This is what happens when you don't give the cute white outcast a satisfying sympathy blowjob. They shoot up a school. You fucked up Sup Forums.
This is what happens when you don't give the cute white outcast a satisfying sympathy blowjob. They shoot up a school...
see you guys at school
Guns don't kill people, frustrated virgins do
Wat the hell is this, the '90's?
Let this be a lesson to all you normies out there.
Top fucking kek
black chick was cute desu
Why he looks like a Finn?
Are you a school shooter?
Have you ever shot a big crowd, like a, like a full class of kids?
Have you ever tried a Walther p22?
Alright, I can see that I will have to teach you, how to be, virgins!
*loads glock*
>based school shooter shows up just in time to prevent race mixing
Chris needs to look more like a nerd to gain my sympathy.
He also downright flipped off a chick who wanted him.
This guy has no right to start a school shooting.
also, get the gets
>Stacey is still horny for Chad with guns
>I can't even get a fat gf
End me
finns are natural born school shooters
why is it always the chinks...
This is going to be memed into oblivion
Holy shit at those mongoloidal features...
>tfw Pekka had a gf before he went all mongol on Jokela
>tfw can't even get a fat chick
If I pulled those headphones off, would he die?
See this shooter is ass ugly and looks like he regulars /r9k/. He looks more like a school shooter.
>being wanted by a qt grill
>posting a photo of himself on instagram and immediately getting 56 likes - not only that, but more likes the teen girl the kid scrolled through just above him
>looking like a regular non-uggo white normie teen
normies don't shoot up schools, not to mention POPULAR normies.
This kid would be a Chad by /r9k/ standards. Totally unrealistic.
also, the fact that they highlighted him reading a guns and ammo magazine in a library and watching a hunting video on youtube as "signs" is the stupidest fucking thing ever. this is literal propaganda. forget about the "white kid school shooter" meme and the racemixing aspect that Sup Forums will latch onto or the "beta uprising" meme that /r9k/ aspect might latch onto; at its core, this is clearly fearmongering propaganda designed to demonize anyone who shows even any remote interest in firearms and make the viewers assume they are school shooters/spree killers or whatever the fuck. ridiculous.
Noticed the guy reading the powershooter magazine behind him after 5 second and instantly realized it would be nofuns propagand, at 40 sec it was even more obvious.
From /r9k/
I can't believe the chutzpah of these kikes still using Sandy Hoax to push their narrative
How many school shootings will this inspire
What really happened to those kids?
You wanna know what goes through a school shooter's head?
Despair. No goal or at least nothing but a series of failures. His classmates don't care about him but they determine his social life and standing and he can't seem to be accepted.
Whatever he does. Whoever he talks to. Nobody cares about him.
So, as a heaping pile of failure who will never be anything or do anything he wants, why not shoot the people who sent him to the hellhole of isolation to begin with?
>got more likes than the others
>Comments are disabled for this video.
Also no white guy would seriously flirt with unwhite females unless he was a cuck
They should have had him browsing r9k desu. That is probably the biggest warning sign.
>not fucking qt traps
Why not post the superior version??
some of guys are allright, dont be in the Habbo Hotel tomorrow.
Check traps are good?
Post some
Why the fuck are Nords and Finns so fucking ugly.
who is this beautiful man?
What kind of mangy mixed breed is the love-interest girl? Asian-Black-White?
This warmed my heart.
She is halfie. Her white mother went black and never went back.
I need this to be a full-scale hour-long drama so I can fully encapsulate Chris's backstory and motivations. I need to know what is the next step in his master plan.
her features are too white/asian for her to be JUST a mix between black and white.
The "signs" part was hilarious. Great video.
>comments and ratings disabled
Every single fucking time.
This is most accurate
Forsen, a hearthstone player and twitch streamer.
>be noncute, white outcaste
>don't shoot up school
Did I dun goofed, Sup Forums?
thank you
I'll watch his videos and cry about my falling hair.
Shoot up the reunion, it's not too late yet mate
left-handed are are faggots — it's science.
