New thread for the Austrian election
New thread for the Austrian election
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who will win the Autism election?
>Canadian low quality shitpost with Australian proxy
Nice try, though.
I'm getting nervous, but not as nervous as the Trump election. I'm really pulling for you guys! I hope we get our guy Hofer
Good luck guys
when will the results be in
I will say it again:
Vote VdB to make the general public even more angry so they will vote for the FPÖ for sure in the NRW next year.
can someone update me
can hofer actually win
by update i mean what do the normies think of him
He seemed pretty bluepilled during his campaign. I hope it was just taqiyya.
5pm cet
Good luck guys, hope I will see you in /V5/
And not having them appointed because VdB gets rid of parliamental democracy, as he promised his voters.
Have a rare Pepe for meme magic
it'll spark up the masses even more family member
The country was pretty much split 50/50 earlier this year, then the summer of terror happened and Trump getting elected raped VdB's main argument of "international acceptance" pretty hard.
Can we get an update in what is going on? What's the (((media))) saying?
Well Austrians are in a similar situation as the Americans: They may be armed, but they are too cucked to use their weapons against a tyrannical government.
So the raging masses will amount to nothing.
Good idea.My wifes son just voted green along with his boyfriend.
Yesterday they were crying about "muh evil nazi party sending online hate squads against innocent reports who dindunuffin except lie their asses off"
The time for kidding is over
Hofer will win
thanks for the new thread
op of the old one here
Where online can I see the reuslts come in live?
> Implying leftist faggots are receptive to arguments
They vote entirely based on muuuhh feels and based on hive mind mentality
And from my perspective, austrian leftists are the worst in europe. I don't see how Hofer might win this.
Inofficially measured by the leftist butthurt on
Baseline rate is 3.4 megatriggs per second.
I seriously don't know why anyone would be Bluepilled when if current trends continue all of western/northern Europe will be a caliphate in the next 100 years.
>They vote entirely based on muuuhh feels and based on hive mind mentality
For the left, sure, but not everyone that voted for VdB is a leftist.
The thing is he is seen, by normies, as a centrist candidate (even though he's a crypto-commie). So a lot of non-left voted for him and could easily be swayed.
Hofer will win this because Austria has an actual right wing. It's not like Switzerland where 25% vote for some mildly conservative farmer's party and call it a day.
Hey, there are elections today in Uzbekistan and Ghana too.
> Implying they see a european caliphate as a bad thing
As long as it helps their globalist agenda, everything is fine for the left. They believe that they and their kids won't suffer under an increasing muslim population.
The future will show that they are wrong, but then it will be too late.
We have to prevent them from letting the immigrants vote AT ALL COSTS. They already aim at that in seberal european countries. This would be the death of western civilization.
Wir machen Österreich stark!
But i guess in this case it would be more
Sie machen
Into the trash it goes, these countries are not salvagable because of severe Nigger or Islam infestation.
burschen, steht die entscheidung heute schon oder wollen die wormen das ergebnis verschieben damit ja kein fauxpas mehr passiert?
i just went voting
first time desu
i have a few questions to my fellow austrians
i didnt read the bullshit on the paper, i just did an X for Hofer, and i didnt close the cover because i didnt wanna lick that gross shit.
someone asked me about if i wrote my name on it, because she said there was something on top of the paper asking for votepromoter or something, i dont know what she meant
and is the vote valid, even though i didnt fully close the cover ?
Maybe you should have read the "bullshit" as a first time voter, retard.
Give it too me straight, un-cucked deutschland, will our lord and saviour Hofer, win? I think KEK wills it.
Hofer will win, but he won't be able to save us. It's just the right wing version of virtue signalling.
The SVP is much more right wing party than eny other EU country could eber dream of having.
SVP has successfully:
> Banned mosques with minarets
> Banned the burqua/niqab
> Banned mass immigration fron the EU
> Limited immigration from non-EU countries
> Preserved our gun laws and culture
> Prevented Seitzerland from entering the EU and becoming a second world shithole like other EU countries
> Banned all immigrants that engage in crimes
All those things you could never dream of doing in Austria. As much as I'd like you too, you will never have such a party because your people are just generally much more cucked because of your muuuhh holocaust nazi history.
FPÖ is basically babby's first right wing party.
I still hope they win, but I see no chance, given the austrians I know.
Already voted for NO to italian costitutional referendum, go vote for Hofer you austiafaggots, make NO+Hofer double happening and praise KEK!
