What the fuck is happening exactly over in luigi land?
What the fuck is happening exactly over in luigi land?
pls advise
have u been drinking?
Holy shit... I think... Italy is dead.
Basically today we're going to vote for a referendum about speeding up the law making process.
answer the question mate
I love you
Hue hue luigi land
So the redpilled vote is Yes, right?
it's a me, mario.
Why? You want a slow law process?
It's not slow, it's a lie and there's more to the reform anyway
y-yes. Why?
When can we expect the results?
See this low intelligence memeing and humor?
Even in chan boards mexicans lower the quality of the real estate around them
Come on, this was a good shitpost, what else can you expect from an aussie? We all love them because of this kind of posts
>Im drunk
Polls close in 12 hours so a few hours after that
I just noticed it is actually an italian flag and not an irish
Government trying to end corruption, by concentrating power in its own hands. Aside from the obvious doubts of a bunch of Italians being anti-corruption, the government won it's power by screaming against the concentration of power of the opposition.
Meanwhile Italians are very emotional and think it's their turn to vote their brexit or Trump, even though this has NOTHING to do with that and in fact a yes on the referendum is a bigger kick in the ass of the elite. But the opposing party who will win government is very, very populist and a lot of people arent very clever so they are just pushing it as an anti-eu vote, which makes zero sense. Not to mention Italy voting anti-eu would be colossaly stupid.
So its totally on the edge, about 50/50.
It would have failed hard, but the ones who will win power if it fails are populists who won a bunch of elections and failed hard at pretty much EVERY post they won, local or not, being anti-establishment and ending up more corrupt than anyone. Some people saw this and want to stay with the PD, which may end up being slightly less corrupt than the M5S and certainly better qualified and more knowledgeable.
In the end Luigi and his friends will probably vote whatever let's then argue/brag better.
>and think it's their turn to vote their brexit or Trump
We absolutely don't. It is the stupid international press that is doing all that.
>in fact a yes on the referendum is a bigger kick in the ass of the elite
Yeah, sure, we just lose our right to elect Senators. They will be 250 less, but all of them will be elected by Consigli Regionali.
Guess who will elect who.
Nobody knows, there is no refilled vote. It's like brexit on the base, because it's a very stupid referendum by the government on a questionable subject. Nobody knows what the consequences are, etc. and it ends up being a vote of confidence in the government, the only problem being in this case they're picking between needed constitutional reforms or risking the M5S making a mess of it.
Sure, fuck the elite and all that, but it's not a clear no vote
Italian mafia about to take over the gov
Yeh and NOBODY is getting fooled by international press and noise.
But the senate loses most of its powers, does it not? It's been ages since I cared about these changes, I've forgotten and they're foggy.
A silent right wing coup will take place after the referendum as the populist 5-star movement will start a fascist dictatorship under the lead of Generalissimo Pepe Grillo who will crash euro, EU and the world we know with no survivors as well as invade Albania in the process.
>But the senate loses most of its powers, does it not?
Yes and no.
The new system is a mess according to Costituzionalisti, and there are several scenarios where Senate could vote AGAIN what the Camera already voted.
Anyway, Senate is not an issue, we have lots of laws, and they pass quickly when politicians needs them to (google Riforma Fornero).
>and in fact a yes on the referendum is a bigger kick in the ass of the elite
>if you give all the power to the elite you win
If only..
What will happen if Renzi is defeated and resigns?
He oversimplified.
The question on paper is "do you want to reduce the senate and eliminate the CNEL (another administative thing) to save munnies and have faster law making?"
But the referendum is about changing 47 articles of our constitution to accentrate the power in the central government and take it away from local government and then bind the constitution not to be as "easily" changeable anymore.
Also more members of the parlament are to be elected by parties and government instead of popular vote.
Also we're already fast at passing laws, more than the EU average. The problem is that those laws are shit.
The right vote is no
Hopefully things will change the most if the No wins. No grillo at the govt in 2018, less troublesome laws. And a big kick in the ass of the EU. Either elections in 2017H2 (unlikely) or a technical government.
The redpilled vote is NO, ignore the ramblings of the non-country
M5S are power hungry cucks. Lots of other countries, mostly post-commie eastern europe, had their M5S and it failed hard. Yours isn't gonna be different.
watta you talking about
>5-star movement
ever read their programs for the big cities they've actually won?
From 5 stelle program for the city of Rome
● Organizzazione e promozione di iniziative per una Roma città accogliente e tollerante nei confronti di tutte le diversità;
● Supporto alla strutturazione dei centri antiviolenza, valorizzando lo strumento della semiautonomia e degli sportelli d’ascolto.
Immigrazione, inclusione, intercultura
● Distribuzione equa dei migranti su tutti i Municipi Romani e conseguente verifica puntuale degli obiettivi di integrazione, vigilando sulle infiltrazioni del malaffare;
Does that sound against immigration to you?
