Hate symbols look pretty lit.
Does anyone know the meaning of everything on the list?
Hate symbols look pretty lit.
Does anyone know the meaning of everything on the list?
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is a single one of these actually hateful?
whats the f looking lightning bolt?
> two watermarks
> one of them is 9fag
jesus user
Why is the swastika so fucking beautiful? National socialism or not it's a beautiful symbol.
Aren't the crossed hammers from the Pink Floyd movie?
the swastika represents mjolnir
How is the shocker a hate symbol?
Also, isn't that the fucking command and conquer symbol?
Werewolf rune
they ripped it off of based poos
Are the the avengers our guys?
whats the skull
we need a new symbol to rally around.
Why is two in the pink and one in the stink "hateful"?
wait is this what shillary was trying to copy
SS is too fucking sexy
what are the 3 crosses?
skull of peace and freedom of the Schutzstaffel (Safety Squad).
Didn't know the Zaros symbol was a hate symbol..
women these days probably need 3 in the pink at least
Who knew space, could be so based?
Swords of revealing light.
Satanists can't move for 3 years
I have no clue
Two in the pink one in the stink?
Post the best descriptions
this the Safety squad safely transported jews to protective camps to keep them away from the war
>no hammer and sickle on the hate list
fucking leftshits every time.
it has been with us for fucking ever
most cultures have something that looks like it anyways
Rate the Arrow Cross Flag.
If you look into it, they ripped it off based nordics. It existed in many cultures independently (even in Japan), as it is not a very complicated symbol. Some soon to be nazi official saw it on a family crest above a fireplace while visiting friends in Sweden or Norway or somewhere.
>The majority of uses of Pepe the Frog have been, and continue to be, non-bigoted. However, it was inevitable that, as the meme proliferated in on-line venues such as Sup Forums, chan, and Reddit, which have many users who delight in creating racist memes and imagery, a subset of Pepe memes would come into existence that centered on racist, anti-Semitic or other bigoted themes.
Huh. Never thought about it like that.
I'm with her/10
The second row on the furthest right is literally just a Nordic rune of protection
Speaks volumes.
wrong pajeet
Swastikas have been an aryan symbol since the begining used by Europeans since ancient times
Its the aryan nomads that culturally enriched the poos (and made the cast system that treats browner poos like shit lol) now they think they own it
wait, the made-up Pink Floyd hammer thing too?
Keep telling yourself that.
This. It speaks volumes of the west that the h&s always gets left out. Not in Eastern Europe...
lefties take cartoons very seriously
if you couldn't tell by the sad frog
Is the black sun a hate symbol? Many seem to view it as one for some reason.
>tfw a cuck normie board i visit sometimes actually made pepe a bannable offense
Whats the symbol below the "Y" trident symbol and above pepe? It is like a swastika with only three arms.
>visiting cuck normie boards
90° angles are hatful, you bigot.
Not that one.
The three 7s.
What's that one?
SS is the Norse Sun Rune
The Swastika illustrates the movement of the Ursa Major constellation around Polaris to mark the four seasons
The Wolfsbane is the one below the Swatika. You put that in meat to kill a Wolf.
The Norse Life Rune is underneath the Confederate Flag. Below that you have the AWB (South Africa) symbol, that looks suspiciously like a cube.
ancient magic is the ultimate redpill
>(Aryans) made the cast system that treats browner poos like shit lol
Who gave you this information bro. It came from hinduism developing the idea of family trades supporting natural hierarchies.
Kek, the ADL is already on to us. adl.org
Harry Potter and the Final Solution
It's from the flag of the AWB, an Afrikaner "alt right", "neonazi", "hate", "white supremist" group, basically a political party formed in 1970s to look after the interests of the Afrikaners in SA then after apartheid all the nuts started flooding to it and I'm pretty sure they've assassinated a few people. Basically like a less crazy, more political KKK with less mixed race people
>Black fist = Look how proud they are, bless them!
To be fair, the jewish fist is still classified as a terrorist group, so at least we have that
>tfw the ADL actually has an entire section dedicated to offense numbers
good job dipshits you're literally triggering retards with basic maths
That's exactly his point, if the JDF fist was black it wouldn't be banned
Sure, but anything non-white is tolerated, or even encouraged. But if there is even a shred of 'whiteness' in the logo, you're a xenophobic racist bigot islamophobic transphobic neo nazi KKK grand wizard.
Fuck leftists.
why is KISS banned? theyre a pretty cool band
>Mfw abstergo is hate
i hate assassins
As a boy Hitler saw it in the coat of arms on the sunday school building at Lambach.
afrikaner weerstandsbeweging
Not even a stormfag but this is underrated. Kek.
Banned where? Germany?
Why would Germany ban the fucking Confederate flag?
Why is the fist banned, isn't it allowed if its a black hand?
Germany is close to banning German flags for being too German, which might offend the feefees of the poor 14 year old (((refugees))).
Yep because it's ok for the blacks to do it but not the whites. Typical for the cucked West.
My sides
There's also a record label called "Heritage records" they release NSBM and RAC (NS black metal and Punk) albums I think.
Edit: forgot to mention that the three swords are their logo.
They actually had to alter the logo in Germany and Israel.
That's the wolfsangel.
The ADL's "Hate in Display" is a great place to find inspiration for tattoos or to just learn about these symbols.
Holy shit seriously? Usually I have to grind for like 1500 hours to get a title that long, this is way easier
Yeah they all look so cool
5/7 would have become storm trooper for the sell insignia
>hate symbol
Our cities use it in their coats of Arms.
I'm still trying to figure out the shocker. Is it like the "German 3" in Inglorious Basterds? Is that even a real thing?
Why is there no communist symbol there?
Lemme guess, Sup Forums?
Those autistic spergs
Its a W, and half the hand sign for white power. Surely nobody has used this shit sincerely since the 80s, but its still on the list.
Was banned from /vp/ for it, also got banned for saying I'm not a liberal
/vp/ has more people actually from tumblr than Sup Forums does
Can't believe pepe is actually on the fucking ADL website.
beacuse it's beautiful? that's why it's been adopted by dozens of different people and ideologies over time, nazis were just one more in the long line of swastika appreciators
are there people over the age of 13 who play pokemon?
also wasn't pokemon cool in like 1998 when gameboy color was a thing? after that it's just been cash-ins for manchildren or something idk if they even get mainstream coverage. why does it have its own board?
someone keeps drawing hate symbols in the snow
What if Zelda was a racist girl?
top kek
Are there literally no symbols in here used by non-whites?
To all young Sup Forumslacks: for your own sake do not get a tattoo, and if you do, do not get known white nationalist symbols. This can fuck up our taqqiya if you are discovered.
Communism has killed more than any of those combined yet doesn't get designated as a hate symbol.
I suppose hating food and prosperity isn't enough to get you on this list but being a cartoon frog on twitter is. Fucking ridiculous.
I find it really bizarre how accepting we are of commies. Every time the shit had been tried it's ended in millions dead and nations in ruins. It's as bad as facism yet we don't regard it as the same. You'll never hear a facist professor but half of the professors on campus are marxists. There's probably a communist party in your country right now operating without issue while a fascist party is probably under investigation. Two disgusting things but widely different levels of public acceptance.
Apparently the triforce is on there.
But other than that everything norse.
Literally almost everything was a white hate symbol to them. Numbers 1 - 23 are hate symbols to them because each somehow represents being white to them.
And somehow beer is also racist.. And well. I think maybe someone spent too much time doing acid and then looking at random shit.