidates are there? hopefully they siphon some of the votes from the green party dude (or is he running as an independent?)
Melbourne has those 100% darkskin niggers too with white/red eyes.
No shit; there is like 300,000 years of evolution between them and white Anglos. They might as well be a different species.
Aussie Party.
Simple so people remember it, implies being actually Aussie instead of faggots, implies an actual party you go to to socialise, so fun, would get to one of the first spots on the senate ballot because it starts with a.
Nah I not fuckin joining up I'm too old for that shit. It's almost impossible to get votes without media exposure. Everyone's a dumb cunt and needs their prospective politicians on tv. Seriously Aussies are as dumb as a plank.
But you young poofs could give it a go.
hey pol what should i get for christmas, 21 year old
Asians don't worry me as much as in that they're simply exploiting the economic benefits our politicians have created for them as they sell away our future.
They're not malicious and they're sure as shit not violent and the ones that do live here their kids all assimilate absolutely marvellously even if their parents don't speak a word of English.
Niggers are just that. Niggers. I used to think of myself as progressive but I don't want any fucking Sudaniggers near me or in my country. They don't assimilate, they're violent as fuck, they're dumb as fuck, they don't learn and the only thing I can hold up of any value that they've given is three AFL players, only one of which is not on the rookie list.
We need to do something about the APE-X Sudanigger crime wave before it gets too far and we see white families raped and murdered in their homes.
If you want to start a party it should be a meme party.
Dank memes will attract media attention where intellectual arguments will not.
Putting up "racist" meme posters at unis etc, and maybe even getting yourself summoned to appear before the Human Rights Commission for your thought crimes would all be good publicity.
Memes are also the best way to get attention online.
am I doing it right?
Get some nice anime figurines m8.
This. You make it habitable and offer them the world and they'll still burn it down one day on a whim because they were upset about some trivial bullshit.
he says hes independent but hes full of shit.
Just waiting on Irmgard Thunderbolt Griss to btfo that commie. VdB shills would be even more pissed
i work in touris, the chinese are like drones especially the older ones are so souless had them barge into everyone when they fought a train was late plus they overfeed birds cause they have no consept of animal welfare
Chake yourself before you rake yourself, Leaf.
>We cant just run around yelling gas the kikes race war now, remove all non-white citizens, Blatant white australia policy
That's exactly what we should do. Can't out-jew the jews. Taking a timid, sneaky approach will only allow those cowardly snakes to infiltrate and destroy your party, due to the fact they have been raised and practiced the art of deceit their entire lives and careers.
Didn't Hitler's party used to start fights at beer halls? Only by taking that bold approach can you overcome the enemy.
Moreover, white Australians are a dying breed, if we don't make our stand now when our cities and even rural towns are overrun with non-whites then we WILL perish into nonexistence. We will go the way of the abos but we won't get our own day in the new Chinese vassal state of Australia, we will be replaced until the last few of us are living in campgrounds in national parks.
yeah this looks like the plan and our government is either too stupid to notice or they are all for it.
>implying I can fix the country when I'm 32.5 and no gf and if I don't have kids within the next 2.5 years, I pretty much never will
That's a great idea.
That's some fucking abysmal English.
I'm not defending them outright but they're tolerable as far as expats go.
>they're tolerable
They aren't even human you Chink cunt.
They came down from Meekatharra in a burned-out blue FJ
>they are all for it.
They are for it. Their super skyrockets when China does well.
Super is good but it encourages corruption on a global scale.
Cultural Australia Party
Anti-immigration but acknowledges us as a multicultural nation. Focus on Australian cultural identity. There's way too many fucking Chinese here that just speak Chinese and don't integrate. They can fuck off back home. All policy must benefit people born in Australia first.
Also focus on helping Aboriginal communities and making their cultural landmark more visible. A Chinese food shop on every corner but I've never seen an Aboriginal one. Chinese working every job in the city, no wonder actual Australians are poor.
>you Chink cunt.
How dare you.
And yeah, they are for the most part. As I said I don't blame them for exploiting the policies our politicians created to fuck as over and give themselves a nice nest egg.
We need to take it back but we need the housing bubble to burst first.
Other than that Chinese really don't bother me aside from the feeling in some CBD suburbs that I'm somewhere in Asia.
Fucking hell are you me?
