Other urls found in this thread:
Chinks are subhuman.
>Trump gets elected
>Chinese manufacturers already threatening to halt shipments of iphones
>Apple already looking at relocating manufacturing back on US soil
>Trump calls fucking Taiwan and shits all over the "oh no china you TOTALLY own taiwan!" act we've been doing for 30 years
China is a joke and the second we stop buying their crap they'll tank harder than the soviets.
yeah nah, fuck china.
chinks are evil robots that lack compassion
I agree with this image. America is the reason for the instability in the middle east, our continent gets overran by shitskins.
Isn't it great how China is embracing Christianity at breakneck speed? Fucking Communist Party shits will be the last ones to know as Christ claims their land.
Chinks are subhuman trash. Trump accepted one phone call and they caused a shitstorm. Imagine the propaganda that comes out of them when Trump negotiates a better trade deal.
??? What the fuck country is that about ??? There are prosperous people sure but the general populace sure as FUCK is not.
get on our level chink bastards
>implying those aren't the 4 defining characteristics of China
>mfw China actually created this utter shit
fucking lol chinese culture got btfo by communism
OH NOES there was CTR
now is the 50 cent army too.
you cant convince me to not be disgusted by the chinese
We have a lot of problems but we're still better than some assimilationist orc culture.
It's kinda funny thinking they're dressed at 1960's hippies seeing as China was Hell on Earth in the 1960's when they were eating each other.
China will eventually be based, they are supposed to be the biggest Christian nation in the future.
She wouldn't be their leader if it wasn't for 70 years of denazification programming of the allies.
How come the only non-cucked parts of Germany are in the part that was under the Soviets? How come the only non-cucked parts of Europe were under the Soviets? It's because they weren't under the Americans.
Fuck this whore of babylon of a country.
>implying that's an indicator of a country being based
More Power To Change
Time to raise the rent on these western bastards who are occupying S Korea and Japan
>literally design clothes so their kids can shit on the street
>have no empathy whatsoever
>literally jewish-like ethno culture, always back stabbing
no thank you
Does anyone else also pronounce "But the fo" in their minds when they read BTFO?
>doesn't realize history repeats itself
>Christianity growing in China
>threat to Communist Party
>Technological advancements occuring rapidly
>Middle class is also booming
In case you weren't aware, a bigger portion of Chinese foreign students in the U.S. are identifying more with Christianity (year over year). Wealth, education, and religion can be compared to one another and some explanation can be made from the provided information.
>Christianity declining in Europe
>Islam taking over
>society is becoming more secular
>Europe losing their cultural identity
China has no cultural identity - it was wiped clean in the cultural revolution.
Whilst in Taiwan/HK they are born/bred with it, in China they have to be TAUGHT their own culture like it's some sort of foreign thing. It leaves a huge vacuum for Christianity/foreign culture
That's why chinks worship foreign things so much - their own culture is barely theirs.
youre fucking government is occupied by kikes
dont matter what shitty sect your shitty sheep society is when your secularist shepherds make and enforce the laws.
>doesn't realize history repeats itself
I realize that very much. Once China is Christian you'll have a dubious group of people (I posted that pic for a reason) getting into power and controlling it like the same group of people is controlling you.
If the Chinks are smart they'll sack the baptism records and kill every last Christian in their counry.
You don't seem to be aware of Christianity's growth that has historically been against dictatorships, communism, etc. The religion is typically a factor in the break down of some communist countries, dictatorships, etc.
You should search up movements that occur within countries that lead towards the government having lesser influence on their population, which results on decentralization, and eventually the breaking apart of a country/empire/etc.
Not at all, an overwhelming majority of Christian majority nations are secular, and even the ones that have a state-religion such as the U.K, Argentina, etc. still have a secular government, although it funds a religion that they see as being part of their heritage.
christianity is a religion for pussy sheep for the slaughter
I'd be seeing it more seriously if sunni islam was growing, then you can be damn sure theyre going to overthrow that communist government.
dirty, loud and rude.
I might have misunderstood your comment btw, I'm not sure if you're referring to Christians getting in power and establishing some state religion/ theocracy, or if we're just saying that they would become what they were once against. If the second statement is true, just realize that even within Christianity, you have lots of sects that do not get along with each other that further makes it difficult for one sole sect to be in power.
How new are you, friend?
China in the past is indeed quite mighty.
Calm down Muhammad
It's irrelevant what you think classifies a belief system as being "pussy," as I said, there's plenty of historical data correlating the growth of Christianity within strict governments as one of the reasons why those nations crumble apart, at the same time, you'll usually see reformations occur afterwards.
How long have studied English for?
Chinese ancient culture has long been dead
the real Chinese ancient culture is inherited by Japan
>this is what taiwan cucks really believe
I think Japan inherited american "culture", senpai
>unironically attacking someone's English on an imageboard
>notice the burguer's moustache
Yeah, that guy lurks Sup Forums.
Yeah.. tell that to the people getting paid 4 USD for a day sorting rocks out of coal.
China's entire history would have been better if you just let Cao Cao rule you
Trump is going to help Make China Great Again! RoC is legitimate Chinese government.
knock knock taoism wants its fucking country back, what im trying to say china was always a prosperous country back then china used to fucking awesome taoism and peace was the main thing, but thanks to industrialization and commie tactics it wrecked culture, even the fucking Philippines or even Malaysia have better culture.
is fake Confucianism
>Philippines has better culture
Have you ever been to the Philippines?
