This is currently Trump's top pick for Secretary of State.
We have to stop this, Sup Forums.
This is currently Trump's top pick for Secretary of State.
We have to stop this, Sup Forums.
No, we just need to add you to the list.
No (you) for you, shitbird
Rohrabacher refused the deputy SoS job because all the candidates for SoS were neocon cucks. That' the kind of hero I'm fucking praying Trump gives it to.
Croats are Catholic and had Nato support.
Nah he's good man.
will he talk trump into launching a nuke on ar-raqqah? or whatever city ISIS uses as their headquarters?
>We have to stop this, Sup Forums
The fun is only just beginning. The masses want blood
Lol. Dana "Putin's BFF" Rochrabacher
Dis s gonna b gud
when you win, you win
Inb4 Trump tweets the remove kebab video as a hint.
4d chess as usual, bravo.
I accept all the memes trump presidency is going to make gladly, and his 8 years havent even started yet
Is he basically saying remove kebab? Why wouldn't I want that
It's fake, you niggers.
He deleted the tweet. It was a huge story on our national television news a few days ago.
Whoa what the fuck? It's actually real? I was just meme-ing.
Don't kid yourself, Mitt'll be SoS to patch things up with the GOP.
And Serbs hoped if Trump wins they would get muuh Yugoslavia back.
Topkek. You are a lost nation. Look at demographics.
t. Granit Xhaka
As A Croat I Can Only Agree With Our Ethnic Clensing PoliTics Shame He Didny say Like Croats Fucked Serbians
Nobody gives a fuck about either your shitskin subhuman "people" or the irrelevant "country" you crawled to, lmao.
Reminder that he supports Kosovar independence.
He's a cuck.
His account must be hacked.
Thats full Sup Forumsack.
So did the Albanian Muzzlords in Kosovo.
>And Serbs hoped if Trump wins they would get muuh Yugoslavia back.
Lmfao literally no one expected that except you, faggot.
Stfu, you have no arguments, aboniggers.
Well Albozergs are a favorite Of The Americans. I Mean Not Even america Has Made A Statue Of Bill clinton
no, this is
Wow, no surprise there. Muh shiptard genocide, fuck you Dana. I guarantee this guy couldnt find Serbia on the map
>cannot spell check before commenting PUBLICLY
> the Age of the Internet
Holy fuck this man is so based. America needs him like I need a gf.
Kek must will it, check these digits.
doxxing OP so I can bully him to death
fuck off CTR shill I thought you died after the election
prrophecies are all true Trump will make America Great again and in the process
You can't do shit, Finngolian.
The media now will talk about this mistake for weeks
why, because he wants to end terrorism?
You do get this guy is just the run of the mill US diplomat who supports our enemies, many of whom are muslim radicals? Did you even read the OP?
Ps glup si ko kurac
Ugh Croats are Catholic and Kosovo rebels didn't really have any religious motivation at all.
There was some in Bosnia.
>You do get this guy is just the run of the mill US diplomat
Can't say I recall any US diplomat openly calling for an ethnic cleansing, tho.
Ne ali ocekivali ste svi da ce se stvari drasticno promeniti, kako ce Tramp MASA kad ce imati likove koji veruju i shilluju muh 10 gorilijon kosovskih siptara i sl.
Impliciras da se genocid zaista dogodio sto mi govori da si napaljeni klinac koji nije ni bio ziv tad verovatno..
This is an American board, we speak American here.
>But I do not expect you all that things will change drastically, as if Trump WEIGHT when you will have characters who believe and shilluju flies 10 gorilijon Kosovo siptara and the like.
>10 gorilijon
is this an actual serb word, or is this a transliteration of the antisemitic muh 6 million maymay?
>Ne ali ocekivali ste svi da ce se stvari drasticno promeniti
To ste mozda ti i tvoja baba na vasoj planini ocekivali. Svi ostali su navijali za Trampa zato sto je kenjao po Klintonovoj i nije hteo rat sa Putinom, bez ikakvih daljih aspiracija.
>Impliciras da se genocid zaista dogodio
Sad vec haluciniras, 'oce to kad si mrtav pijan pre 1 popodne.
The tweet is out of context, read the full chain
What you're saying is:
you're pro radical islam terror?
You are one special kind of stupid, aren't you?
time to remove kebab
>or is this a transliteration of the antisemitic muh 6 million maymay?
This, but with the exception that Albanians say "l" like "lj". It's a letter "љ" that you burgers don't have.