He has a small lead in polls from what I read, and I imagine these polls would be biased against him
You can't even carry, your gun laws are just masturbation.
You just recently had a case where a Turk raped 12 kids without consequences but a few months of prison (no deportation).
The difference is that Switzerland is in total denial about how cucked it is.
im not retarded, i know how to vote
and i know what it says, like official votingpaper for the presidential election on 4th dec 2016 etc
there is no need for me to read it, when there are like 20 people waiting for me to finish, and a old women who was like 100 years, nearly dying outside the cabin
i was just asking, if a vote is not valid if the cover isnt closed
Plus you don't even need to enter the EU to go along with their cuckery.
Maybe be smug again when you can legally buy a Swiss made light bulb or a laundry dryer without AAA+++++ heatpump.
yes yes good cuck.
I voted Hofer and so should every reasonable Austrian.
Of course I can carry. Are you stupid? People go to McDonalds and shopping stores with their rifles. Also they are fully-automatic. Not cucked semi bullshit.
Again, you are in your early steps of becoming uncucked. The FPÖ has not yet achieved anything compared to actual right wing parties like the SVP. You are making your baby steps. I'm happy about that. But don't compare your cucked liberal shithole country with a country that is superior to yours in absolutely every imaginable way. I think you know this, that is why you are so salty despite me trying to support austrians best interests in this shit thread.
I put a shrimp in my ballot envelope.
>if you kill your enemies, they win
good logic cuckservative.
Tirol and Bodensee and Schwarzwwald should claim independance from Austria and Germany and form a new independent state - Neu Lalaland.
Carrying as it actually usable weapons obviously, loaded and all. Your Swiss lies are insulting my intelligence.
Invade Hungrary
Fucking KEK
You are doing god's work.
It's valid
You're starting to trend all over Europe ostrich bros.
Already preparing our best horseback archers and assault pulis just incase
Will there be exit polls? Or will we have to wait longer?
>Can we get an update in what is going on? What's the (((media))) saying?
They are desperately pushing Farage's comments that a Hofer win means Austria will exit the EU, despite the FPOe saying this is untrue.
a dub happening to make Europe great again
For those that aren't following the election:
Hoffer said that Poland has better watch the fuck out if he wins.
Voted blue for the first time in my life. At this point I just want to see the lefty butthurt.
Heard that Hofer being elected will trigger the dissolution of the EU! Well (((they))) said that that could happen if combined with Italians being bad goys.
Good luck Austria!
Just went out to vote, with the highest energy. My whole family is pro Hofer and I'm from a cucked state.
Going out for a run now, tryibg to stay in the highest energy mode possible..
MÖGA my friends!
Well done. Can't wait to see all the butthurt reactions of the german MSM because of the FPÖ presidency and the failed referendum in Italy tomorrow.
They EU cannot be destroyed. They will just reform to another organization. It's literally cancer.
IT's a great feeling man. Sending energy that you guys win.
When are the votes gonna start to come in?
Already czeched the German media. The butthurt is already there.
I am from Germany but this "we tell other countries whom they are allowed to vote for" is terribly shameful.
The approved results are already counted. Bellen won
Hofer WILL win
>current year
Hofer will win
Who cares, Briefwahlstimmen will decide outcome again.
There are way less letter voting cards on the way this time. It is going to happen.
>"we tell other countries whom they are allowed to vote for" is terribly shameful.
It's the US election all over again. Good thing that nobody will care and Hofer will win as Trump did.
this is retarded. vote FP now and then vote them again next year.
Make Austria relevant again!
if repeating numbers Van der Cuck gonna win and i am gonna have keks.
From what I observed at least in Vienna Austrians are actually cucked enough to listen to Germany.
But as for the US elections it was almost comic, as if the average American gave even the tiniest fragment of a slight fuck about what some Euro country they couldn't even find on a map thinks about them.
you motherfucker just killed us
Good luck bros
>not calling him Thunder Cuck
>having predicting power
You didn't even praise kek. What a fag.
>that raging cheesenigger
why do swiss people feel obliged to post about their delusions of grandeur all while sitting in wooden huts in the alps? it´s kind of hillarious though.
>protip: being a little bitch that rips off other countries doesn´t make you great
Doesn't count. Lefist candidates can't align with meme magic's power.
What time will results be in?
Nice try cuck , already voted for hofer
Thunder Bellen will win.