does Lepen intend to finall shut down your filthy old nuclear plants you are operating everywhere in your shitty country, especially close to our border? I ask this because your retarded leftist politicians segolen royal or whatever her name is, refuses to shut them down eventhough your plants are riddled every months with new incidents and problems.
Question to frenchfags
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There's nothing wrong with nuclear energy, mister ecolobbyist.
yeah it isnt but not if you arent even able to really master it with old junk piece of shit nuclear plants which report every month incidents because you are too dumb to uphold safety regulations.
At this point a nuclear disaster would be the best solution to start a civil unrest in order to get rid of negros and arabs. I welcome the destruction of the state and the death of millions of sheeps. Natural selection must come back.
source from wikipedia:
>Le 23 février, le directeur Guy Catrix assure que la centrale est "robuste"47. 3 jours plus tard, un rapport de l'expert en ingénierie nucléaire, Manfred Mertins, recommande de fermer immédiatement la centrale en y pointant toute une liste de défauts de sécurité48.
your leftist politicians are dumb shits
will Lepen be the same way?
lol you mean all rich people (and politicians) fleeing with private planes far away whle we have to suffer? There will be no civil war in that case. Just apathy.
Le Pen won't get elected and that doesn't matter, she's the most leftist thinking individual of all the possible candidates.
It has to be quick and unpredictable, they won't be able to flee away. And even if they do manage to escape, they'll leave the soil for us to rebuild our nation.
>rayerait le Grand Duché de la carte
lol who cares
Shut down nuclear plant and use what else you inbreed belgium monkeys ? Coal like our coalburner faglord neighbor known as germanistan ? We dont want to become china number 2 like merkelreich.
>Le Pen won't get elected
why not?
we give salary to almost 100k of your citizen. Don't forget that. Without us, all these people would have no job anymore.
how about we put a old piece of junk nuclear plant 10km close to your house which has every week new incidents? No problem right?
Based Mélenchon wants to shut them down.
has he a chance being elected?
Because Fillon has been put there specifically by the elites to counter her program. Polls show that Fillon is already far ahead of her. I know >hurr durr polls mean nothing but this is France and we have a history of not letting Front National win by massive propaganda. Fillon and Sarkozy will walk hand in hand through presidency.
There is no saving France by democratic means, we need a collapse, a Tabula Rasa and rebuild from the ground up. We are so far gone neck-deep in shit that even most of our extremists believe that "patriot muslims" exist and that they should stay in France/Europe .
>we give salary to almost 100k of your citizen. Don't forget that. Without us, all these people would have no job anymore.
I just googled. Fillon doesn't want to shut down the plants :( What a faggot
Hope he won't get elected
Some radiation might do you good Luxembourg, maybe you'll grow an extra mile of border
its time to go bed yank, adults talking here
Nigger. everybody in France is surrounded by nuclear plant. We have 58 reactors accross the country. There will never be an accident. And if there is one i hope the nearest plant to your shit country explode and we get ride of environmentalist liberals like you.
la chancla
If they don't vote Le Pen in your see migrants from Isis on work exsperiance in planets .
Fillons economic program was written by the Bilderberg group, in fact , its leader, Henri de Castries is said to be Fillions economic minister in case of a republican victory, so yeah I dont think they care about the nuclear safety and shit.
>close to our border?
We don't have any border.
Our plants are also some of the best operated in the world. And yes, they're shit, so maybe you should question everyone else as well.
Also sea water is a nice protection against radiation, your flooded country will be fine.
I'm not even an environmentalist, if you read my posts, you would see that I said I have no problem with nuclear energy.
The problem is that you frenchfags are too dumb to uphold security regulations
If death squads cleansing the subhumans aren't formed in the next six months, i'm out of France tbf
France is doomed if no genocide soon, much like the rest of the west.
Only last week there was black smoke coming from the plant again. Someone had to call the police to even know whats going on. Your own securitw staff at the plant didn't know what was going. Your retarded EDF or what its called is too dumb
I can't understand what you wrote. Are you saying Isis want to get jobs at France's nuclear power plants?
where should we go friend? I'm thinking about doing the same.
I can't take a country seriously that's smaller than our smallest state. Do you even have a constitution or do you just borrow one from Belgium on the weekends?
lol who cares
yeah we do have one. We're one of the freest country of europe. germany for example doesn't have a real constitution
Won't happen directly for another 15-20 years. We'll need to lose another few thousands citizens to terrorism before the general public even starts talking about reducing gun control. Really don't expect anything like that to happen just yet.
What might happen is an economic crash and that would bring a massive civil unrest which would obviously start a state of lawlessness. That's why we preppers are so scared these days.
they'd be dead anyway
just like you btw
you too btw, because whole france would be fucked
You're probably a fag who did nothing up to now, and has only recently turned right-wing after Abdel stole your phone.
Yes France is doomed, yes RWDS would be preferable but hey you get what you deserved after 300+ years of hedonism.
I'm going to Japon personally. The country should stay human for at least 80-120 years.
So have I been wasting my time shilling for Le Pen(is :DDD)?
thinking about going to australia
no i'd be fine i'm in the south west
What do you want me to do while i'm still human ?
Go and do a breivik ?
We all saw how effective it was in awakening/galvanising. As in, not at all.
>country use 74% nuclear energy
>claiming you can come out of it when no alternative exist
>not creating 4th gen nuclear fission generators while funding ITER for the future
it appear our superiority has led to some controversy
>4th gen
yeah in our dreams.. your shitty government wants to keep these old piece of shit junk plants until 2050
>ITER operational in 2020
>FN want to pull out EU to pull all the Billion we waste into ITER
>Achieve nuclear fusion
>Every country ask for gib tech
>make them pay Billion
Nigga we're not even only 4th gen fission we're 1rst gen Fusion too
France is the n1 nuclear superpower in term of energy, we're likely the only country who could easily transition to 4th gen.
