I wish US riot police would employ these tactics. This is like a fucking Total War game. youtube.com
I wish US riot police would employ these tactics. This is like a fucking Total War game
I'm pretty sure American riot police do train for stuff like this
looks cool in a training exercise video but not practical at all for any real world use
Looks cool but american officers are too fucking fat to keep up
Checkmate American fags kill yourselves with pizza and cake you cum dumpsters
No need. American rioters are mostly libcucks and niggers who panic and scatter the moment the po-po advance.
I wish I could find the webm of cops advancing out of the shadows after the Dallas shootings and the BLM protestors absolutely losing their minds.
Silly leaf doesn't know how to hunt hippies
This. It's a cool thing to practice, but doesn't have much use otherwise.
It is like watching some starcraft match :D
i really want to see that
>it's the Sup Forums confuses staged shit with real life episode again
where are the war elephants? Is this a mod?
Fug I could really enjoy a riot police simulator game. The libshit tears alone would make things worth it.
There is one. Never played it
>I wish I could find the webm of cops advancing out of the shadows after the Dallas shootings and the BLM protestors absolutely losing their minds.
I have that somewhere kek
Id like to see that
please if you have it let me see it
>Dispense gas.
>Harvest unlimited libcuck tears.
This tragically
They should make use of the Roman Testudo tactic, and lots of clanking.
But that's just tactical shield trolling
You thicc burger for brains do realize this is just practicing maneuvers ?
not a real demonstration
>You will never command a Century of riot gear clad good ol' boys and sweep the city smashing nog skulls left and right in a testudo formation
>smashing nog skulls left and right in a testudo formation
then someone throws a molotov coctail in your tight formation and you burn
best riot tactic ever
I'd rather be mounted police so I can trample protesters in a charge.
Kevlar is fire retardant, m8
;Capcha; expedition American
>mfw just played that level with Demonsteele Mod
Words cannot describe, will do that again later with Brutal
>implying anyone eats cake
Doughnuts or bust
>Seattle May Day
Fuck yeah! This was fun. I wish the cops would have smashed harder infact.
inauthentic and homosexual
wow their police actually train. ours just hang out at the range practicing shooting niggers.
anything ever come of this game? looked cool but I think the developers bit off more then they could chew. Also Maidan happened.
>CLANK general again when?
I wish US rioters would employ these tactics
its like watching on of those staged martial arts demonstrations... just scripted shit that doesn't work irl
post it plz bro
>there are like 5 times more cops than protesters
>2-3 cops can't tackle one protester
Corea stronk.
>the people playing bongos
Let them try that fake bs against these guys
Riot police do employ roman tactics often but in a real riot those lines would have been burst through immediately
why can't americans into riots?
I love watching liberals getting put in their place.
Order shall prevail.