everyone laugh at the LITTLE finns lmao
Everyone laugh at the LITTLE finns lmao
Other urls found in this thread:
>mfw 21 cms
Do I have a bbc now?
why would anyone design a chart this badly?
>black = longer
You dont need a big BENIS:DD if you can handle your vodka and knife.
Maybe he was Nepalese.
How the fuck do they measure North Korea? Do they strip the defectors and measure them?
How do they measure any of these? Do you know anyone who has had their dick measured for an official Sup Forums penis chart?
Are they saying sweden denmark and holland are black?
Tfw Congo
>illustreret videnskab
really makes you think......
uhhh... so it was a scam?
i'm that gorilla dick nigga, i make dyke pussy wet
Love me some Korpiklaani.
the dutch are the niggers of europe
Listen bitch, this gorilla dick daddy hungry and if u don't blow me rite I mite kill u
good thing gorilla have small dicks.
Finns are already asian so that explains why. The Dutch however.....tallest people in europe AND the biggest dicks. What gives? Does living below sea-level make everything bigger?
>i love nigger cock
What did the eucalyptus leaf mean by this?
what's your code name?
and this post:
24cm here
and this
Also remember that any attempts to study anything related to sex always run into the problem of respondents saying what they think is either socially acceptable or what the surveyors want to hear.
Something people don't consider is a lot of this has to do with being proportionate to one's stature as well as the fact different ethnicites have different levels of expansion when erect (bigger limp = less change).
Finns are Asian.
mmMmmm, good going Scandis
reminder to you virgins that you are supposed to measure your dick right before you cum from getting head or fucking for awhile for max length
If you are a virgin you will never really know how big you are LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOL
What faggot is out in the Congo measuring nigger dicks?
>tfw 14,88cm
Its the milk and cheese.
>tfw ur cock is bigger than ur Korean countrymen back home
Excellent. Btw fuck Japan and china, lying about their fuckin penis sizes
Where is India? I need to know before i waste my money on lube.
Who else /pencildick/ here?
Lube doesn't make your dick bigger dibarshi
>18 fucking cm is 7 inches
lmao THIS is how they lie to push the BBC meme. They literally just shrink the average of everyone but the nigger
Is that what they are calling Sydney these days?
>17 cm here
ayoo were da wyte wimzam at?
It's evolution. You see how thick black girls are, only the longer dick dudes survived in being able to get in there to plant their seeds.
>tfw no qt japanese bf with a small feminine benis
>Be me getting head
>Tell 9/10 qt to stop to measure my dick
> Qt blinks, clearly not redpilled
> Shake my Head, head she was giving is also shaken
> Pull out my measuring tape
> 2.4 inches, clearly the size of every adult black male, as according to Sup Forums
> Smile and ask her to continue
>Qt seems out of it
> Tell her she will not receive the $80 my parents gave me unless she finishes
>tfw Asian and 7.5 inches
Thank FUCKING god.
got 16 cm but i am ashamed to hve such small dick. i will never have gf because of that :( tfw never having fammily
>feminine benis
u wut
>tfw 4" dick
This world really gone gay when people make penis size illustration statistics. Why don't you just use your fist if you that much interested getting to the all edges of cave?
My dong is 16,5cm
Really makes me think
Well no wonder he did what he did.
>the self reported Brazilian and African measurements still being taken seriously
16cm is well above average. Just have confidence and girls don't care how big your dick is as long as it's not a micro penis. Mine is 16cm as well and I have the sex fine. I've seen plenty of Czech amateur videos where the guys is a disgusting piece of shit with a micro dick and still bangs 9s and 10s.
It literally is not the size that counts but how you use it. I have a degenerate coworker who told me the worst sex she ever had was with the biggest dick she ever saw. 6.5-8 inches is the ideal size.
I'm packing a 17.5cm and still feel small.
Too bad I'll never use it :^(
well kikes have to push bbc meme somehow.
What's the official Sup Forums micro penis length?
>average 5.5
>micro 5.4
>mfw no matter what girls will think you have a tiny azn peepee because they are dumb as fuck and have no idea how to guess size
No wonder mudslimes are always so mad. They gotta live in the desert and have small dicks.
Also explains why they have to sew their womens vaginas shut due to their tiny peckers.
David Duke
That gif is begging for a Street Fighter Alpha style super move aesthetic
ultimate redpill: smaller dick correlates with higher IQ
>ooga booga muh dik, the thread
They can publish their bullshit all they want. I just hope people aren't dumb enough to buy it, though considering the BBC myth still persists it wouldn't surprise me.
14cm is the average in germoney as well
But mommy said my peewee is big!
desu id rather have shrimp dick than be black
>tfw 5 x 5
life is suffering
>14.2 cm
I measured my penis with a ruler and got like 16.5cm
>mixed studies and self-reporters and kike propaganda
There's no way that's accurate. That's fucking tiny.
lol my sons dick is bigger than a blacks.
>tfw no chang dragonwang east Aryan bf with monster cock to dwarf my white 7"
Isn't the Indian average literally like
those stats are totally fake thought
Illustret videnskab is owned by the Swedish Bonnier group, which was founded by Gutkind Hirschel, he changed his name to Gerhard Bonnier because his original name was too jewish.
In India you'd be fucking enormous.
Lmaoing at the chinks. No wonder black men breed their women
Lol I like how the African countries are (((self-reported)).
Penis size is inversely correlated with intellegence
its a FACT that penis size and IQ are inversely related
The average is 5.5? I thought it was 4. This is very unsettling.
>tfw when no hung Danish bf
Look at this cutie, he's German/Danish and he looks like a little Viking prince
inverse penis mind
Nah, opposite. They're surprised.
But you're right, they don't know size at all.
>have 16,5cm dong
>think that must be average
>converts cm to inches
>mfw the global average is 5,5"
>mfw the asian average is 4,3"
The belief that penis size varies according to race is not supported by scientific evidence.[12][22]
A 2007 study reported that contrary to the "popular belief that black people generally have longer penile sizes", in reality "there is no convincing scientific background" to support this idea.[23]
The Jews have no other way to push for race mixing in the media besides obscure myths about dick size and things you can't confirm as niggers have nothing to offer at face value.
>no one will get this reference
Iraq 11.6cm
Middle Eastern shitskins confirmed for small dick, also small brain
thats why u all hate BRs?
t. happa.
Just remember African nations are all selfreported which greatly affects the result
You niggers just self reported the same way the Africans did.
We hate you because your nation is a shitty joke.
>tfw average ~14cm
>when I stick it in the pussay I dont feel anything
Uncut and with normal girth at that. With only one girl was pussy sex awesome and feelable. Anyone else in the same boat? Always used protection maybe its the condoms
Well it is cold up there
stay mad faget