Are hairy man asses Republican or Democratic?

Are hairy man asses Republican or Democratic?

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Good thread so far

Is this really necessary?

are hairless boipuccies republican or democrat?


>are hairless boipuccies republican or democrat?

I'm pretty smooth overall and I'm a lefty, so ... :^)

Hey I'm a bear too.

Sure Ahmed

yes. what's wrong?

I'm uncut you faggot :^)

Sup Forums is truly gayer than /fit/ and /lgbt/ combined

I support Trump, so I guess they're Republican.
Wish mine was as aesthetic OP pic though.

hairy asses are manly so republican of course

>hairline receding
>little to no chest or facial hair
>jungle of ass hair

This guy grew up next to a nuclear power plant lmao

omg post snapchat :^)

Republican or democratic?

Fuck off, you had your chance

>shaving your pubes

your ww2 grandpa must be proud of you

I love to fanta-size about naked politicians, but we bare-ly get shirtless pics of politicians, much less bottomless pics.

>no anal bleeching

Definitely Republican :^)

plssssss hun :^( we'll continue this in the next gay thread

>he doesn't at least trim his pubes

lmao enjoy looking like an animal, scum

Why do you even have that picture fag

Is not shaving your ass the ultimate redpill? No fag will ever dare to lick or even fuck your dirty hairy asshole.

I'm enjoying this :^)

i let my bp retain the natural pink darkness surrounding it

why cant i enhance op's dad?

I want to stick my penis in there


>pink darkness

Well I now have a boner :^)

we oughta take this to an unrelated thread :--)

tfw no strong bavarian to snapchat lewds to


shame youre not gonna see it sweetie, you had your chance ;^)

You do realize that pubes and body hair in general rend to trap sweat and other funky stuff, and your crotch probably smells like crap, and even if you weren't a perma-virgin low-life, the second a prostitute would be willing to go down on you, she'd throw up all over your vile dick :^)
I'm not strong, I'm like 175 cm tall :^)

im 175cm too mate

It's the faggot from munich again. Interesting you're still around.

also why are conservatives so stupid? dont they know equality is the future like duhh

thats offensive and you cant say things like that in society today

have you seen his fucking abs theyre SO yum could probably smash a cunt like you

I want to lick Vegemite off your nipples so bad :^)
Oh, herro!
Well if they were smart they'd be liberals, but we shouldn't blame them for being mentally ill, they need our care and protection, not our disdain :^)

so how are you supposed to shave yer own butthole??

dude if i have to eat a pussy out she can at least suck my sweaty dick and balls you scum

Dude, stop.

>so how are you supposed to shave yer own butthole??

With a razor while taking a shower? Just use shower gel as shaving cream.

I also sometimes use Nair down there :^)

Republican, when you consider how many projecting closet-homos their political leaders have that get caught in gay prostitute scandals. Guessing Pence is only a matter of time

>if i have to eat a pussy

lmao enjoy your femdom fantasies! And to think that you called ME a cuck, hahaha

they get perky when played with ;--)
but only if i can eat a trail of sauerkraut down your chest to your bratswurst

their mindset is so archaic tho :^(

yeah so i mean most people don't have a neck like a giraffe. its hard enough to look at your gluten in the mirror to judge squat progress. i wouldn't want to shave my own booty.

gently with a razor and cream
nair for the inside of the cheeks/cheeks

next level: epilator (i'll never go back)
God tier: in home IPL treatment

squat over a mirror silly billy :-)

checks out

Then don't shave your entire body (even though you should because body hair is gross) but at least trim your pubes, and shave your balls and taint so you don't smell like crap down there

i'am sorry you are a cuck an manlet, also who cares about prostitutes

shaving your pubes into a landing strip is the best looking

>God tier: in home IPL treatment

Doesn't work on me because my body hair is really light and that only works on darker hair

Luckily I'm pretty smooth overall, I just have pubes and a tiny amount of butt hair that I get rid off. Oddly I have hairs on my toes tho :^)

>shaving your pubes into a landing strip is the best looking

I give my dick a Hitler stache sometimes to make it look intimidating. It never works though, but it makes me feel good :^)

you will be caring about them when you realise theyre your only source of action :^)

he's got delish abs tho so height doesnt matter hunny :^)