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That's socialism, you fucking dolt. Trust me you do not want communism.
Leave or be destroyed
This is an 18+ board. Come back in 6 years.
Communism was never try, how do you know is bad?
If you want real socialism look at Denmark, pretty good.
Are the rapefugees found of communism? I know they like their gibs. You should ask next time you see one coming down the stairs from your wifes room.
here comrade
No one, fuck off faggot
>In a communist system there are no such things as borders
>all thoses countries have borders
Did you even read Marx, faggot? I know is a long and hard book but try it
Lmao why is communism the biggest joke? There aren't any real commies on this board are there? Because that'd be real pathetic
Cool the minute they tried expanding their borders they got shut down. Now let's talk about experiments and the "Control" group.
>these countries have borders
>therefore they weren't real commies
Lmao nice mental gymnastics
/leftypol/ has been raiding us for whatever reason. but there was a thread earlier where people spammed spiderman, porn, and facebook minions and it triggered the fuck out of them in their HQ
They were Socialist, not Communist. If you read Marx you know the BIG difference.
no one
fuck off
fuck off you double nigger
Hello comrades.
Reminder that all left wing theads are free passes to talk about anime.
Post your favourite anime girls, music or AMV's. I luuv hearing what you guys like.
oh god, that minions one was hilarious. good job minion man
Shouldn't you be prepping the bull, sven?
Denmark isn't Socialism, retard. North Korea and Zimbabwe is Socialism.
commie dash reporting for duty XD
Kill yourself asap
This is now an anti-communist thread. Post your best commiecuck memes
I dont know kev, china works good enough to be #1 in the world.
Fuck you, you ignorant baboon.
Here's an intro to a good anime vocaloid series, dubbed in english, cause it's better. It's a series of four videos about people trapped in a repeating night, like groundhog day kind of, and told from different perspectives. It's an interesting musical endeavor.
Feel free to move there any time.
Didn't Venezuela even have a fucking McDonald? Oh yes, they are very socialist with that American $
#1 at what? Air pollution? Number of useless, vacant buildings built for the sole purpose of increasing GDP?
Uhh, huh, and were they worse off or better off for it bringing jobs and money?
Socialism: workers' ownership over the means of production
Communism: a socialist, classless, stateless society
If it does not fit one of these definitions, it is not socialism or communism.
*teleports behind you*
"pssh... nothin personnel.. kid"
Canadian by chance, communist by the grace of God!
East German, leave!
Come home, red man.
>all this hatred to communism
>didnt even read marx and idiology
>read some scifi instead
>their favourite startrek is communistic society in future
>Workers ownership
>Workers can't agree on anything
>Can't get shit done
>Appoint one person to lead
>Leader appoints other people to help him lead
>Congratulations you have become a state and most likely a dictatorship
>Needs strong leader
>Strong leader siezes the means of the individuals life in the name of the commune
>Congratulations you now have a state and absolutely a dictatorship.
>>Needs strong leader
>>Strong leader siezes the means of the individuals life in the name of the commune
>>Congratulations you now have a state and absolutely a dictatorship.
You just describe National Socialism and Hitler.
Since when is Sup Forums pro (((Democracy)))?
This is a democratic board.
/leftypol/ says that communism doesn't have to be stateless to be communism
nice doublethink retard
Maybe in OG Star Trek. Not from TNG onwards.
>your hooves when capitalists will never experience euphoria XD
In this jewish moneybased world China is kinda leading.
>top5 world richest companies
>1: ICBC
>2: China Construction Bank
>3: JP morgan
>4: Agricultural Bank of China
>5: Bank of China
Literally 4/5 are Chinese assets.
I want neither.
Explain the basic tenets of National Socialism please.
Okay, go work 8 hours for a minimum wage in your (((capitalist))) system while rich people don't even work then.
kys commie fags
Socialism requires a state, yes. What's your point?
>>Congratulations you have become a state and most likely a dictatorship
>most likely a dictatorship
>having democratically elected leaders = dictatorship
>>Needs a strong leader
For what purpose?
>>Strong leader siezes the means of the individuals life in the name of the commune
Literally how?
/leftypol/ has never said this. It is stateless in Marxist terms but Anarkiddies have retarded definitions of "state" that fluctuate constantly.
not me :DDD
lol fag
Like it or not, but Russia after revolution become from Agriculture Russian Empire to one of the first in the world in science and technology advancement.
>mf when you literally live on ruins of empire
Well, yes. Because China is a terrible country. All their wealth is propped up by borderline slave labour.
>Capitalist system
>Can earn minimum wage
>Communist or socialist system
>Earn nothing
>My labor is taken by the state
>Democratically elected leaders
That's only for the term they're elected, afterwards it's all just sockpuppets and no elections.
>literally how
Just like always you silly goose.
Russia also had mass starvation regardless of their "agricultural" empire. lol
I don't think that is going to last very long. Most of China's success has been based on system gaming and they are now forced to transition into a western style service based economy after twenty years of being a branch plant.
Their demographics, housing prices and reckless automation is going to create a lot of pressure on their economy.
Likewise, I think a lot of nations have had their own economic activity propped up by Chinese all or nothing investment... When their plan inevitably fails, my nations going to crash too... It's why we're relying on immigration as a last ditch effort, independent of China, to prop up the housing market.
When the next big crash happens, we'll probably be headed to war. It's going to happen soon and it's not going to be enjoyable.
>That's only for the term they're elected, afterwards it's all just sockpuppets and no elections.
Give an example
>Just like always you silly goose.
Give an example
But China is a mix of worst from communism and worst from capitalism, it's a perverted child of both. This is the world we will be in, if there wouldn't be any changes made. I dont want that shit.
>North Korea
Who decides what gets built?
You're saying all of those countries had workers' control over the means of production?
Yes, that's exactly what they did and in less than half a generation it all fell to shit. ^_^
China dropped comminism and socialism in the late 70s thanks to Deng and embraced largely state capitalism with relaticely free market special economic zones.
It became far richer and less poorer as a result.
>China's economic growth since the reform has been very rapid, exceeding the East Asian Tigers. Economists estimate China's GDP growth from 1978 to 2013 at between 9.5% to around 11.5% a year. Since the beginning of Deng Xiaoping's reforms, China's GDP has risen tenfold.[28] The increase in total factor productivity (TFP) was the most important factor, with productivity accounting for 40.1% of the GDP increase, compared with a decline of 13.2% for the period 1957 to 1978—the height of Maoist policies. For the period 1978–2005, Chinese GDP per capita increased from 2.7% to 15.7% of U.S. GDP per capita, and from 53.7% to 188.5% of Indian GDP per capita. Per capita incomes grew at 6.6% a year.[29] Average wages rose sixfold between 1978 and 2005,[30] while absolute poverty declined from 41% of the population to 5% from 1978 to 2001.[31]
Leftists btfo.
>Yes, that's exactly what they did
Really? In what way?