Choose the area well, not just the ethnic composition matters, but also the voting pattern, also check if there's lot of charity and others things displaying pathological altruism.
If they love to vote for subhuman grooming, it's but a question of time before there're flooded, willingly, by subhumans.
Living among the bogans maybe ? Or just in a middle of nowhere and try to live as much in autarcy as possible ?
Well, good luck, just always keep track of the local climate and always be ready to move out.
Australia, by virtue of being out of the way, will last longer but it's still an european nation and so is also doomed.
You can start your own independent modern tribe. Think only about the well-being and moral purity of your members (~30 men at most +women and children, so a few famillies nothing bigger). Stop caring about pieces of trah only because they vote for the same party as you do.
Damn, I was expecting some Luxembourgish bantz but you're no fun. Now I feel like a dick
I am sorry, but my awareness level is stuck temporally in the long-term and spatially on a planetary level. Sure, if everybody would do that we may have a way out, but we both know not everybody would do that.
Though i do intend to do just that, though in much more massive numbers thanks to the artificial womb and its scalability enabling industrial reproduction.
Not necessarily to save europeankind though, just for my personal blood.
I honestly do not think the european species is worth saving and nurturing towards Eternity.
Maybe if you slaughter your traitors and show even the start of a will to look towards the future, i will consider it.
Its just morning and no bantz feeling right now
fuck this plant
>worrying about Cattenom
>When Fessenheim exists
Also yes, Ségolène Royal is a greedy incompetent cunt that should be hanged
don't know anything about it
is it even worse?
>our border
You mean OUR border, right ?
>going to fill up my car today.
>buy coffe and cigarettes.
/end of self blog
Si elle pète ça tuera les CPF à Mulhouse et Strasbourg au moins.
> Implying we don't want to make Juncker's country a radioactive wasteland
Moien wei geet et
you sound like an asshole OP
hope it vaporize your tax evading "country"
It's the oldest one, but at least our engineers aren't shit enough to pull the ukranian "let go supercrititcal to see if security triggers" so i'd say you're safe from meltdown for the next 20 years, in fact it would be harder to achieve it since the potency is being slowly lost.
It's even older and has about as much problems as Cattenom. It should have been closed years ago but that bitch keeps reporting the closing date. It's also not that far from Cattenom so you guys would eat up the radiation in case of an accident
>two paragraph article
>made by journalist who are liberal ecologist and probably don't even know the difference in between Fission and Fusion
>no radiation leak
>no actual meltdown
>just maintenance
You are retarded.
Politicians are cheap fuck, they keep the money to buy the vote of welfare recipients.
>we give salary to almost 100k of your citizen. Don't forget that. Without us, all these people would have no job anymore.
Kek, do you really believe that ?
We would got back a shitton of money if Luxembourg was removed from the map tomorrow, you are basically sucking the wealth of Germany, France and Netherlands with dumping.
No but there's something wrong with nuclear waste you turbo retard.
>dig one kilometer deep into earth
>cast waste into 10 meter concrete sarcophagus
>estimated to be able to escape in more than 100k years
>a problem
Nuclear energy is literally HIGH ENERGY
We should just send the nuclear waste to the Moon
But coping with the waste in case of nuclear accident is just not worth the risk. Also,so much infrastructure to stock waste instead of investing in cleaner energy, right, brilliant idea.
On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with having cleaner energy.
nigger we already have underground waste disposal we made the investement might as well use it
also you think waste disposal right now is hard and you're talking about dismantling whole reactors whilst not funding waste disposal which is literally cognitive dissonance since if you want to dismantle thoses you need waste disposal.
Also where the fuck are you going to find 74% of France electricity and don't tell me solar panels and wind because thoses don't work 24h/7d and are not viable as the only source of electricity.
Do you think we have the money to convert our 70% nuclear power to green power?
green power is not even a viable solution, the quantity of Terrain needed and batteries if you go for solar and wind is just ridiculous and would cost more than twenty times than the whole ITER project.
Green energy is a fucking meme,it's only good for small generation of energy to act as relief for actual powerplants.
The best strategy would be to Accelerate the ITER project and the Bure laboratory project to do a Transition from Fission to Fusion.
Which is what FN want.
there probably isn't enough value in all the economic resources bar none on the entire planet to hypothetically produce that much renewable power
this is a pure hypothetical because there are probably also not enough acres of land to do whatever you were going to do with windmills and panels, and even if you did get it set up there's a good chance it would not work anyway
>setup solar panels in africa
>get covered by dust in 3 days
>mass electric BLACKout
ecologists: yeah but nuclear isn't reliable :^)
>we made the investement might as well use it
We should have annexed Belgium and Luxenbourg and kept Building the Line to be fair
This was more a case of our generals being dumb and not completing the line
>investing in cleaner energy
Might as well invest in magic pixie dust instead, that would be a more realistic and less wasteful plan.
ITER best best energy souce desu
>Fusion produce more energy than Fission
>Produce no radioactivity
>Produce no Waste
>No risk of meltdown
>Use very small quantity of Deuterium and Tritium
>Already studied internationaly
>Can produce electricity non stop
Literally Hydroelectric tier but whilst not changing water and the environement and being available on most terrain and small.
The only three form of energy viable in the future are Nuclear Fusion,Geothermal and Hydroelectric.
Anything else is a meme