Why aren't you centrist Sup Forums?
Why aren't you centrist Sup Forums?
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Got me.
But am, user, am.
This is the fourth time I've seen this fucking comic posted here in the past few days, enjoy your Sega
You fence sitters will be the first to die in the upcoming race war, faggot
>bottom left panel has no real world example, bottom right one does.
"""individualist""" entryists will pay for their betrayal.
you could cut the sexual tension with a knife
I only became far right to piss off lefty's since Trump won I can return to being a normal reasonable centrist again
It's "You're fucking a white male!" aka homophobia.
Because Mudasir is probably going to flip shit and kill me when he finds out I support Trump.
centrists are either ignorant or pussies.
When it comes to individualism vs collectivism there is no compromise because they're diametrically opposed philosophies.
You must experience it daily in svenistan
Green is what actually happens, red is what lefties see.
Because I recognize that centrism is a bullshit non-position based entirely on blithely espousing outdated liberal ideals (e.g., racial equality and atomistic individualism) without examining them beyond making a cursory glance and thinking, "Oh hey, that sounds nice." The centrist is a craven shithead who wants to have his cake and eat it too--he neither wants to take his beliefs to their logical conclusion (i.e., embrace progressivism), as that would require actual material sacrifice on his part; nor does he want to consider whether those beliefs are invalid or unsound, because he is as emotionally attached to them as he is to serving only himself. Recoiling at what he'd have to give up in order to shift to either side of the dividing line, the centrist decides instead to choose what he perceives to be the "middle ground", arrogantly believing himself to be wise because he has refused to commit himself to anything other than his own self-satisfaction and enrichment. And, like the fool that he is, he does not even realize that, when one side gains power over the other, he runs the risk of losing everything he depends on and holds dear.
I can have a certain perverse respect for a dyed-in-the-wool progressive, because at least they are committed to something greater than themselves, even though everything they believe in is a lie. Centrists, on the other hand, are just cowards.
I'm a centrist. Debate me, if you dare.
>le enlightened centrist meme
This BTFOs that shit tier argument, I'm surprised Patriarchie fell for that meme: therightstuff.biz
I am though
Why do you always support being correct?
Dam. Touché
Sweden, please stop existing.
Took me a while to find in my Sup Forums folder. For you OP
I am, always have been. It takes a puny mind to side entirely with one side or the other. Nobody ever agrees with every single thing.
Centrist cucks eternally destroyed, that sums all these pseudo-intellectual youtube e-celeb faggots like Sargon and TheAmazingAtheist, both of them get assraped when debating both far-righters and academic feminists.
My reason is simple. Niggers, Jews, homosexuals, Mexicans, Arabs, and all kinds of different chinks stink!, and I hate 'em.
What do you stand FOR?