But I can't fix it either because I am also a seppo who hasn't bothered getting citizenship yet.
Unless maybe I can get on board with Trump and he can help;
>acknowledges us as a multicultural nation
A multi-racial nation maybe. But there can only be one culture.
I dont want to be an autisticfag but I have been yearning for this for so long, I already had a mock up Party Logo design (pic related).
I chose the name National Democrats because National Democrats is as close to National Socialists as you can get without people freaking out, also its a pretty generic and respectable name. A name which even moderates can concievably rally behind (unlike something like United Patriots Front which has the habit of turning moderates off).
It represents the themes of Nationalism (National) and moderate measured welfare (Democrats).
Also I used the wattle for obvious reasons; its a National symbol and represents australia but also because it is inoffensive and seems outwardly benign
I picked Black and Yellow because they are the colours of the memeworthy Gadsden flag which has come to represent (though historically incorrectly) Right wing movements and quasi nationalistic movements. Also the Libs took Blue, Labor took Red and the Greens...well took Green.
wadya think? I know its crude af
A culture that was made through a mixture of other cultures is what I meant. One cultural identity.
Fuck I love Austria.
So much hope and enthusiasm for you guys.
>a mixture of other cultures
European cultures.
Actually pretty good mate.
I like the name and it's not cringy or anything.
Also will make people think that we're more left leaning.
everybody would vote for this
>our message is simple
>fuck off because we are full
We will be Africa 2.0 within a decade or two just like you will be in a decade.
You let China win you fuck.
Amounts of Chinese culture too. Back when they were cool guy who integrated. They're some good cooks, dim sums. Shouldn't toss Aboriginals to the curb either. Islanders too. Plus mostly British I'd stay. Made us into easy going, somewhat lazy fun people.
yeah not bad mate
do you know how we can get this off the ground?
yeah we have no good festivals anymore. that being said music with real instruments isn't whats in at the moment. maybe rock will come back and it will happen but we'll have to wait and see
I used to think Mark was a lunatic back in 2004. Surprised at how based he is now. Not sure he'd make a good PM though
I would vote for you.
>but fihlanh you cant vote, youre not ustrlian
Nah being reasonable gets you nowhere. You'll still be called racist by the leftist scum.
There's been parties that try to be nice about it and they get hardly any votes. There still is one or two going now. I don't know why they bother.
I think the meme idea is best. Get a symbol like Pepe or even just use Pepe.
I'd be into it. Especially the name. I hate it when political parties have the name of the person who started in it Pauline Hanson's One Nation, Katter's Australian Party. Fucking egotistical, even if I agree with their stances I still don't like voting for them.
If i recall correctly, You need to register your party with the Electoral commission and pay a fee but to do that, you need to first:
(i) have 500 members who arent a member of another party
(ii) have a party constitution - (sounds hard but if Pauline Hanson can do it, we should be able to).
Also if FLUX can do it ffs...
In the Aus, illegal immigrants dare not show their face at voting locations or risk a trip to christmas island
>They're some good cooks,
If you like human shit in your food.
No point starting another meme right wing party. Just join One Nation, they have a decent following. I like Pauline but she isn't the charismatic leader needed like Trump or Farage. Maybe one of us could take over the party and replace her.
Do you lads ever see One Nation being a major alternative right wing party equivalent to the greens (alt left for labor)
Best to do 600-700 just to be absolutely sure.
You need 500 dollarydoos and a party constitution.
Keep in mind it also costs 1k per person to run for parliament and 2k per person to run for senate.
they definitely will be the right wing alternative to the greens unless a meme party comes along.
>have a party constitution - (sounds hard
It is not hard at all. You just download a different party's one and then find and replace all the instances of their party name for your own.
I don't mean to be rude m8, but this is the sort of autism that is guaranteed not to work.
It is just too hard to start a party from scratch like that.
It is just an exercise in role play.
Me too man, it makes me think they are short sighted and reactionary and that they would collapse if their namesake leader left.
It shows a lack of longterm vision.
Hanson is 74
the next 10 years are key fir getting an intelligent figurehead
would based Bernardi work?
I always have thought that the greens/left fund a bunch of the small right wing parties to splinter the rights vote. If there was one united right wing party (or a coalition) I guarantee they'd do pretty well in senate + house of reps