It's the filthiest most disgusting shithole in the world. It makes china look like heaven.
China is far from perfect, very very far. But yeah it's still better than america in terms of culture.
well comic sans'd
>riding bike/scooter/motorcycle with one hand
they would have been doing this without the smog, even
niggas love they mobile phones
Look at the figures. This is why Americans should be worried about China. They will overtake you if you don't get your shit together.
Chinese are literally vermin. prove me wrong
>not realizing that it's hard to understand your comments
Uhh no it wasn't, "China" was always a fucking shithole, do keep in mind that what's China now was originally dozens of nations constantly fighting each other in bloodbaths that make the middle east look like a childcare center. Under the PRC the area has improved a lot but yeah a lot of it is due to capitalist economics and exploitation of the SU and USA: Also taoism has never been a majority religion.
Generalisation, they do have a jeitinho mentality, like most countries that deal with poverty. But hard times make hard people while comfort breeds cucks.
We technically follow the same logic when it comes to running over twice, but funnily enough almost no one does that because Good Catholics never intentional kill people.
>family values
Looks like cheap chinese bait thread.
Next Polish partition when?
English teacher.
Fuck off hokkien sluts
To be fair I've seen something about the Chinese immigrants living here that would help western families a lot. If there's a young couple that both work and want to have a kid then they give the child over to grandparents or caretakers and pay them some sum of money, they spend time together on the weekends and such but it allows the parents to work normally and the kids don't grow up in a neglective environment either. If white people applied this the birthrates would climb a lot higher. Here's the video about it but yeah it's in Hungarian.
posting in yet ANOTHER thinly veiled /leftypol/ thread
> still better than america in terms of culture.
What culture?
A swarm of mindless workers is not culture.
True :^)
Get fucked commie
>human rights
The American man should be much, much darker.
How you seen how many fucking spics we have?
>mfw people believe China will be a great empire
can someone post that webm of a truck driving through traffic at a traffic stop
and that rip chinese bycicle user that gets demolished thrice in one second
If you think there is equality in China you need to book yourself into a mental hospital.
Needs more McFetus on the right
Singapore is also a lot of people will say Hokkien
So you're insulting Singaporeans
china is africa-tier
with Uygher and Hui violence, terrorism could probably go up there too
china is shit and usa is sitll one of the best countries in the wolrd
>Says the country filled with Pajeets and Mudslimes
>t. Wuan Linchu
Bruh, you posted this last week. There's nothing to discuss.
You do realize the Soviets did much worse things, right?
It's because the East Germans and Eastern Europeans in general actually suffered the evils of communism early on and want Hitler to come back.
Trump is going to make Japan and Korea pay us for protecting them, lmao.
The South Sea does not belong to China.
Stay salty, Cheng.
>kill every last Christian in their counry.
They already tried that.
Atheism is the official religion of the PRC, and both atheism and communism are Jewish ideologies. Your advocacy for the genocide of Christians supports my point.
>hurr durr religion is stupid and violent so let's just ban religion then we can finally live in peace
Communists are truly unstable people.
I'm convinced that 90% of Sup Forumstards who shit on China have never actually been there.
My wife is Chinese and I spend half of my year in the UK and half of it in China, all this cherry picked nonsense is not a representation of China.
And the most ironic thing is, most of the people who post about it come from countries, like the UK, the USA, and other countries in Western Europe, that are absolutely overrun with pakis, niggers, feminists and Jews that are completely dismantling the entirety of western civilization.
I think instead of creating anti-China circle jerks on a forum where most of the posts are about SJWs and cucks, you should probably focus on what is completely fucking up our own countries as we sit here
That's because most of the people that get runover2x are street kids that doesn't need media coverage.
>my wife is Chinese
stopped reading right there.
Listen to this Mohammed
>family values
one child policy
Mao, dog eaters, sells sewer oil to restaurants
stolen from the west because they don't respect international patents
It's mostly Americans who fan the flames of anti-China sentiment (since they feel threatened by a challenger to #1) and Anglos, so don't worrying. Be more perceptive of the flags in these kinds of China threads whenever they pop up.
>My wife is Chinese
China's a meme
>soldiers too fat for uniforms
>health in China is terrible no one is of fighting health
>all technology is shit rip off from Soviet era technology
>everything you own that's MADE IN CHINA lasts a few weeks, so imagine high grade equipment
Worthless country is worthless and it's been taken over more times than even France. Top kek.
I'm not saying China doesn't have problems but both of the things you listed are bullshit. They needed new uniforms because the quality of life increased more than they expected and Chinese men grew a lot taller. And the Chinese army is the most well equipped army in the world.
>most well equipped country
Lol no they're technology is dated at best, at worst it's literally a rip off of Russian designs built in China. America fought China during the Korean conflict and we mowed them down. Charging American machine guns didn't work, that's all they have is husks of what a human is.. a few billion of them.
>Korean conflict
You mean 60 years ago.
Both their equipment and technology are miles better than the united states right now. "we wuz great n shieeeet" isn't really an argument.