What the fuck does that have to do with us? Let the Balkan niggers sort their own shit out for once
Why are there still no public apology from the UN to the serbs ?
they should talk about what it means when those in the corridors of power are literal retardates
>speak American
So he's condemning the Serbs?
The word order in his first tweet makes it seem like he wants to kill ISIS just like Serbs killed Kosovars.
Da te citiram od pre momenat:
>''fuck off CTR shill I thought you died after the election
prrophecies are all true Trump will make America Great again and in the process
>'n-nisam nista ocekivao, to si ti ocekivao sa svojom babom'
Pokusaj bar da budes dosledan, klinjo pre nego sto nekog vredjas i glumis majmuna. Ja sam navijao za njega iz istih razloga ali se ne proseravam ko ti kako ce biti ne znam sta drugacije nego pre.
>Da te citiram od pre momenat:
To nisam ja rekao. Gledaj malo ID-eve, ne samo zastave, smrdljiva newfag pedercino.
Ili jos bolje, vracaj se odakle si dosao.
>name is Dana
>is not a transexual
>is not a Eurovision singer
>is actually a male
>muh merica muh freedumb fuck terrorist ok??
>okay so ISIS terrorist bad but balkan shiptard terrorist that join ISIS in high rates bery gud :DDDD
Ameri ce uvek podrzavati siptare i tu nema promene. Mada ih drze na lancu kao besnog kera kada i ako im bude odgovaralo pustice ih da uspostave jos par drzava i rascepkaju balkan jos vise
>gledaj ID
IDIOTE, pa taj post nije bio upucen tebi uopste. Zasto si odgovarao na nesto sto nije upuceno tebi i ne tice te se? Onda posle seres kao da sam ja tebe napao a ne obrnuto. Ti si neki hardkor balavac tako, tu si dugo naucices me sta je ID a?
>i ako im bude odgovaralo pustice ih da uspostave jos par drzava i rascepkaju balkan jos vise
Gdje imaju tako značajnu populaciju da bi to mogli?
Shvaćam za Kosovo jer su većina tamo sada ali Albanija i Kosovo su prejadne države za bilo kakav militaristički napad protiv Srbije.
Niti bi takva agresija ikako mogla biti opravdana da recimo Amerika dadne svoju potporu osim ako gledaš neki WW3 scenarji u kojem bi vi vjerojatno imali Rusiju na svojoj strani (a u WW3 bi svi najebali kako god okreneš)
>post nije bio upucen
post a boy pussy?
>Zasto si odgovarao na nesto sto nije upuceno tebi i ne tice te se?
Zato sto jedes govna k'o zmaj, pa sam samo to hteo da ti stavim do znanja.
Nope. Jon Huntsman.
most of Sup Forums is pro-Islam genocide.
You are just fooling yourself thinking we have feelings over the comunity we laughed very country for allowing them to come inside
>yourself thinking we have feelings over the comunity we laughed very country for allowing them to come inside
In the quiet words of the Virgin Mary
Come again?
Inshadilay, remove kebab, keku akubar
My point exactly. Burgers have the shittiest names ever.
>supports albanians
>'w-we are against radical islamic terrorism'
>zomfg dude like so based remove kebab!!1!
Are you sure youre Greek?
>tfw living in the uncucced part of california
>radical islam terror
Even libs shouldn't have a problem with this unless they're finally willing to just come out in support of ISIS.
He said we're going to keep on winning until we get tired of winning
Do you hold the God Emperor for a liar?
It would be interesting to see him talking about the inbred retard shiptar idea called Great Albania and the 2001 conflict in Macedonia.
Macedonia didn't do shit to the shiptars. All of a sudden they wanted to grab territory
subhuman fucking piece of shit.
Pic related, US forces rescuing KLA terrorists from Aracinovo who are armed by the way
Ah sorry, miswrote.
Basically OP thinks that most of Sup Forums would have feelings for Islam and muslims after all the shit they've done and after Sup Forums laughing at every politically correct country for allowing them in.
Are we for radical Islamic terrorist or against them? Sometimes I forget what board I'm on.
Thanks Pablo.
>t. 15ogodisnjak koji misli da je kul
Sta sam mu rekao a da nije istina?
Pola makedonije je puno siptara, epir u grckoj pa crna gora itd moglo bi svasta da se desi s obzirom da su sad porasle ambicije siptarima. Doduse oni zaista jesu balkanske camuge i ne umeju da odrze drzavu pogledaj samo kako se pola kosova odselilo u EU.