Sup Forums I have a question, is she faking it ???????????
Real or not?
>having sex with girls
>being raided by r/asianmasculinity again
I miss CTR
Ummmm MODS?
Fucking disgusting, filthy non-White parasites, lynch them all in fire.
You can tell how he humps he had tiny chink shrimp dick
My hand is bigger than his cock
My hand is bigger than my cock
I doesn't look so, though his dick is tiny at best. She has almost the same facial expressions of the gook I fucked last week. But I lasted much longer, and stretched her pussy much more than this tiny dude ever could.
enjoy the ban faggot
I want the sound
sound isnt allowed in webms on Sup Forums except on gif and other related boards
What an ugly gook.
that's because you're a filipino
Why does a gook's lower jaw always hang at least a foot off the rest of their face?
Surprise! She's British
As a mongrel hapa mongoloid, i find this hot as fuck
>falling for the eating her asshole out meme
hahahahahahahahahaha fucking chinks man. they literally are yellow niggers.
>starts fucking at 2:00
>cums at 7:00
the female orgasm is a myth
Yeah shes faking it, its for the camera.
ive fapped to this many times btw, so i know
Wow, nice job mods letting this post stay up for like 20 fucking minutes
faking. if she had such a great orgasm he wouldn't have had to lick his fingesr to put them back in her pussy.
average coitus duration will surprise you. google it.
If you told me he was retarded I would believe you.
>burger education
Look again, that's her pussy.
you sound like sheldon cooper
always funny how white trash on Sup Forums act the same as niggers.
tip for next time you're searching for bbc porn; there is no size difference.
>pussy has had nonwhite dick inside it
Might as well be an asshole, Sven.
OP see's all his sisters and females of his race fucking white men, even his mother got fucked by white man and created his ugly ass, get's so triggered he almost does an elliot rodger but isn't gentleman enough to go through with it so he finds another way to get back it whitey, by spamming Sup Forums with amwf, he discovers that white people don't give a fuck and aren't triggered as he is by the reverse so he comes back every day and spams amwf every single day looking for that reaction of the 0.01% of white people who feel triggered by it
Do you even know where an asshole is?
probably but that move he did where you dont move and instead shake the entire bed into your dick, is how i gave a girl an orgasm from shaft for the first time.
smashing that puss
going to jack off to this. I'll you if I enjoy it
I think the moral of the story is that despite all the "muh honorary aryan" propaganda. Breeding with the yellow peril is a bad idea, not just because racemixing is bad, but because it creates mentally damaged children
if you don't last at least 30 minutes I have bad news for you.
>wanting to fuck for 30 minutes
That is hilarious coming from an Aussie since your national military hero is Billy Sing who is half-Chinese.
1. Children from Asian men + White women (AMWF) = extremely successful
2. Children from White men + Asian women = failures like Elliot Rodgers.
>not wanting to fuck for 30 minutes
Who the fuck is Billy Sing?
>children from wmaf are mutts that should be genocided
>children from amwf are mutts that should be genicided
Fixed it for u mutt
What did she mean by this face?
are you missing the other 49309230304030x frames where she is screaming in pleasure?
>1. Children from Asian men + White women (AMWF) = extremely successful
How did this retarded meme get started? (Beyond the obvious.)
They're all the fucking same.
>wanting to fuck for 30 minutes
>what is selection bias
You could easily make an image demonstrating the opposite.
So it's just that dull people find that image compelling?
>11 minute video
>24 frames a second
>1,440 frames a minute
>49309230304030 frames total
What's the procedure here? Shove it back in with a broom handle or what?
>Julien Kang
Why do mods allow this shit?
Does 30 minutes include from the time I spiked her drink?
the fuck up Joran
top bants
you wish
... This is retarded.
Nope only when Emus do it.
>he eats her ass
Excellent, fellow Asian brother! Eat that asshole good!