I got expelled so I don't think I get invited
Top fucking kek
user, the picture is mirrored.
Then crash it. You'll even have the element of surprise.
God i hate BOTDF.
Anyway, does shit like this even happen in US schools? Paper balls and random water fountain shit?
I get it's got to be so cliché for a reason since it must have happened at some point. Just seems so weak. Kids that got bullied at my tiny school just got bad names and the occassional headbutt
I think I might be too polite for that. I guess I'm just not cut out for school shootings
that guy in the back seems like a bro
What white kid is going to read in library in currentyear? Torah?
Think about it...
It's a school library during what I assume is a free/study period. Not too unlikely.
They were taken to comet pizza.
This, people are selfish, they only care about themselves and they will treat you like shit if your slightly different, the propaganda shouldn't encourage shit like this, Elliot Roger was reported like 3 time's. Take a minute out of your day to help kid's with antisocial behaviours, a simple smile and hello will brighten his day, I used to be that kid and small gestures like this kept me from killing myself, people here in Mexico are either brutality abusive (mentally) or extremely friendly, the worst day's where when everyone treated me like an insect or a ghost, people either despised me or just acted like I wasn't there.
He kinda looks like Sam Hyde, too.
Why doesn't it work? Mirror please
I was literally just like the Columbine shooters in school and I didn't kill anyone.
This is just going to make outcasts lash out more if they got people fucking with them and asking about their feelings all the time.
When I think Columbine I'm going to instantly think this movie and feel sick.
Kek that music when he showed up
You know what's really rude, user? People being happy right in our ugly mugs. They got the good looks, the good parents, the good jobs, the gfs, and because we weren't born the right way, we've been denied everything, and mocked for it. Aren't you tired of their happiness, aren't you angry at them for living such good lives while you're told to consider yourself lucky when you get some scraps? It wouldn't be rude to crash that reunion and blow those smug grins along with their faces. It would be cosmic justice.
This would be good if you changed what the kid was looking on to a time magazine of Trump and a video of Trump etc.
kek I just wanted to make a version with that song
outcasts are outcasts because their parents are shit tbqhh familia
Of course he's blonde. Why are blonde people always complete psychos in media?
Ahh God Damnit. Didn't even know this was a thing.
I don't know what world they are living in but christians were fucking sleazy manipulative cunts in school in the 90s.
Well I guess I know what world the one that uses (((tragedy))) for agendas and shit.
>gun mags and youtube videos are signs of terrorism
fuck off kike
Yeah, but that would imply trump supporters commit school shootings. I considered it, but decided not to
Nah it's not that.
I had a great family and wasn't poor.
I just found out pretty quick I shouldn't bother talking to anyone because they would use it against me in some way. So I shutdown socially for the entire duration of middle to high school.
Columbine changed the game though for me. It made the kids scared of me and I wasn't bullied anymore and lived in quiet bliss for the last few years of school.
Just so happened to be a trenchcoat wearing outcast long before Columbine happened.
Was awesome desu senpai. No one fucked with me ever again.
I thought it would imply that Jep got bullied by Trump so hard that he shot up a school.
Needs more ALLAH AKBAR!
School shooters are born when doctors give out happy pills like they're fucking candy.
Jeb is a wreck
For fucks sake. My sides weren't ready.
Public school commies deserve a bullet.
If I make a Roundabout version of this, are the UK Unacceptable Behaviour police going to come and get me?
Low energy
>US high school
>everybody looks like 35
>not already having one in the chamber
I bet all of the band members are transgender too.
>Sup Forums bitches when the media always represents petty criminals and gang members as white males when they're statistically more likely to be black males
>Sup Forums bitches when the media always represents school shooters as white males when this is statistically most likely to be the case
I don't blame you on the first one, but at least admit that you're actually just butthurt about white dudes being shown in any negative fashion rather than the media being "realistic".
This film makes me respect/relate to the shooters more though.
Don't make me laugh at dying children while i'm at the fucking airport! It's not right!!
> Elliot Rodger is white
How come the most school violence is committed by blacks?