Or the program for Torino
Integrazione e immigrazione
Trasparenza: garantire una buona e proficua gestione dei fondi per l’accoglienza e l’inclusione
No al business dell’accoglienza: impedire che l’accoglienza diventi uno strumento di spartizione di potere e denaro, creazione di clientele e gestione di influenze politiche
Basta con “l’emergenza”: migliorare la capacità ricettiva cittadina e prevenire situazioni emergenziali con una progettazione di lungo periodo
Inclusione sociale: riduzione della tensione sociale in città attraverso il miglioramento dei servizi primari ai cittadini
Legalità: realizzazione delle condizioni che favoriscano la permanenza legale degli stranieri sul territorio e contrasto alle forme di criminalità diffusa
Lotta alle discriminazioni: contrasto a forme di discriminazione xenofoba
I'm not voting for them. But if they were truly right wing I sure would. Sadly >
daily reminder a Yes vote will help the 5 star movement control the nation at the next elections through the second turn bonus
No, but I'd like to fuck the mayor of Rome.
The redpill vote is clearly SÌ
>Laughs populistically
>even having 47 constitutional articles to change
Codified law a shit
I really haven't been following recently, I see the referendum is changed (quickness of laws?) but I do still know the senate is the hotbed of political corruption and it can still vote no confidence to the government, no?
Why would he do all that? The referendum/changes I remember from before seemed much better.
Correct me if I'm wrong but M5S is already polling high enough for its own government if Renzi falls?
There is no redpilled vote.
>Electing a mayor with your dicks
>Correct me if I'm wrong but M5S is already polling high enough for its own government if Renzi falls?
Many young people and generally persons against the enstablishment are going for them. However, if the no wins it will be as difficult as it was in the past to gain power. With the yes there's a bonus given that would make even a smaller party rule.
I think they're idiots who are riding the wave of discontent.
>Voting with dick like niggers
>Voting because of keks
>Why would he do all that?
All that what?
What's the difference with what you remember, so I can try to answer?
Things got bad
Everyone surrendered
retreated into the sea
and drowned
You will give more power to your shitty corupt politics only because your right wing party may wine next elections? What about the elections after?
No results, only data on how much people have voted up until midday
Of course they're idiots. I work in the EU parliament and they are just astonishingly shit. Ambitious angry young cucks who want power probably to fuck with whoever treated them badly in school.
Their favorites trick is to introduce something ridiculous, like in the debate for migration say Germany should take ALL refugees. And when Germany votes no and Renzi doesn't introduce it in Council, where Germany would just vote no again, they scream and shout about evil EU. That sounds a little heroic sure. But when that fails, they find a quiet piece of legislation that's anti migration, introduce cucked human rights and tolerance shit, it gets rejected and they scream and shout how intolerant the EU is but only to liberal channels.
Not to mention it looks to me like they've failed hard at all the posts they ever won.
That and Eastern Europe already elected dozens of young anti-establishment people who immediately went twice as corrupt in government.
Anyway, the referendum will break Renzi a lot, no? He'll lose votes for sure. Then who does M5S have to fight against? Berlusconi? What's to prevent them pushing a bunch of good looking women (who cares about competence) to get dick votes and just take over even if it's harder?
Of course no poland, I'm assumign everyone here is against the 5 stars as I am. The only answer in my opinion is NO, better standing still than taking a step in the wrong direction.
>not supporting based triplice alleanza
I know it's an actor but I actually miss berlusconi.
At least he gave us keys, Renzi is a cringelord and has absolutely no taste in women.
See you later, I'm going to vote NO
How long was he in charge of italy?
He gave us keks
its an actor? dammit i'm disappointed
your race is keks
>Renzi is making us miss Berlusconi
in what strange alternate universe did I end up?
20 years more or less
Far as I remember the point was that the senate is not very democratic and yet has a huge amount of power, with mafia and shit infiltrating it. So it ends up being the centre for corruption, because anyone in government has to engage in wheeling and dealing with the senate to work.
That sounded a lot more reasonable.
Cause while concentrating power in central government is shit, someone has to have some power that's been given by direct votes to do anything and not have to actually get his changes by the institutions and such, who aren't a direct vote.
A grand total of 9 years spanned over a 20 years period
Did he had any virtues that only italians know about?
he saved us from communists in 1994
>Anyway, the referendum will break Renzi a lot, no? He'll lose votes for sure. Then who does M5S have to fight against? Berlusconi? What's to prevent them pushing a bunch of good looking women (who cares about competence) to get dick votes and just take over even if it's harder?
Renzi dug his own grave. He will resign and if he doesn't the support from the parliament will fall. Problem is, in the last years media only really cared about renzi and the 5 stars. It's like the US media with the elections, they gave them much more attention than the favourite party (renzi) and the result is people know about them much more than anyone else. I can't think of a party solid enough to win another election but these idiots.
Hopefully if the no wins the PD will also break up and spread around smaller parties and we would see some more action.
I would except the M5S to do that if they ever can. That's something I don't want to imagine, if the yes wins it may be more than a possibility.
Being an alternative to the leftists and cucking all centre-right parties into an alliance, I guess
He fucks bitches and doesn't give a fuck.
Remember Poland, Italians literally elected the mayor of their capital because she is sort of hot.
I want to fuck Giorgia and cum on her forehead.
Well, Berlusconi was indeed funnier, he was like the weird uncle you get to see sometimes during family reunions...but it doesn't matter because you love him and he makes you laugh.
Even if berlusconi is a mafious and a criminal, we all know that, from a "KEK" point of view he's miles away from Mr bean renzi.
Tell me that you didn't laugh at this: youtube.com
He certainly did less damage than the left in Italy
Also, even if he was a buffoon, he knew which people were good and which weren't for international alliances.
>called obama "just a tan guy"
>friend with putin
>friend with gaddafi
in the long run, he was right
Read, my cucked bro.
I am faggot! But Salvini is a bit meh - great party secretary, not so great party candidate; Meloni is a woman; Berlusconi is 80yo. They MUST form a coalition and MUST have some proper primaries.
Italy is a fucking right wing country without a right wing leadership. WTF >.
"Berlusconi had made disparaging remarks about Finnish cuisine during negotiations to decide on the location of the European Food Safety Authority in 2001. He caused further offence in 2005, when he claimed that during the negotiations he had had to "dust off his playboy charms" in order to persuade the Finnish president, Tarja Halonen, to concede that the EFSA should be based in Parma instead of Finland, and compared Finnish smoked reindeer unfavourably to culatello. The Italian ambassador in Helsinki was summoned by the Finnish foreign minister.
One of Berlusconi's ministers later 'explained' the comment by saying that 'anyone who had seen a picture of Halonen must have been aware that he had been joking'"
Berlusconi was just a better version of Trump, he also won the election without the help of Kek
I don't get it, your logic is solid but your conclusions are batshit insane. You're basically confirming that the M5S will have a clear path to government t with no and while the yes MAY give them an easier path to government in a few years?
I mean, I get the long term view, but isn't it better to not hand then the government now, considering in Italy it's easy to entrench yourself? Not to mention they'll do a whole lot of populist shit that will fail, but will still last them until the next elections at least.
And last but not least isn't time against the M5S? The longer they stay, the more exposed their shit will be.
I never remember anybosy actually pushing the yes with this argument.
It's also a pretty stupid argument because with the new constitution:
a) you need to corrupt a minor amount of senators to do something (max 51 against max 180 or something like that)
b) local autorithies elected to be also a senator would be saved from being arrested because they inherit the impunity senator have right now.
Fair enough
Our president just crowned jesus christ, and i still kinda like that guy. Who am i to judge?
>Tell me that you didn't laugh at this
I already heard the original one without Bindi before, so no
>Brings you into economic collapse
>Presides over one of the best periods in Europe, country still goes down instead of up
>At least he knew who to call monkey and who to pat on the back
Holy fucking shit Italy, no wonder young people are still running away
Tantrums over dropped spaghetti.
M5S will just implode given enough time, they're basically Lega Nord 2.0
Also in the remote chance they actually go up and take the government, they won't last 3 months up there. The party itself is very fragmented
>Brings you into economic collapse
you do know that it was Prodi and his choices that brought us to economical collapse, right? When Berlusconi was reelected in 2001, the ship was already sinking, no matter what he could do.
Once they have power there's no reason to be fragmented. Power consolidates because it's a common interest. And power let's them push all sorts of bullshit that will fail but not before the next elections.
You really think, despite it happening dozens of time in recent history all over europe, they won't just draw massive amounts of debt and try to ride it into two terms before they collapse?
Ti sei azzardato a parlare contro Grillo o usare adblock sul sito del Movimento?
>sono dei cazzo di down, ma la appendino è cute
** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY LE PELICAN! *** post this in 3 threads or you will be killed
>and it can still vote no confidence to the government, no?
Is the reform passes not anymore.
>I do still know the senate is the hotbed of political corruption
Of those 100 elected senators how many do you think will be elected just to get immunity and avoid prosecution?
>M5S will just implode given enough time, they're basically Lega Nord 2.0
Says increasingly nervous PD voter for the 50th time
No, seriously? This is what italypol thinks??
Italian pol actually, unironically likes Berlusconi, thinks he did fine and want him again?
You sure we are talking about the same Berlusconi?
They're too stretched in terms of voters. They never take a hard stance on divisive issues (immigration, faggots, etc) because they know they'll alienate large part of their voter base. You can do that while you're at the opposition, not when you're the gov.
Unless they decide whether they're right or left or centrist (and if they don't say it out loud the decisions they'll make will do it for them) they'll tear themselves apart.
>Power consolidates because it's a common interest
yeah right if that was the case why didn't any italian government last for the full term of office?
Also why then Renzi is basically alone in his own party?
hey, if American pol was all for Trump, I don't see why Italian pol can't still think of Berlusconi.
Trump and Berlusconi are basically long lost brothers
Come on, Silvio can't even name Salvini (he called him MATTEO RENZI at DiMartedì).
The first Berlusconi was based as fuck, now he is an old demented senile fella propped up by his power hungry whores.
Should have stepped down with his dignity intact and aspire to a spot as President of Republic later, now it's just pathetic